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标签:最大限度   speed   res   star   模仿   val   应该   百分比   人工   

王佳佳(主要负责翻译)   张月娥(主要负责神经网络的编辑) 丁选(主要负责向量机的编辑)


Classification (II) –Neural Network and SVM



Most research has shown that support vector machines (SVM) and neural networks (NN) are

powerful classification tools, which can be applied to several different areas. Unlike tree-based

or probabilistic-based methods that were mentioned in the previous chapter, the process of

how support vector machines and neural networks transform from input to output is less clear

and can be hard to interpret. As a result, both support vector machines and neural networks

are referred to as black box methods.




The development of a neural network is inspired by human brain activities. As such, this type

of network is a computational model that mimics the pattern of the human mind. In contrast

to this, support vector machines first map input data into a high dimension feature space

defined by the kernel function, and find the optimum hyperplane that separates the training

data by the maximum margin. In short, we can think of support vector machines as a linear

algorithm in a high dimensional space.




Both these methods have advantages and disadvantages in solving classification problems.

For example, support vector machine solutions are the global optimum, while neural networks

may suffer from multiple local optimums. Thus, choosing between either depends on the

characteristics of the dataset source. In this chapter, we will illustrate the following:



 How to train a support vector machine



 Observing how the choice of cost can affect the SVM classifier



 Visualizing the SVM fit

支持向量机visualizing Fit

 Predicting the labels of a testing dataset based on the model trained by SVM



 Tuning the SVM



In the neural network section, we will cover:


How to train a neural network



 How to visualize a neural network model



 Predicting the labels of a testing dataset based on a model trained by neuralnet



 Finally, we will show how to train a neural network with  nnet , and how to use it to

predict the labels of a testing dataset



Classifying data with a support vector machine


The two most well known and popular support vector machine tools are  libsvm and

SVMLite . For R users, you can find the implementation of  libsvm in the  e1071 package and

SVMLite in the  klaR package. Therefore, you can use the implemented function of these

two packages to train support vector machines. In this recipe, we will focus on using the  svm

function (the  libsvm implemented version) from the  e1071 package to train a support vector

machine based on the telecom customer churn data training dataset.



Getting ready

In this recipe, we will continue to use the telecom churn dataset as the input data source to

train the support vector machine. For those who have not prepared the dataset, please refer

to Chapter 5, Classification (I) – Tree, Lazy, and Probabilistic, for details.


How to do it...

Perform the following steps to train the SVM:


  1. Load the e1071 package:


> library(e1071)

2. Train the support vector machine using the  svm function with  trainset as the input dataset, and use  churn as the classification category:


> model = svm(churn~., data = trainset, kernel="radial", cost=1,

gamma = 1/ncol(trainset))

3.Finally, you can obtain overall information about the built model with  summary :


> summary(model)


svm(formula = churn ~ ., data = trainset, kernel = "radial", cost

= 1, gamma = 1/ncol(trainset))


SVM-Type: C-classification

SVM-Kernel: radial

cost: 1

gamma: 0.05882353

Number of Support Vectors: 691

( 394 297 )

Number of Classes: 2


yes no

How it works...

The support vector machine constructs a hyperplane (or set of hyperplanes) that maximize the margin width between two classes in a high dimensional space. In these, the cases that define the hyperplane are support vectors, as shown in the following figure:


Figure 1: Support Vector Machine

Support vector machine starts from constructing a hyperplane that maximizes the margin width. Then, it extends the definition to a nonlinear separable problem. Lastly, it maps the data to a high dimensional space where the data can be more easily separated with a linear boundary.




The advantage of using SVM is that it builds a highly accurate model through an engineering problem-oriented kernel. Also, it makes use of the regularization term to avoid over-fitting. It also does not suffer from local optimal and multicollinearity. The main limitation of SVM is its speed and size in the training and testing time. Therefore, it is not suitable or efficient enough to construct classification models for data that is large in size. Also, since it is hard to interpret SVM, how does the determination of the kernel take place? Regularization is another problem that we need tackle.




In this recipe, we continue to use the telecom  churn dataset as our example data source.We begin training a support vector machine using  libsvm provided in the  e1071 package.Within the training function,  svm , one can specify the  kernel function, cost, and the  gamma function. For the  kernel argument, the default value is radial, and one can specify the kernel to a linear, polynomial, radial basis, and sigmoid. As for the  gamma argument, the default value is equal to (1/data dimension), and it controls the shape of the separating hyperplane. Increasing the gamma argument usually increases the number of support vectors.

在这个食谱中,我们继续使用电信客户流失数据集作为我们的示例数据源。我们开始使用在e1071包LIBSVM支持向量机训练。在训练函数中,支持向量机可以指定核函数、代价和Gamma函数。对于内核参数,默认值是径向的,可以指定内核的线性,多项式,径向基,乙状结肠。至于伽玛参数,默认值等于(1 /数据维数),并且它控制分离超平面的形状。增加伽玛参数通常会增加支持向量的数目。



As for the cost, the default value is set to 1, which indicates that the regularization term is constant, and the larger the value, the smaller the margin is. We will discuss more on how the cost can affect the SVM classifier in the next recipe. Once the support vector machine is built, the  summary function can be used to obtain information, such as calls, parameters, number of classes, and the types of label.


