标签:show 使用 二次 self header esc ready pen ida
sys.getdefaultencoding() ascii
sys.getfilesystemencoding() mbcs
locale.getdefaultlocale() (‘zh_CN‘, ‘cp936‘)
locale.getpreferredencoding() cp936
sys.stdin.encoding UTF-8
sys.stdout.encoding UTF-8
按照http://pyttsx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/engine.html 的说明,传入中文,使用unicode类型,utf-8编码,结果发音并不是输入的内容。
1 #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 2 import sys 3 import pyttsx 4 5 reload(sys) 6 sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") 7 8 text = u‘你好,中文测试‘ 9 engine = pyttsx.init() 10 engine.say(text) 11 engine.runAndWait()
1 #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 2 import sys 3 import pyttsx 4 5 reload(sys) 6 sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") 7 8 text = ‘你好,中文测试‘ 9 engine = pyttsx.init() 10 engine.say(text) 11 engine.runAndWait()
voice = engine.getProperty(‘voice‘)
通过上述语句,获取到的voice是 TTS_MS_ZH-CN_HUIHUI_11.0,在控制面板-语音识别中,可以看到huihui是中文语音,原因不在于此。
1 def __init__(self, engine, driverName, debug): 2 ‘‘‘ 3 Constructor. 4 5 @param engine: Reference to the engine that owns the driver 6 @type engine: L{engine.Engine} 7 @param driverName: Name of the driver module to use under drivers/ or 8 None to select the default for the platform 9 @type driverName: str 10 @param debug: Debugging output enabled or not 11 @type debug: bool 12 ‘‘‘ 13 if driverName is None: 14 # pick default driver for common platforms 15 if sys.platform == ‘darwin‘: 16 driverName = ‘nsss‘ 17 elif sys.platform == ‘win32‘: 18 driverName = ‘sapi5‘ 19 else: 20 driverName = ‘espeak‘ 21 # import driver module 22 name = ‘pyttsx.drivers.%s‘ % driverName 23 self._module = importlib.import_module(name) 24 # build driver instance 25 self._driver = self._module.buildDriver(weakref.proxy(self)) 26 # initialize refs 27 self._engine = engine 28 self._queue = [] 29 self._busy = True 30 self._name = None 31 self._iterator = None 32 self._debug = debug
1 def say(self, text): 2 self._proxy.setBusy(True) 3 self._proxy.notify(‘started-utterance‘) 4 self._speaking = True 5 self._tts.Speak(toUtf8(text), 19)
1 def toUtf8(value): 2 ‘‘‘ 3 Takes in a value and converts it to a text (unicode) type. Then decodes that 4 type to a byte array encoded in utf-8. In 2.X the resulting object will be a 5 str and in 3.X the resulting object will be bytes. In both 2.X and 3.X any 6 object can be passed in and the object‘s __str__ will be used (or __repr__ if 7 __str__ is not defined) if the object is not already a text type. 8 ‘‘‘ 9 return six.text_type(value).encode(‘utf-8‘)
1 # Useful for very coarse version differentiation. 2 PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 3 PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 4 5 if PY3: 6 string_types = str, 7 integer_types = int, 8 class_types = type, 9 text_type = str 10 binary_type = bytes 11 12 MAXSIZE = sys.maxsize 13 else: 14 string_types = basestring, 15 integer_types = (int, long) 16 class_types = (type, types.ClassType) 17 text_type = unicode 18 binary_type = str
sapi5(The Microsoft Speech API)是微软提供的语音API接口,win10系统提供的是最新的5.4版本,pyttsx中say最后调用的就是其中的ISpVoice::Speak接口,MSDN上有详细的介绍。 (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee125024(v=vs.85).aspx)
ISpVoice:: Speak speaks the contents of a text string or file. HRESULT Speak( LPCWSTR *pwcs, DWORD dwFlags, ULONG *pulStreamNumber ); Parameters pwcs [in, string] Pointer to the null-terminated text string (possibly containing XML markup) to be synthesized. This value can be NULL when dwFlags is set to SPF_PURGEBEFORESPEAK indicating that any remaining data to be synthesized should be discarded. If dwFlags is set to SPF_IS_FILENAME, this value should point to a null-terminated, fully qualified path to a file. dwFlags [in] Flags used to control the rendering process for this call. The flag values are contained in the SPEAKFLAGS enumeration. pulStreamNumber [out] Pointer to a ULONG which receives the current input stream number associated with this Speak request. Each time a string is spoken, an associated stream number is returned. Events queued back to the application related to this string will contain this number. If NULL, no value is passed back.
