标签:class 分配 部分 适用于 ica rest [] 为我 实际应用
k近邻法(k-nearest neighbors algorigthm) 是一种最基本的用于分类和回归的方法之一,当没有关于训练数据的分布时,首先最容易想到的就是采用k近邻法。
x=[x1,x2, ... , xn]T
其中,q >= 1.
当q=1,为曼哈顿距离(Manhattan distance)
当q=2,为欧式距离(Euclidean distance)
对于分类变量(categorical variables),则使用汉明距离(Hamming distance),
kd树(k-dimensional tree)是一种空间切分的数据结构,是一种特殊二叉树,很奇怪的是,k维到底是什么含义?唔,我也没有去想搞清楚它,但显然不是指k近邻法中的k,也不是指数据点的维度n,
我这里就把k-d树看成一个整体,名字就要k-d tree, -_-!! 比如使用二维空间的数据集生成2维的k-d tree
输入:数据集 T = {x1, x2, ... , xN}, y忽略不写,其中x是n维向量
输出:n维 kd树
public class Point { /// <summary> /// 数据点的实数空间特征向量 /// </summary> public double[] vector; public Point(double[] vector) { this.vector = vector; } /// <summary> /// 计算两个点之间的欧式距离 /// </summary> /// <param name="other"></param> /// <returns></returns> public double Distance(Point other) { if (this.vector.Length != other.vector.Length) throw new Exception(""); double squareSum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < vector.Length; i++) { squareSum += Math.Pow((vector[i] - other.vector[i]), 2); } return Math.Sqrt(squareSum); } public bool EqualsTo(Point other) { if (vector.Length != other.vector.Length) return false; for(int i = 0; i < vector.Length; i++) { if (vector[i] != other.vector[i]) return false; } return true; } } public class Range { public double[,] boundaries; public static Range CreateInf(int dim) { var r = new Range(dim); for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { r.boundaries[i, 0] = double.MinValue; r.boundaries[i, 1] = double.MaxValue; } return r; } public Range(int dim) { boundaries = new double[dim,2]; } public Range(double[,] boundaries) { this.boundaries = boundaries; } public Range Intersect(Range r) { if (r.boundaries.Length != this.boundaries.Length) throw new Exception(""); var range = new Range(this.boundaries.Length); for(int i = 0; i < this.boundaries.Length; i++) { var leftMax = this.boundaries[i,0] > r.boundaries[i,0] ? this.boundaries[i, 0] : r.boundaries[i, 0]; var rightMin = this.boundaries[i, 1] < r.boundaries[i, 1] ? this.boundaries[i, 1] : r.boundaries[i, 1]; range.boundaries[i, 0] = leftMax; range.boundaries[i, 1] = rightMin; } return range; } /// <summary> /// 经过点并垂直于坐标轴切割空间,并获取左侧(轴上较小值)空间 /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="axis">轴标号,从0开始</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Range LeftRange(Point p, int axis) { if (axis >= p.vector.Length) throw new Exception(""); var range = CreateInf(p.vector.Length); range.boundaries[axis, 1] = p.vector[axis]; return range; } public static Range RightRange(Point p, int axis) { if (axis >= p.vector.Length) throw new Exception(""); var range = CreateInf(p.vector.Length); range.boundaries[axis, 0] = p.vector[axis]; return range; } } public class TreeNode { /// <summary> /// related point /// </summary> public Point point; /// <summary> /// perpendicular on which axis the splitted hyperplane is /// </summary> public int axis; public TreeNode parent; public TreeNode left; public TreeNode right; public Range range; public bool isVisited; public bool isLeftVisited; } public class KDTree { /// <summary> /// root of this K-D tree /// </summary> public TreeNode root; /// <summary> /// dimension /// </summary> public int dim; /// <summary> /// Constructor according to a given list of trainning points /// </summary> /// <param name="points"></param> public KDTree(List<Point> points) { dim = points[0].vector.Length; root = new TreeNode() { range = Range.CreateInf(dim) }; RecursivelyConstruct(root, points, 0); } /// <summary> /// 递归构造K-D树,直到所有数据点被分配完成 /// </summary> /// <param name="node">当前需要确定对应哪个数据点的节点</param> /// <param name="points">当前未分配的数据点</param> /// <param name="depth">当前节点的深度(root为0)</param> private void RecursivelyConstruct(TreeNode node, List<Point> points, int depth) { if(points.Count == 1) { node.point = points[0]; return; } var axis = GetAxis4SplitByVar(points); var m = GetMedianIndex(points, axis); node.axis = axis; node.point = points[m]; if (m > 0) // has left subregion { var t = CreateChildNode(node, true, m, axis, points); RecursivelyConstruct(t.Item1, t.Item2, depth + 1); } if(m < points.Count - 1) // has right subregion { var t = CreateChildNode(node, false, m, axis, points); RecursivelyConstruct(t.Item1, t.Item2, depth + 1); } } /// <summary> /// 搜索与给定点最近的点 /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Point SearchNearestNode(Point p) { var stack = new Stack<TreeNode>(); // to store those visited nodes DownRecurseSearch(p, root, stack); var leaf = stack.Pop(); var node = Traceback(p, leaf, stack); return node.point; } /// <summary> /// 向下递归访问节点直到遇到叶节点 /// 考虑了某一个子节点为空的情况 /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="n"></param> /// <param name="stack"></param> private void DownRecurseSearch(Point p, TreeNode n, Stack<TreeNode> stack) { stack.Push(n); n.isVisited = true; if (n.left == null && n.right == null) return; // leaf reached if (GoDownLeftFirst(p, n)) // go