See also

Another popular support vector machine tool is  SVMLight . Unlike the  e1071 package, which provides the full implementation of  libsvm , the  klaR package simply provides an interface to  SVMLight only. To use  SVMLight , one can perform the following steps:


  1. Install the  klaR package:


> install.packages("klaR")

> library(klaR)

2.Download the SVMLight source code and binary for your platform from http://svmlight.joachims.org/ . For example, if your guest OS is Windows 64-bit, you should downloadthefilefromhttp://download.joachims.org/svm_light/current/svm_light_windows64.zip

2。下载SVMlight的源代码和二进制你从HTTP:/ / svmLight平台。Joachims。org /。例如,如果你的操作系统是Windows 64位,你应该下载文件从http://download.joachims.org/svm_light/电流/ svm_light_windows64.zip。

3. Then, you should unzip the file and put the workable binary in the working directory; you may check your working directory by using the  getwd function:


> getwd()

4. Train the support vector machine using the  svmlight function:


> model.light = svmlight(churn~., data = trainset,

kernel="radial", cost=1, gamma = 1/ncol(trainset))


Choosing the cost of a support vector machine


The support vector machines create an optimum hyperplane that separates the training data by the maximum margin. However, sometimes we would like to allow some misclassifications while separating categories. The SVM model has a cost function, which controls training errors and margins. For example, a small cost creates a large margin (a soft margin) and allows more misclassifications. On the other hand, a large cost creates a narrow margin (a hard margin) and permits fewer misclassifications. In this recipe, we will illustrate how the large and small cost will affect the SVM classifier.


Getting ready

In this recipe, we will use the  iris dataset as our example data source.



How to do it...

Perform the following steps to generate two different classification examples with different costs:


  1. Subset the  iris dataset with columns named as  Sepal.Length ,  Sepal.Width ,Species , with species in  setosa and  virginica :


> iris.subset = subset(iris, select=c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.

Width", "Species"), Species %in% c("setosa","virginica"))


  1. Then, you can generate a scatter plot with  Sepal.Length as the x-axis and the Sepal.Width as the y-axis:


> plot(x=iris.subset$Sepal.Length,y=iris.subset$Sepal.Width,

col=iris.subset$Species, pch=19)

Figure 2: Scatter plot of Sepal.Length and Sepal.Width with subset of iris dataset


  1. Next, you can train SVM based on  iris.subset with the cost equal to 1:

3.接下来,你可以训练SVM基于成本等于1 iris.subset:

> svm.model = svm(Species ~ ., data=iris.subset, kernel=‘linear‘,

cost=1, scale=FALSE)


  1. Then, we can circle the support vector with blue circles:


> points(iris.subset[svm.model$index,c(1,2)],col="blue",cex=2)

Figure 3: Circling support vectors with blue ring


  1. Lastly, we can add a separation line on the plot:


> w = t(svm.model$coefs) %*% svm.model$SV

> b = -svm.model$rho

> abline(a=-b/w[1,2], b=-w[1,1]/w[1,2], col="red", lty=5)


  1. In addition to this, we create another SVM classifier where  cost = 10,000 :


> plot(x=iris.subset$Sepal.Length,y=iris.subset$Sepal.Width,

col=iris.subset$Species, pch=19)

> svm.model = svm(Species ~ ., data=iris.subset, type=‘C-

classification‘, kernel=‘linear‘, cost=10000, scale=FALSE)

> points(iris.subset[svm.model$index,c(1,2)],col="blue",cex=2)

> w = t(svm.model$coefs) %*% svm.model$SV

> b = -svm.model$rho

> abline(a=-b/w[1,2], b=-w[1,1]/w[1,2], col="red", lty=5)

Figure 5: A classification example with large cost

How it works...

In this recipe, we demonstrate how different costs can affect the SVM classifier. First, we create an iris subset with the columns,  Sepal.Length ,  Sepal.Width , and  Species containing the species,  setosa and  virginica . Then, in order to create a soft margin and allow some misclassification, we use an SVM with small cost (where  cost = 1 ) to train the support of the

vector machine. Next, we circle the support vectors with blue circles and add the separation line. As per Figure 5, one of the green points ( virginica ) is misclassified (it is classified to setosa ) to the other side of the separation line due to the choice of the small cost.

