stack@dev1:/opt/stack/neutron$ tail -f /opt/stack/logs/screen/screen-q-svc.log | grep "Rescheduling router"
2014-08-27 06:11:14.713 WARNING neutron.db.l3_agentschedulers_db [-] Rescheduling router 42265639-d335-488c-af40-64a698c2cae5 from agent d6fc8003-59bd-4a68-a36b-8e36872df8cd because the agent did not report to the server in the last 150 seconds.
2014-08-27 06:11:14.782 WARNING neutron.db.l3_agentschedulers_db [-] Rescheduling router 893e7ce6-d838-444b-a03c-831cabdb046a from agent d6fc8003-59bd-4a68-a36b-8e36872df8cd because the agent did not report to the server in the last 150 seconds.