标签:size ice efault app exports defaults router run order by
1 var pg = require(‘pg‘); 2 var util = require(‘util‘); 3 //var co = require(‘co‘); 4 var ConnectionParameters = require(‘pg/lib/connection-parameters‘); 5 //var http = require(‘http‘); 6 var slice = [].slice; 7 /* 8 var cfg = { 9 user: ‘postgres‘, 10 password: ‘aaaaaa‘, 11 port: 5432, 12 host: ‘localhost‘, 13 database: "testdb", 14 };*/ 15 16 var getConSql = (cfg) => { 17 return "postgres://" + cfg.user + ":" + cfg.password + 18 "@" + cfg.host + (cfg.port ? ":" + cfg.port : "") + 19 "/" + cfg.database + ""; 20 }; 21 22 var cfg = app.config.connect.xhc_pg; 23 var master = getConSql(cfg); 24 25 console.dir(master); 26 27 var slaves = master; 28 if (cfg.slaves && util.isArray(cfg.slaves) && cfg.slaves.length > 0) { 29 slaves = getConSql(cfg.slaves[0]); 30 } 31 32 if (cfg.pool && cfg.poolSize) { 33 pg.defaults.poolSize = cfg.poolSize; 34 } 35 36 var Pool = (function() { 37 var queryType = false; 38 var isObject = function(obj) { 39 var type = typeof obj; 40 return type === ‘function‘ || type === ‘object‘ && !!obj; 41 }; 42 43 var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) { 44 return toString.call(obj) === ‘[object Array]‘; 45 }; 46 //console.log(format(‘INSERT INTO info(id, date, json) VALUES (:id, :date, :json)‘,{id:4,date:"2015-05-14 12:33:33",json:{ab:"d‘d‘df",data:{a:‘df""d‘,b:"sddf"}}})); 47 //INSERT INTO info(id, date, json) VALUES (3, ‘2015-05-14 12:33:33‘, ‘{"ab":"d‘‘d‘‘df","data":{"a":"df\"\"d","b":"hello"}}‘) 48 var format = (sql, params) => { 49 params = params || {}; 50 return sql.replace(/: ?(\w+)/g, function(item, name) { 51 if (params && params.hasOwnProperty(name)) { 52 var value = params[name]; 53 switch (typeof(value)) { 54 case "boolean": 55 return String(value); 56 case "object": 57 return `‘${JSON.stringify(value).replace(/\‘/g, "‘‘")}‘`; 58 case "number": 59 return value; 60 case "string": 61 value = value.replace("‘", "‘‘"); 62 return `‘${value}‘`; 63 } 64 } 65 return item; 66 }); 67 }; 68 69 var query = function(sql, params, optfun) { 70 params = params || {}; 71 optfun = optfun || (result => { 72 return result; 73 }); 74 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { 75 var consql = /insert|update|delete/.test(sql.toLowerCase()) ? master : slaves; 76 //console.log(consql); 77 pg.connect(consql, function(err, client, done) { 78 if (err) { 79 reject(new Error(‘error fetching client from pool‘)); 80 return; 81 } 82 if (queryType) { 83 if (/:(\w+)/.test(sql)) sql = format(sql, params); 84 client.query(sql, function(err, result) { 85 done(); 86 if (err) { 87 client.end(); 88 reject(new Error(‘error running query‘)); 89 return; 90 } 91 resolve(optfun(result)); 92 93 }); 94 } else { 95 96 var index = 1, 97 myobj = {}, 98 values = []; 99 for (var key in params) { 100 myobj[key] = index; 101 index++; 102 values.push(params[key]); 103 } 104 if(values.length>0) 105 sql = sql.replace(/: ?(\w+)/g, function(item, name) { 106 return "$" + myobj[name]; 107 }); 108 109 //console.dir(sql); 110 // console.dir(values); 111 client.query(sql, values, function(err, result) { 112 done(); 113 if (err) { 114 client.end(); 115 reject(new Error(‘error running query‘)); 116 return; 117 } 118 //console.dir(result); 119 resolve(optfun(result)); 120 }); 121 } 122 123 124 }); 125 }); 126 }; 127 128 129 130 return { 131 "query": query, 132 "get": function() { 133 var args = slice.call(arguments); 134 if (args.length == 1) args.push(null); 135 args.push(result => { 136 if (result.rowCount > 0) return result.rows[0]; 137 return []; 138 }); 139 return query.apply(null, args); 140 }, 141 "select": function() { 142 var args = slice.call(arguments); 143 if (args.length == 1) args.push(null); 144 args.push(result => { 145 if (result.rowCount > 0) return result.rows; 146 return []; 147 }); 148 return query.apply(null, args); 149 }, 150 "format": format, 151 "createSql": function(tname, params, type) { 152 type = type || "insert"; 153 if (!tname || tname == "") return ""; 154 if (!isObject(params)) return ""; 155 var keys = Object.keys(params); 156 var sql = null; 157 switch (type) { 158 case "insert": 159 sql = util.format(`insert into ${tname}(%s) values(%s)`, keys.map(a => { 160 return a; 161 }).join(‘,‘), keys.map(a => { 162 return ": " + a; 163 }).join(‘,‘)); 164 break; 165 case "update": 166 sql = util.format(`update ${tname} set %s `, keys.map(function(a) { 167 return `${a}=: ${a}`; 168 }).join(‘,‘)); 169 break; 170 } 171 return sql || ""; 172 }, 173 "writeFailed": function(context, err) { 174 context.body = { 175 "success": false, 176 "msg": err 177 }; 178 } 179 }; 180 })(); 181 182 var api = new Map(); 183 api.set("xhcpg", Pool); 184 module.exports = api;
router.post(‘/topic_banner_update‘, function*(next) { var param = this.param; var parm = { "tb_id": param["tb_id"], "tb_type": param["tb_type"], "tb_url": param["tb_url"], "tb_image": _tool.imageUrl(param["tb_image"]), "tb_time_start": _tool.dateStrToNum(param["tb_time_start"]), "tb_time_stop": _tool.dateStrToNum(param["tb_time_stop"]) }; var sql = Format("update topic_banner set tb_type=: tb_type,tb_url=: tb_url,tb_image=: tb_image,tb_time_start=: tb_time_start,tb_time_stop=: tb_time_stop where tb_id=: tb_id", parm); console.dir(sql); yield app.services.xhcpg.query(sql); this.body = { success: true }; }); router.post(‘/topic_banner_list‘, function*(next) { var param = this.param; var page = param["page"] || 1; var rows = param["rows"] || 10; var sql = ` with a as( select * from topic_banner where t_id = ${param["t_id"]} and tb_status<>-1 order by tb_id desc) select json_agg(a) json from a`; // console.dir(sql); var result = yield app.services.xhcpg.select(sql); var rows = result[0]["json"] || []; rows.forEach(function(row) { row["tb_time_start"] = _tool.numToDateStr2(row["tb_time_start"]); row["tb_time_stop"] = _tool.numToDateStr2(row["tb_time_stop"]); }); this.body = { "total": rows.length, "rows": rows }; });
标签:size ice efault app exports defaults router run order by