在这个配方中,我们演示了如何不同的成本可以影响SVM分类器。首先,我们创建一个列,萼片虹膜的子集。长度,宽度,和萼片。两种物种,粗糙和锦葵。然后,为了创造一个软边缘和允许一些误判,我们用SVM和一些小的成本(wherecost = 1)去练习支持。接下来,我们将支持向量与蓝色圆圈和添加分离线。如图5,一个绿色的点(锦葵)是错误的(这是分类到setosa)的分离线由于小成本的选择对方。



In addition to this, we would like to determine how a large cost can affect the SVM classifier. Therefore, we choose a large cost (where  cost = 10,000 ). From Figure 5, we can see that the margin created is narrow (a hard margin) and no misclassification cases are present. As a result, the two examples show that the choice of different costs may affect the margin created and also affect the possibilities of misclassification.

除此之外,我们要确定一个大的成本会影响SVM分类器。因此,我们选择一个大的成本(成本= 10000)。从图5,我们可以看到边缘创建窄(硬边缘)和阳离子病例无误分类训练样本。作为一个结果,这两个例子表明,不同成本的选择可能影响利润创造和影响误分类训练样本的阳离子的可能性。

See also

The idea of soft margin, which allows misclassified examples, was suggested by Corinna Cortes and Vladimir N. Vapnik in 1995 in the following paper: Cortes, C., and Vapnik, V. (1995). Support-vector networks. Machine learning, 20(3), 273-297.

软边缘的概念,它允许误分类训练样本ED的例子,建议由Corinna Cortes和Vladimir N. Vapnik在1995在以下论文:科尔特斯,C,和Vapnik V(1995)。支持向量网。机器学习,20(3),273-297。


Visualizing an SVM fit


To visualize the built model, one can first use the plot function to generate a scatter plot of data input and the SVM fit. In this plot, support vectors and classes are highlighted through the color symbol. In addition to this, one can draw a contour filled plot of the class regions to easily identify misclassified samples from the plot.

可视化的内置模型,可以RST使用的情节功能,以产生一个散点图的数据输入和SVM T.在这个情节,支持向量和类突出通过颜色符号。除此之外,一个可以画出一个轮廓填充情节类的地区很容易识别的误分类训练样本ED样本图。


Getting ready

In this recipe, we will use two datasets: the  iris dataset and the telecom  churn dataset. For the telecom  churn dataset, one needs to have completed the previous recipe by training a support vector machine with SVM, and to have saved the SVM fit model.

在这个配方中,我们将使用两个数据集:IRIS数据集和电信流失数据集。对于电信流失数据集,需要一个支持向量机支持SVM的前一个配方完成,并保存了SVM T模型。


How to do it...

Perform the following steps to visualize the SVM fit object:

执行以下步骤来可视化SVM t对象:

  1. Use SVM to train the support vector machine based on the iris dataset, and use the plot function to visualize the fitted model:


> data(iris)

> model.iris = svm(Species~., iris)

> plot(model.iris, iris, Petal.Width ~ Petal.Length, slice =

list(Sepal.Width = 3, Sepal.Length = 4))


  1. Visualize the SVM fit object,  model , using the  plot function with the dimensions of total_day_minutes and  total_intl_charge :


> plot(model, trainset, total_day_minutes ~ total_intl_charge)

Figure 7: The SVM classification plot of trained SVM fit based on churn dataset

How it works...

In this recipe, we demonstrate how to use the  plot function to visualize the SVM fit. In the first plot, we train a support vector machine using the  iris dataset. Then, we use the plot function to visualize the fitted SVM.

在这个食谱中,我们演示了如何使用的情节功能可视化的SVM T.在RST情节,我们训练的支持向量机使用的虹膜数据集。然后,我们使用的绘图功能,可视化的配置支持向量机。


In the argument list, we specify the fitted model in the first argument and the dataset (this should be the same data used to build the model) as the second parameter. The third parameter indicates the dimension used to generate the classification plot. By default, the plot function can only generate a scatter plot based on two dimensions (for the x-axis and y-axis). Therefore, we select the variables,  Petal.Length and  Petal.Width as the two dimensions to generate the scatter plot.



From Figure 6, we find  Petal.Length assigned to the x-axis,  Petal.Width assigned to the y-axis, and data points with  X and  O symbols scattered on the plot. Within the scatter plot, the X symbol shows the support vector and the  O symbol represents the data points. These two symbols can be altered through the configuration of the  svSymbol and  dataSymbol options. Both the support vectors and true classes are highlighted and colored depending on their label (green refers to viginica, red refers to versicolor, and black refers to setosa). The last argument,  slice , is set when there are more than two variables. Therefore, in this example, we use the additional variables,  Sepal.width and  Sepal.length , by assigning a constant of 3 and 4.



Next, we take the same approach to draw the SVM fit based on customer churn data. In this example, we use  total_day_minutes and  total_intl_charge as the two dimensions used to plot the scatterplot. As per Figure 7, the support vectors and data points in red and black are scattered closely together in the central region of the plot, and there is no simple way to separate them.