down left as soon as posssible { if(n.left != null && !n.left.isVisited) DownRecurseSearch(p, n.left, stack); else if(n.right != null && !n.right.isVisited) DownRecurseSearch(p, n.right, stack); } else // go down right as soon as posssible { if (n.left != null && !n.left.isVisited) DownRecurseSearch(p, n.left, stack); else if (n.right != null && !n.right.isVisited) DownRecurseSearch(p, n.right, stack); } } /// <summary> /// 继续向下访问节点的子节点,true -> left child node; false -> right child node /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="n"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool GoDownLeftFirst(Point p, TreeNode n) { var axis = n.axis; return p.vector[axis] < n.point.vector[axis]; } /// <summary> /// 向上回溯查找最近邻点 /// </summary> /// <param name="p">目标点</param> /// <param name="n">当前最近邻点</param> /// <param name="stack">已访问过的节点</param> /// <returns></returns> private TreeNode Traceback(Point p, TreeNode n, Stack<TreeNode> stack) { if (stack.Count == 0) return n; var parent = stack.Pop(); // parent node of the current node n // check current node and its parent which is nearer to destination p? var dn = p.Distance(n.point); // distance between n and p, and let it be the currently nearest distance var dp = p.Distance(parent.point); // distance between parent and p if (dp < dn) { dn = dp; // update the currently nearest distance n = parent; // update the currently nearest node } if (Intersect(p, dn, parent)) // 如果p为球心,当前最短距离为半径的超球体与父节点的切割超平明相交,则有必要去父节点的另一个空间向下递归查找最近邻点 { // 当前父节点的另一个子空间,考虑了另一个子空间可能不存在数据点的情况 TreeNode other = null; if (parent.left != null && !parent.left.isVisited) other = parent.left; else if (parent.right != null && !parent.right.isVisited) other = parent.right; if(other != null) { var localStack = new Stack<TreeNode>(); DownRecurseSearch(p, other, localStack); var localNode = Traceback(p, localStack.Pop(), localStack); // get the nearest node in this local sub region // update the min distance and nearest node if needed var localDist = p.Distance(localNode.point); if(localDist < dn) { dn = localDist; n = localNode; } } } // go on up-traceback return Traceback(p, n, stack); } /// <summary> /// 以p为球心,radis为半径的超球体,是否与经过点n且与垂直于n的axis的超平面(切割超平面)相交 /// </summary> /// <param name="p">目标点</param> /// <param name="radis">当前的最近距离</param> /// <param name="n">被考察的节点</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool Intersect(Point p, double radis, TreeNode n) { var axis = n.axis; return Math.Abs(p.vector[axis] - n.point.vector[axis]) < radis; } /// <summary> /// 创建子节点 /// </summary> /// <param name="parent">父节点</param> /// <param name="isLeft">是否为左子节点</param> /// <param name="m">父节点对应空间的数据集中位数索引</param> /// <param name="axis">作用维度</param> /// <param name="points">父节点对应空间的数据集</param> /// <returns></returns> private Tuple<TreeNode, List<Point>> CreateChildNode(TreeNode parent, bool isLeft, int m, int axis, List<Point> points) { var subRegion = isLeft ? points.Take(m).ToList() : points.Skip(m + 1).ToList(); var node = new TreeNode(); node.parent = node; var range = isLeft ? Range.LeftRange(points[m], axis) : Range.RightRange(points[m], axis); node.range = parent.range.Intersect(range); if (isLeft) parent.left = node; else parent.right = node; return new Tuple<TreeNode, List<Point>>(node, subRegion); } /// <summary> /// 选择方差最大的那个维度 /// </summary> /// <param name="points"></param> /// <returns></returns> private int GetAxis4SplitByVar(List<Point> points) { var dim = points[0].vector.Length; var aves = new double[dim]; double max = 0; int axis = 0; for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { aves[i] = points.Sum(p => p.vector[i]) / dim; var variance = points.Sum(p => Math.Pow((p.vector[i] - aves[i]), 2)) / dim; if (max < variance) { max = variance; axis = i; } } return axis; } /// <summary> /// 根据深度,轮选维度 /// </summary> /// <param name="depth"></param> /// <param name="dim"></param> /// <returns></returns> private int GetAxis4SplitByDep(int depth, int dim) => depth % dim; /// <summary> /// Given a list of points and the concerned axis, get the index at which the point has a median on the concerned axis /// </summary> /// <param name="points"></param> /// <param name="axis"></param> /// <returns></returns> private int GetMedianIndex(List<Point> points, int axis) { QuickSort(points, 0, points.Count - 1, axis); return points.Count / 2; } private void QuickSort(List<Point> points, int start, int end, int axis) { if(start < end) { int s = start; int e = end; var pivot_i = (start + end) / 2; var pivot_v = points[pivot_i].vector[axis]; while (s < e) { while (s < e && points[s].vector[axis] <= pivot_v) { s++; } while (e > s && points[e].vector[axis] >= pivot_v) { e--; } if (s < e) { var temp = points[s]; points[s] = points[e]; points[e--] = temp; } } QuickSort(points, start, s - 1, axis); QuickSort(points, s + 1, end, axis); } } }
标签:class 分配 部分 适用于 ica rest [] 为我 实际应用