1 function j2() 2 { 3 var fso=new ActiveXObject("SAPI.SpVoice"); 4 fso.Speak(arr[i]); 5 i=i+1; 6 setTimeout(‘j1()‘,100); 7 return i; 8 }
1 #-*- coding: gb18030 -*- 2 import sys 3 import pyttsx 4 import chardet 5 6 reload(sys) 7 sys.setdefaultencoding("gb18030") 8 9 text = ‘你好,中文测试‘ 10 engine = pyttsx.init() 11 engine.say(text) 12 engine.runAndWait()
输入的str(gb18030)--> unicode(系统默认coding,我指定的是"gb18030") --> str(utf8)
看来,如果要使用GBK编码,只能改pyttsx的代码了。难道是pyttsx的源码错了?去github上看看,结果... 好吧,我只能捂脸,大家看代码吧。
1 def say(self, text): 2 self._proxy.setBusy(True) 3 self._proxy.notify(‘started-utterance‘) 4 self._speaking = True 5 self._tts.Speak(str(text), 19)
第5行已经被改成str了,不再是toUtf8了,而且这个修改时16/5发生的,到底我下了一个什么样的版本? 从github上重新下载版本,安装执行最后一个版本,成功。
李逵碰到李鬼? 重新打开第一次的下载,在https://github.com/westonpace/pyttsx 上豁然发现
1 # -*- coding: mbcs -*- 2 # Created by makepy.py version 0.5.01 3 # By python version 2.7.10 (default, May 23 2015, 09:40:32) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] 4 # From type library ‘{C866CA3A-32F7-11D2-9602-00C04F8EE628}‘ 5 # On Thu May 11 15:31:19 2017 6 ‘Microsoft Speech Object Library‘ 7 makepy_version = ‘0.5.01‘ 8 python_version = 0x2070af0 9 10 import win32com.client.CLSIDToClass, pythoncom, pywintypes 11 import win32com.client.util 12 from pywintypes import IID 13 from win32com.client import Dispatch 14 15 # The following 3 lines may need tweaking for the particular server 16 # Candidates are pythoncom.Missing, .Empty and .ArgNotFound 17 defaultNamedOptArg=pythoncom.Empty 18 defaultNamedNotOptArg=pythoncom.Empty 19 defaultUnnamedArg=pythoncom.Empty 20 21 CLSID = IID(‘{C866CA3A-32F7-11D2-9602-00C04F8EE628}‘)
1 def do_gen_file_header(self): 2 la = self.typelib.GetLibAttr() 3 moduleDoc = self.typelib.GetDocumentation(-1) 4 docDesc = "" 5 if moduleDoc[1]: 6 docDesc = moduleDoc[1] 7 8 # Reset all the ‘per file‘ state 9 self.bHaveWrittenDispatchBaseClass = 0 10 self.bHaveWrittenCoClassBaseClass = 0 11 self.bHaveWrittenEventBaseClass = 0 12 # You must provide a file correctly configured for writing unicode. 13 # We assert this is it may indicate somewhere in pywin32 that needs 14 # upgrading. 15 assert self.file.encoding, self.file 16 encoding = self.file.encoding # or "mbcs" 17 18 print >> self.file, ‘# -*- coding: %s -*-‘ % (encoding,) 19 print >> self.file, ‘# Created by makepy.py version %s‘ % (makepy_version,) 20 print >> self.file, ‘# By python version %s‘ % 21 (sys.version.replace("\n", "-"),)
1 def main(): 2 import getopt 3 hiddenSpec = 1 4 outputName = None 5 verboseLevel = 1 6 doit = 1 7 bForDemand = bForDemandDefault 8 try: 9 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], ‘vo:huiqd‘) 10 for o,v in opts: 11 if o==‘-h‘: 12 hiddenSpec = 0 13 elif o==‘-o‘: 14 outputName = v 15 elif o==‘-v‘: 16 verboseLevel = verboseLevel + 1 17 elif o==‘-q‘: 18 verboseLevel = verboseLevel - 1 19 elif o==‘-i‘: 20 if len(args)==0: 21 ShowInfo(None) 22 else: 23 for arg in args: 24 ShowInfo(arg) 25 doit = 0 26 elif o==‘-d‘: 27 bForDemand = not bForDemand 28 29 except (getopt.error, error), msg: 30 sys.stderr.write (str(msg) + "\n") 31 usage() 32 33 if bForDemand and outputName is not None: 34 sys.stderr.write("Can not use -d and -o together\n") 35 usage() 36 37 if not doit: 38 return 0 39 if len(args)==0: 40 rc = selecttlb.SelectTlb() 41 if rc is None: 42 sys.exit(1) 43 args = [ rc ] 44 45 if outputName is not None: 46 path = os.path.dirname(outputName) 47 if path is not ‘‘ and not os.path.exists(path): 48 os.makedirs(path) 49 if sys.version_info > (3,0): 50 f = open(outputName, "wt", encoding="mbcs") 51 else: 52 import codecs # not available in py3k. 53 f = codecs.open(outputName, "w", "mbcs") 54 else: 55 f = None 56 57 for arg in args: 58 GenerateFromTypeLibSpec(arg, f, verboseLevel = verboseLevel, bForDemand = bForDemand, bBuildHidden = hiddenSpec) 59 60 if f: 61 f.close()
标签:show 使用 二次 self header esc ready pen ida