接下来,我们采取相同的方法来绘制基于客户流失数据的SVM T。在这个例子中,我们使用total_day_minutes和total_intl_charge作为两个维度用于绘制散点图。如图7所示,红色和黑色的支持向量和数据点在图的中心区域紧密地聚集在一起,没有简单的方法来区分它们。

See also

There are other  parameters , such as  fill ,  grid ,  symbolPalette , and so on, that can be configured to change the layout of the plot. You can use the  help function to view the following document for further information:


> ?svm.plot

Predicting labels based on a model trained by a support vector machine



In the previous recipe, we trained an SVM based on the training dataset. The training process finds the optimum hyperplane that separates the training data by the maximum margin. We can then utilize the SVM fit to predict the label (category) of new observations. In this recipe, we will demonstrate how to use the  predict function to predict values based on a model trained by SVM.

在以前的配方中,我们训练了SVM的训练数据集的基础上。训练过程的最佳超平面分离训练数据的最大保证金。然后,我们可以利用SVM t预测标签(类别)的新的意见。在这个食谱中,我们将演示如何使用预测函数预测模型的基础上SVM训练的值。


Getting ready

You need to have completed the previous recipe by generating a fitted SVM, and save the fitted model in model.


How to do it...

Perform the following steps to predict the labels of the testing dataset:


  1. Predict the label of the testing dataset based on the fitted SVM and attributes of the testing dataset:


> svm.pred = predict(model, testset[, !names(testset) %in%



  1. Then, you can use the  table function to generate a classification table with the prediction result and labels of the testing dataset:


> svm.table=table(svm.pred, testset$churn)

> svm.table

svm.pred yes no

yes 70 12

no 71 865


  1. Next, you can use  classAgreement to calculate coefficients compared to the classification agreement:


> classAgreement(svm.table)


[1] 0.9184676


[1] 0.5855903


[1] 0.850083


[1] 0.5260472

4. Now, you can use  confusionMatrix to measure the prediction performance based on the classification table:


> library(caret)

> confusionMatrix(svm.table)

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

svm.pred yes no

yes 70 12

no 71 865

Accuracy : 0.9185

95% CI : (0.8999, 0.9345)

No Information Rate : 0.8615

P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 1.251e-08

Kappa : 0.5856

Mcnemar‘s Test P-Value : 1.936e-10

Sensitivity : 0.49645

Specificity : 0.98632

Pos Pred Value : 0.85366

Neg Pred Value : 0.92415

Prevalence : 0.13851

Detection Rate : 0.06876

Detection Prevalence : 0.08055

Balanced Accuracy : 0.74139

‘Positive‘ Class : yes

How it works...

In this recipe, we first used the  predict function to obtain the predicted labels of the testing dataset. Next, we used the  table function to generate the classification table based on the predicted labels of the testing dataset. So far, the evaluation procedure is very similar to the evaluation process mentioned in the previous chapter.




We then introduced a new function,  classAgreement , which computes several coefficients of agreement between the columns and rows of a two-way contingency table. The coefficients include diag, kappa, rand, and crand. The  diag coefficient represents the percentage of data points in the main diagonal of the classification table,  kappa refers to  diag , which is corrected for an agreement by a change (the probability of random agreements),  rand represents the Rand index, which measures the similarity between two data clusters, and crand indicates the Rand index, which is adjusted for the chance grouping of elements.

然后介绍了一个新的函数,类的协议,计算列和一个双向列联表的行数系数之间的协议。该系数包括诊断,kappa,兰德,和大。诊断系数代表的分类表的主对角线上的数据点的百分比,Kappa指诊断,这是通过改变协议(协议修正随机概率),兰德代表兰德指数,衡量两个数据簇之间的相似度,并和表明Rand Index,这是调整元素的机会分组。



Finally, we used  confusionMatrix from the  caret package to measure the performance of the classification model. The accuracy of 0.9185 shows that the trained support vector machine can correctly classify most of the observations. However, accuracy alone is not a good measurement of a classification model. One should also reference sensitivity and specificity.


There‘s more...

Besides using SVM to predict the category of new observations, you can use SVM to predict continuous values. In other words, one can use SVM to perform regression analysis.




In the following example, we will show how to perform a simple regression prediction based on a fitted SVM with the type specified as  eps-regression.


Perform the following steps to train a regression model with SVM:



  1. Train a support vector machine based on a Quartet dataset:


> library(car)

> data(Quartet)

> model.regression = svm(Quartet$y1~Quartet$x,type="eps-regression")

2. Use the  predict function to obtain prediction results:


> predict.y = predict(model.regression, Quartet$x)

> predict.y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8.196894 7.152946 8.807471 7.713099 8.533578 8.774046 6.186349


9 10 11

8.726925 6.621373 5.882946

3. Plot the predicted points as squares and the training data points as circles on the same plot:


> plot(Quartet$x, Quartet$y1, pch=19)

> points(Quartet$x, predict.y, pch=15, col="red")

Tuning a support vector machine


Besides using different feature sets and the  kernel function in support vector machines, one

trick that you can use to tune its performance is to adjust the gamma and cost configured in

the argument. One possible approach to test the performance of different gamma and cost

combination values is to write a  for loop to generate all the combinations of gamma and

cost as inputs to train different support vector machines. Fortunately, SVM provides a tuning

function,  tune.svm , which makes the tuning much easier. In this recipe, we will demonstrate

how to tune a support vector machine through the use of  tune.svm



Getting ready

You need to have completed the previous recipe by preparing a training dataset,  trainset .


