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Dual Core CPU
Description As more and more computers are equipped with dual core CPU, SetagLilb, the Chief Technology Officer of TinySoft Corporation, decided to update their famous product - SWODNIW. The routine consists of N modules, and each of them should run in a certain core. The costs for all the routines to execute on two cores has been estimated. Let‘s define them as Ai and Bi. Meanwhile, M pairs of modules need to do some data-exchange. If they are running on the same core, then the cost of this action can be ignored. Otherwise, some extra cost are needed. You should arrange wisely to minimize the total cost. Input There are two integers in the first line of input data, N and M (1 ≤ N ≤ 20000, 1 ≤ M ≤ 200000) . Output Output only one integer, the minimum total cost. Sample Input 3 1 1 10 2 10 10 3 2 3 1000 Sample Output 13 Source
POJ Monthly--2007.11.25, Zhou Dong
Verson 2:
s->任务i //模块B的cost
任务i->t //模块A的cost
任务i->任务j //(i,j)不在一个集合的cost。注意最小割,要2个方向(最小割仅仅保证s->t没路径,t->s的路径不用割)
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #include<functional> #include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<cctype> #include<ctime> using namespace std; #define For(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) #define Fork(i,k,n) for(int i=k;i<=n;i++) #define Rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define ForD(i,n) for(int i=n;i;i--) #define RepD(i,n) for(int i=n;i>=0;i--) #define Forp(x) for(int p=pre[x];p;p=next[p]) #define Forpiter(x) for(int &p=iter[x];p;p=next[p]) #define Lson (x<<1) #define Rson ((x<<1)+1) #define MEM(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a)); #define MEMI(a) memset(a,127,sizeof(a)); #define MEMi(a) memset(a,128,sizeof(a)); #define INF (2139062143) #define F (100000007) #define MAXn (20000+10) #define MAXm (200000+10) #define MAXN (MAXn+2) #define MAXM ((MAXn*2+MAXm*2)*2+100) long long mul(long long a,long long b){return (a*b)%F;} long long add(long long a,long long b){return (a+b)%F;} long long sub(long long a,long long b){return (a-b+(a-b)/F*F+F)%F;} typedef long long ll; class Max_flow //dinic+当前弧优化 { public: int n,s,t; int q[MAXN]; int edge[MAXM],next[MAXM],pre[MAXN],weight[MAXM],size; void addedge(int u,int v,int w) { edge[++size]=v; weight[size]=w; next[size]=pre[u]; pre[u]=size; } void addedge2(int u,int v,int w){addedge(u,v,w),addedge(v,u,0);} bool b[MAXN]; int d[MAXN]; bool SPFA(int s,int t) { For(i,n) d[i]=INF; MEM(b) d[q[1]=s]=0;b[s]=1; int head=1,tail=1; while (head<=tail) { int now=q[head++]; Forp(now) { int &v=edge[p]; if (weight[p]&&!b[v]) { d[v]=d[now]+1; b[v]=1,q[++tail]=v; } } } return b[t]; } int iter[MAXN]; int dfs(int x,int f) { if (x==t) return f; Forpiter(x) { int v=edge[p]; if (weight[p]&&d[x]<d[v]) { int nowflow=dfs(v,min(weight[p],f)); if (nowflow) { weight[p]-=nowflow; weight[p^1]+=nowflow; return nowflow; } } } return 0; } int max_flow(int s,int t) { int flow=0; while(SPFA(s,t)) { For(i,n) iter[i]=pre[i]; int f; while (f=dfs(s,INF)) flow+=f; } return flow; } void mem(int n,int s,int t) { (*this).n=n; (*this).t=t; (*this).s=s; size=1; MEM(pre) } }S; int n,m; int main() { // freopen("poj3469.in","r",stdin); // freopen(".out","w",stdout); scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); int s=1,t=n+2; S.mem(n+2,s,t); For(i,n) { int ai,bi; scanf("%d%d",&ai,&bi); S.addedge2(i+1,t,ai); S.addedge2(s,i+1,bi); } For(i,m) { int a,b,w; scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&w); S.addedge(a+1,b+1,w); S.addedge(b+1,a+1,w); } cout<<S.max_flow(s,t)<<endl; return 0; }
POJ 3469(Dual Core CPU-最小割)[Template:网络流dinic V2]
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