标签:nbsp which view icp ant queue efi span oid
Highway |
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HighwayIn ICPCCamp there were n towns conveniently numbered with 1,2,…,n connected with (n?1) roads. The i-th road connecting towns ai and bi has length ci. It is guaranteed that any two cities reach each other using only roads. Bobo would like to build (n?1) highways so that any two towns reach each using only highways. Building a highway between towns x and y costs him δ(x,y) cents, where δ(x,y) is the length of the shortest path between towns x and yusing roads. As Bobo is rich, he would like to find the most expensive way to build the (n?1) highways. InputThe input contains zero or more test cases and is terminated by end-of-file. For each test case: The first line contains an integer n. The i-th of the following (n?1) lines contains three integers ai, bi and ci.
OutputFor each test case, output an integer which denotes the result. Sample Input5 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 4 2 3 5 1 5 1 2 2 1 4 1 3 4 1 4 5 2 Sample Output19 15 |
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <queue> #include <set> #include <map> #include <list> #include <stack> #define mp make_pair typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; const int MAX=1e5+5; const int INF=1e9+5; const double M=4e18; using namespace std; const int MOD=1e9+7; typedef pair<int,int> pii; typedef pair<int,long long> pil; const double eps=0.000000001; int n; vector<pil> edge[MAX]; int a,b; ll c; ll d[MAX]; bool vi[MAX]; int lo1,lo2; ll oh; int findlong(int st) { memset(vi,false,sizeof(vi)); vi[st]=true; queue<pil> que; ll dismax=0,dis; int an,tem; que.push(mp(st,0LL)); while(!que.empty()) { tem=que.front().first; dis=que.front().second; pil lin; que.pop(); for(int i=0;i<edge[tem].size();i++) { lin=edge[tem][i]; if(!vi[lin.first]) { vi[lin.first]=true; if(dismax<dis+lin.second) { dismax=dis+lin.second; an=lin.first; } que.push(mp(lin.first,dis+lin.second)); } } } oh=dismax; return an; } void dfs(int st) { memset(vi,false,sizeof(vi)); vi[st]=true; queue<pil> que; int tem; ll dis; que.push(mp(st,0LL)); while(!que.empty()) { tem=que.front().first; dis=que.front().second; pil lin; que.pop(); d[tem]=max(d[tem],dis); for(int i=0;i<edge[tem].size();i++) { lin=edge[tem][i]; if(!vi[lin.first]) { vi[lin.first]=true; que.push(mp(lin.first,dis+lin.second)); } } } } ll finan; int main() { while(~scanf("%d",&n)) { if(n==1) {printf("0\n");continue;} oh=0LL; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { edge[i].clear(); d[i]=0LL; } for(int i=1;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d%d%I64d",&a,&b,&c); edge[a].push_back(mp(b,c)); edge[b].push_back(mp(a,c)); } lo1=findlong(1); lo2=findlong(lo1); dfs(lo1);dfs(lo2); finan=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { finan+=d[i]; } finan-=oh; cout<<finan<<"\n"; } }
(树的直径)第九届湘潭市大学生程序设计比赛 H-Highway
标签:nbsp which view icp ant queue efi span oid