How to do it...

Perform the following steps to tune the support vector machine:


  1. First, tune the support vector machine using  tune.svm :


> tuned = tune.svm(churn~., data = trainset, gamma = 10^(-6:-1),

cost = 10^(1:2))

2. Next, you can use the  summary function to obtain the tuning result:

> summary(tuned)

Parameter tuning of ‘svm‘:

- sampling method: 10-fold cross validation

- best parameters:

gamma cost

0.01 100

- best performance: 0.08077885

- Detailed performance results:

gamma cost error dispersion

1 1e-06 10 0.14774780 0.02399512

2 1e-05 10 0.14774780 0.02399512 1e-04 10 0.14774780 0.02399512

4 1e-03 10 0.14774780 0.02399512

5 1e-02 10 0.09245223 0.02046032

6 1e-01 10 0.09202306 0.01938475

7 1e-06 100 0.14774780 0.02399512

8 1e-05 100 0.14774780 0.02399512

9 1e-04 100 0.14774780 0.02399512

10 1e-03 100 0.11794484 0.02368343

11 1e-02 100 0.08077885 0.01858195

12 1e-01 100 0.12356135 0.01661508

3. After retrieving the best performance parameter from tuning the result, you can

retrain the support vector machine with the best performance parameter:


> model.tuned = svm(churn~., data = trainset, gamma = tuned$best.

parameters$gamma, cost = tuned$best.parameters$cost)

> summary(model.tuned)


svm(formula = churn ~ ., data = trainset, gamma = 10^-2, cost =



SVM-Type: C-classification

SVM-Kernel: radial

cost: 100

gamma: 0.01

Number of Support Vectors: 547

( 304 243 )

Number of Classes: 2


yes no

  1. Then, you can use the  predict function to predict labels based on the fitted SVM:


> svm.tuned.pred = predict(model.tuned, testset[, !names(testset)

%in% c("churn")])

5. Next, generate a classification table based on the predicted and original labels of the

testing dataset:


> svm.tuned.table=table(svm.tuned.pred, testset$churn)

> svm.tuned.table

svm.tuned.pred yes no

yes 95 24

no 46 853

  1. Also, generate a class agreement to measure the performance:


> classAgreement(svm.tuned.table)


[1] 0.9312377


[1] 0.691678


[1] 0.871806


[1] 0.6303615

7.  Finally, you can use a confusion matrix to measure the performance of the

retrained model:


> confusionMatrix(svm.tuned.table)

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

svm.tuned.pred yes no

yes 95 24

no 46 853

Accuracy : 0.9312

95% CI : (0.9139, 0.946)

No Information Rate : 0.8615

P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 1.56e-12

Kappa : 0.6917

Mcnemar‘s Test P-Value : 0.01207

Sensitivity : 0.67376

Specificity : 0.97263

Pos Pred Value : 0.79832

Neg Pred Value : 0.94883

Prevalence : 0.13851

Detection Rate : 0.09332

Detection Prevalence : 0.11690

Balanced Accuracy : 0.82320

‘Positive‘ Class : yes

How it works...

To tune the support vector machine, you can use a trial and error method to find the best

gamma and cost parameters. In other words, one has to generate a variety of combinations of

gamma and cost for the purpose of training different support vector machines.


In this example, we generate different gamma values from 10^-6 to 10^-1, and cost with a

value of either 10 or 100. Therefore, you can use the tuning function,  svm.tune , to generate

12 sets of parameters. The function then makes 10 cross-validations and outputs the error

dispersion of each combination. As a result, the combination with the least error dispersion

is regarded as the best parameter set. From the summary table, we found that gamma with

a value of 0.01 and cost with a value of 100 are the best parameters for the SVM fit.

在这个例子中,我们产生不同的伽玛值从10 - 6到10 - - 1,和成本的值为10或。因此,你可以使用调谐功能,svm.tune,产生12组参数。该功能使10交叉验证和输出每个组合的误差分散。其结果是,与最小误差色散的组合被视为最佳参数集。从汇总表中,我们发现,伽玛值0.01和成本的值为100的SVM T的最佳参数。


After obtaining the best parameters, we can then train a new support vector machine with

gamma equal to 0.01 and cost equal to 100. Additionally, we can obtain a classification

table based on the predicted labels and labels of the testing dataset. We can also obtain a

confusion matrix from the classification table. From the output of the confusion matrix, you

can determine the accuracy of the newly trained model in comparison to the original model.


