标签:解决 开始 ddr target create 使用 exec flags ring
///< 创建通道 std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> channel = grpc::CreateChannel("", grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials()); ///< 3秒超时 gpr_timespec tm_out{3, 0, GPR_TIMESPAN}; ///< 等待连接 bool connected = channel->WaitForConnected<gpr_timespec>(tm_out); if(connected) { std::cout << "connect success!" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "connect fail!" << std::endl; }
grpc_channel *grpc_channel_create_with_builder( grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_channel_stack_builder *builder, grpc_channel_stack_type channel_stack_type) { ...... channel->target = target; channel->is_client = grpc_channel_stack_type_is_client(channel_stack_type); ...... grpc_compression_options_init(&channel->compression_options); for (size_t i = 0; i < args->num_args; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(args->args[i].key, GRPC_ARG_DEFAULT_AUTHORITY)) { if (args->args[i].type != GRPC_ARG_STRING) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "%s ignored: it must be a string", GRPC_ARG_DEFAULT_AUTHORITY); } else { channel->default_authority = grpc_mdelem_from_slices( exec_ctx, GRPC_MDSTR_AUTHORITY, grpc_slice_intern( grpc_slice_from_static_string(args->args[i].value.string))); } } ...... } done: grpc_channel_args_destroy(exec_ctx, args); return channel; }
1.2.1 设置通道连接的目标(即服务器地址)
1.2.2 设置通道类型为客户端通道(GRPC_CLIENT_CHANNEL),有6种通道类型,有一些是负载均衡使用的,在channel_stack_type.h文件中定义。
1.2.3 设置默认的权限
static void dns_start_resolving_locked(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, dns_resolver *r) { GRPC_RESOLVER_REF(&r->base, "dns-resolving"); GPR_ASSERT(!r->resolving); r->resolving = true; r->addresses = NULL; grpc_resolve_address( exec_ctx, r->name_to_resolve, r->default_port, r->interested_parties, grpc_closure_create(dns_on_resolved_locked, r, grpc_combiner_scheduler(r->base.combiner, false)), &r->addresses); }
static void resolve_address_impl(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, const char *name, const char *default_port, grpc_pollset_set *interested_parties, grpc_closure *on_done, grpc_resolved_addresses **addresses) { request *r = gpr_malloc(sizeof(request)); grpc_closure_init(&r->request_closure, do_request_thread, r, grpc_executor_scheduler); r->name = gpr_strdup(name); r->default_port = gpr_strdup(default_port); r->on_done = on_done; r->addresses = addresses; grpc_closure_sched(exec_ctx, &r->request_closure, GRPC_ERROR_NONE); }
static void executor_push(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_closure *closure, grpc_error *error) { gpr_mu_lock(&g_executor.mu); if (g_executor.shutting_down == 0) { grpc_closure_list_append(&g_executor.closures, closure, error); maybe_spawn_locked(); } gpr_mu_unlock(&g_executor.mu); }
static void maybe_spawn_locked() { if (grpc_closure_list_empty(g_executor.closures) == 1) { return; } if (g_executor.shutting_down == 1) { return; } if (g_executor.busy != 0) { /* Thread still working. New work will be picked up by already running * thread. Not spawning anything. */ return; } else if (g_executor.pending_join != 0) { /* Pickup the remains of the previous incarnations of the thread. */ gpr_thd_join(g_executor.tid); g_executor.pending_join = 0; } /* All previous instances of the thread should have been joined at this point. * Spawn time! */ g_executor.busy = 1; GPR_ASSERT(gpr_thd_new(&g_executor.tid, closure_exec_thread_func, NULL, &g_executor.options)); g_executor.pending_join = 1; }
如果g_executor.busy !=0 表示解析线程已经被创建,直接返回,解析线程会依次从队列中取出待解析的名称,进行解析。
static void closure_exec_thread_func(void *ignored) { grpc_exec_ctx exec_ctx = GRPC_EXEC_CTX_INIT; while (1) { gpr_mu_lock(&g_executor.mu); if (g_executor.shutting_down != 0) { gpr_mu_unlock(&g_executor.mu); break; } if (grpc_closure_list_empty(g_executor.closures)) { /* no more work, time to die */ GPR_ASSERT(g_executor.busy == 1); g_executor.busy = 0; gpr_mu_unlock(&g_executor.mu); break; } else { grpc_closure *c = g_executor.closures.head; grpc_closure_list_init(&g_executor.closures); gpr_mu_unlock(&g_executor.mu); while (c != NULL) { grpc_closure *next = c->next_data.next; grpc_error *error = c->error_data.error; #ifndef NDEBUG c->scheduled = false; #endif c->cb(&exec_ctx, c->cb_arg, error); GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(error); c = next; } grpc_exec_ctx_flush(&exec_ctx); } } grpc_exec_ctx_finish(&exec_ctx); }
static grpc_error *blocking_resolve_address_impl( const char *name, const char *default_port, grpc_resolved_addresses **addresses) {
struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *result = NULL, *resp; char *host; char *port; int s; size_t i; grpc_error *error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; /* parse name, splitting it into host and port parts */ gpr_split_host_port(name, &host, &port); ......if (port == NULL) { ...... port = gpr_strdup(default_port); } /* Call getaddrinfo */ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* ipv4 or ipv6 */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; /* stream socket */ hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; /* for wildcard IP address */ GRPC_SCHEDULING_START_BLOCKING_REGION; s = getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &result);
1. 设置非法(不存在)的名称
2. 调用getaddrinfo函数进行解析
3. getaddrinfo函数是阻塞的,在函数返回之前其他的名称只是简单添加到了队列之中,并没有立即进行解析。
4. 多次输入非法的名称之后,导致队列过长,即使设置了合法的名称,但是还没有对它进行解析,最后3秒超时。
1. 只允许输入合法IP地址,这样不会进行名称解析或解析立即返回,可以利用正则表达式对输入IP进行合法性校验。
2. 域名解析交给其他的第三方库完成,将获取的合法IP设置给GRPC使用
标签:解决 开始 ddr target create 使用 exec flags ring