See also

f For more information about how to tune SVM with  svm.tune , you can use the  help

function to access this document:


> ?svm.tune

Training a neural network with neuralnet


The neural network is constructed with an interconnected group of nodes, which involves the

input, connected weights, processing element, and output. Neural networks can be applied to

many areas, such as classification, clustering, and prediction. To train a neural network in R,

you can use neuralnet, which is built to train multilayer perceptron in the context of regression

analysis, and contains many flexible functions to train forward neural networks. In this recipe,

we will introduce how to use neuralnet to train a neural network.


Getting ready

In this recipe, we will use an  iris dataset as our example dataset. We will first split the  iris

dataset into a training and testing datasets, respectively.


How to do it...

Perform the following steps to train a neural network with neuralnet:


  1. First load the  iris dataset and split the data into training and testing datasets:


> data(iris)

> ind = sample(2, nrow(iris), replace = TRUE, prob=c(0.7, 0.3))

> trainset = iris[ind == 1,]

> testset = iris[ind == 2,]

2. Then, install and load the  neuralnet package:


> install.packages("neuralnet")

> library(neuralnet)

3. Add the columns versicolor, setosa, and virginica based on the name matched value

in the  Species column:


> trainset$setosa = trainset$Species == "setosa"

> trainset$virginica = trainset$Species == "virginica"

> trainset$versicolor = trainset$Species == "versicolor"

4. Next, train the neural network with the  neuralnet function with three hidden

neurons in each layer. Notice that the results may vary with each training, so you

might not get the same result. However, you can use set.seed at the beginning, so

you can get the same result in every training process


> network = neuralnet(versicolor + virginica + setosa~ Sepal.

Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, trainset,


> network

Call: neuralnet(formula = versicolor + virginica + setosa ~ Sepal.

Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data =

trainset, hidden = 3)

1 repetition was calculated.

Error Reached Threshold Steps

1 0.8156100175 0.009994274769 11063

5. Now, you can view the  summary information by accessing the  result.matrix

attribute of the built neural network model:


> network$result.matrix

error 0.815610017474

reached.threshold 0.009994274769

steps 11063.000000000000

Intercept.to.1layhid1 1.686593311644

Sepal.Length.to.1layhid1 0.947415215237

Sepal.Width.to.1layhid1 -7.220058260187

Petal.Length.to.1layhid1 1.790333443486

Petal.Width.to.1layhid1 9.943109233330

Intercept.to.1layhid2 1.411026063895

Sepal.Length.to.1layhid2 0.240309549505

Sepal.Width.to.1layhid2 0.480654059973

Petal.Length.to.1layhid2 2.221435192437

Petal.Width.to.1layhid2 0.154879347818

Intercept.to.1layhid3 24.399329878242

Sepal.Length.to.1layhid3 3.313958088512

Sepal.Width.to.1layhid3 5.845670010464

Petal.Length.to.1layhid3 -6.337082722485

Petal.Width.to.1layhid3 -17.990352566695

Intercept.to.versicolor -1.959842102421

1layhid.1.to.versicolor 1.010292389835

1layhid.2.to.versicolor 0.936519720978

1layhid.3.to.versicolor 1.023305801833

Intercept.to.virginica -0.908909982893

1layhid.1.to.virginica -0.009904635231

1layhid.2.to.virginica 1.931747950462

1layhid.3.to.virginica -1.021438938226

Intercept.to.setosa 1.500533827729

1layhid.1.to.setosa -1.001683936613

1layhid.2.to.setosa -0.498758815934

1layhid.3.to.setosa -0.001881935696

  1. Lastly, you can view the generalized weight by accessing it in the network:


> head(network$generalized.weights[[1]])

How it works...

The neural network is a network made up of artificial neurons (or nodes). There are three

types of neurons within the network: input neurons, hidden neurons, and output neurons.

In the network, neurons are connected; the connection strength between neurons is called

weights. If the weight is greater than zero, it is in an excitation status. Otherwise, it is in an

inhibition status. Input neurons receive the input information; the higher the input value, the

greater the activation. Then, the activation value is passed through the network in regard to

weights and transfer functions in the graph. The hidden neurons (or output neurons) then

sum up the activation values and modify the summed values with the transfer function. The

activation value then flows through hidden neurons and stops when it reaches the output

nodes. As a result, one can use the output value from the output neurons to classify the data.


The advantages of a neural network are: first, it can detect nonlinear relationships between

the dependent and independent variable. Second, one can efficiently train large datasets

using the parallel architecture. Third, it is a nonparametric model so that one can eliminate

errors in the estimation of parameters. The main disadvantages of a neural network are that

it often converges to the local minimum rather than the global minimum. Also, it might over-fit

when the training process goes on for too long.


In this recipe, we demonstrate how to train a neural network. First, we split the  iris dataset

into training and testing datasets, and then install the  neuralnet package and load the

library into an R session. Next, we add the columns  versicolor ,  setosa , and  virginica

based on the name matched value in the  Species column, respectively. We then use the

neuralnet function to train the network model. Besides specifying the label (the column

where the name equals to versicolor, virginica, and setosa) and training attributes in the

function, we also configure the number of hidden neurons (vertices) as three in each layer.


Then, we examine the basic information about the training process and the trained network

saved in the network. From the output message, it shows the training process needed

11,063 steps until all the absolute partial derivatives of the error function were lower than

0.01 (specified in the threshold). The error refers to the likelihood of calculating Akaike

Information Criterion (AIC). To see detailed information on this, you can access the  result.

matrix of the built neural network to see the estimated weight. The output reveals that the

estimated weight ranges from -18 to 24.40; the intercepts of the first hidden layer are 1.69,

1.41 and 24.40, and the two weights leading to the first hidden neuron are estimated as 0.95

( Sepal.Length ), -7.22 ( Sepal.Width ), 1.79 ( Petal.Length ), and 9.94 ( Petal.Width ).

We can lastly determine that the trained neural network information includes generalized

weights, which express the effect of each covariate. In this recipe, the model generates

12 generalized weights, which are the combination of four covariates ( Sepal.Length ,

Sepal.Width ,  Petal.Length ,  Petal.Width ) to three responses ( setosa ,  virginica ,

versicolor ).


See also

For a more detailed introduction on neuralnet, one can refer to the following paper:

Günther, F., and Fritsch, S. (2010). neuralnet: Training of neural networks. The R

journal, 2(1), 30-38


Visualizing a neural network trained by neuralnet


The package,  neuralnet , provides the  plot function to visualize a built neural network and

the  gwplot function to visualize generalized weights. In following recipe, we will cover how to

use these two functions.


Getting ready

You need to have completed the previous recipe by training a neural network and have all

basic information saved in the network.



How to do it...

Perform the following steps to visualize the neural network and the generalized weights:

  1. You can visualize the trained neural network with the  plot function:


> plot(network)

2. Furthermore, you can use gwplot to visualize the generalized weights: > par(mfrow=c(2,2)) > gwplot(network,selected.covariate="Petal.Width") > gwplot(network,selected.covariate="Sepal.Width") > gwplot(network,selected.covariate="Petal.Length") > gwplot(network,selected.covariate="Petal.Width")

How it works...

In this recipe, we demonstrate how to visualize the trained neural network and the generalized

weights of each trained attribute. As per Figure 10, the plot displays the network topology of

the trained neural network. Also, the plot includes the estimated weight, intercepts and basic

information about the training process. At the bottom of the figure, one can find the overall

error and number of steps required to converge.


Figure 11 presents the generalized weight plot in regard to  network$generalized.weights .

The four plots in Figure 11 display the four covariates:  Petal.Width ,  Sepal.Width ,  Petal.

Length , and  Petal.Width , in regard to the versicolor response. If all the generalized weights

are close to zero on the plot, it means the covariate has little effect. However, if the overall

variance is greater than one, it means the covariate has a nonlinear effect.


See also

For more information about  gwplot , one can use the  help function to access the

following document:


> ?gwplot

Predicting labels based on a model trainedby neuralnet


Similar to other classification methods, we can predict the labels of new observations based

on trained neural networks. Furthermore, we can validate the performance of these networks

through the use of a confusion matrix. In the following recipe, we will introduce how to use

the  compute function in a neural network to obtain a probability matrix of the testing dataset

labels, and use a table and confusion matrix to measure the prediction performance.


Getting ready

You need to have completed the previous recipe by generating the training dataset,  trainset ,

and the testing dataset,  testset . The trained neural network needs to be saved in the network.


How to do it...

Perform the following steps to measure the prediction performance of the trained neural



1. First, generate a prediction probability matrix based on a trained neural network and

the testing dataset,  testset :


> net.predict = compute(network, testset[-5])$net.result

2. Then, obtain other possible labels by finding the column with the greatest probability:


> net.prediction = c("versicolor", "virginica", "setosa")

[apply(net.predict, 1, which.max)]

3. Generate a classification table based on the predicted labels and the labels of the

testing dataset:


> predict.table = table(testset$Species, net.prediction)

> predict.table


setosa versicolor virginica

setosa 20 0 0

versicolor 0 19 1

virginica 0 2 16

  1. Next, generate  classAgreement from the classification table:


> classAgreement(predict.table)


[1] 0.9444444444


[1] 0.9154488518


[1] 0.9224318658


[1] 0.8248251737

5. Finally, use  confusionMatrix to measure the prediction performance:


> confusionMatrix(predict.table)

Confusion Matrix and Statistics


setosa versicolor virginica

setosa 20 0 0

versicolor 0 19 1

virginica 0 2 16

Overall Statistics

Accuracy : 0.9482759

95% CI : (0.8561954, 0.9892035)

No Information Rate : 0.362069

P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 0.00000000000000022204

Kappa : 0.922252

Mcnemar‘s Test P-Value : NA

Statistics by Class:

Class: setosa Class: versicolor Class:


Sensitivity 1.0000000 0.9047619


Specificity 1.0000000 0.9729730


Pos Pred Value 1.0000000 0.9500000


Neg Pred Value 1.0000000 0.9473684


Prevalence 0.3448276 0.3620690


Detection Rate 0.3448276 0.3275862


Detection Prevalence 0.3448276 0.3448276


Balanced Accuracy 1.0000000 0.9388674


How it works...

In this recipe, we demonstrate how to predict labels based on a model trained by neuralnet.

Initially, we use the  compute function to create an output probability matrix based on the

trained neural network and the testing dataset. Then, to convert the probability matrix to class

labels, we use the  which.max function to determine the class label by selecting the column

with the maximum probability within the row. Next, we use a table to generate a classification

matrix based on the labels of the testing dataset and the predicted labels. As we have

created the classification table, we can employ a confusion matrix to measure the prediction

performance of the built neural network.


See also

In this recipe, we use the  net.result function, which is the overall result of

the neural network, used to predict the labels of the testing dataset. Apart from

examining the overall result by accessing  net.result , the  compute function also

generates the output from neurons in each layer. You can examine the output of

neurons to get a better understanding of how  compute works:


> compute(network, testset[-5])

Training a neural network with nnet

The  nnet package is another package that can deal with artificial neural networks. This

package provides the functionality to train feed-forward neural networks with traditional

back propagation. As you can find most of the neural network function implemented in

the  neuralnet package, in this recipe we provide a short overview of how to train neural

networks with  nnet .


Getting ready

In this recipe, we do not use the  trainset and  trainset generated from the previous step;

please reload the  iris dataset again.


How to do it...

Perform the following steps to train the neural network with  nnet :


1. First, install and load the  nnet package:

> install.packages("nnet")

> library(nnet)

2. Next, split the dataset into training and testing datasets:

> data(iris)

> set.seed(2)

> ind = sample(2, nrow(iris), replace = TRUE, prob=c(0.7, 0.3))

> trainset = iris[ind == 1,]

> testset = iris[ind == 2,]

3. Then, train the neural network with  nnet :

> iris.nn = nnet(Species ~ ., data = trainset, size = 2, rang =

0.1, decay = 5e-4, maxit = 200)

# weights: 19

initial value 165.086674

iter 10 value 70.447976

iter 20 value 69.667465

iter 30 value 69.505739

iter 40 value 21.588943

iter 50 value 8.691760

iter 60 value 8.521214

iter 70 value 8.138961

ter 80 value 7.291365

iter 90 value 7.039209

iter 100 value 6.570987

iter 110 value 6.355346

iter 120 value 6.345511

iter 130 value 6.340208

iter 140 value 6.337271

iter 150 value 6.334285

iter 160 value 6.333792

iter 170 value 6.333578

iter 180 value 6.333498

final value 6.333471


4. Use the  summary to obtain information about the trained neural network:

> summary(iris.nn)

a 4-2-3 network with 19 weights

options were - softmax modelling decay=0.0005

b->h1 i1->h1 i2->h1 i3->h1 i4->h1

-0.38 -0.63 -1.96 3.13 1.53

b->h2 i1->h2 i2->h2 i3->h2 i4->h2

8.95 0.52 1.42 -1.98 -3.85

b->o1 h1->o1 h2->o1

3.08 -10.78 4.99

b->o2 h1->o2 h2->o2

-7.41 6.37 7.18

b->o3 h1->o3 h2->o3

4.33 4.42 -12.16

How it works...

In this recipe, we demonstrate steps to train a neural network model with the  nnet package.

We first use  nnet to train the neural network. With this function, we can set the classification

formula, source of data, number of hidden units in the  size parameter, initial random

weight in the  rang parameter, parameter for weight decay in the  decay parameter, and the

maximum iteration in the  maxit parameter. As we set  maxit to 200, the training process

repeatedly runs till the value of the fitting criterion plus the decay term converge. Finally, we

use the  summary function to obtain information about the built neural network, which reveals

that the model is built with 4-2-3 networks with 19 weights. Also, the model shows a list of

weight transitions from one node to another at the bottom of the printed message.


See also

For those who are interested in the background theory of  nnet and how it is made, please

refer to the following articles:


f Ripley, B. D. (1996) Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks. Cambridge

f Venables, W. N., and Ripley, B. D. (2002). Modern applied statistics with S. Fourth

edition. Springer

Predicting labels based on a model trained by nnet



As we have trained aneural network with nnet in the previous recipe,we can now predict the labels of the testing dataset based on the trained neural network




Furthermore,we can assess the model with a confusion matrix adapted from the caret package.


Getting ready

You need to have completed the previous recipe by generating the training dataset,trainset,and the testing dataset, testset, from their is dataset.


The trained neural network also needs to be saved as iris.nn.


How to do it...

















































How it works...

Similar to other classiication methods,one can also predict labels based on the neural networks trained by nnet.First,we use the predict function to generate the predicted labels based on a testing dataset, testset.Within the predict function,we specify the type argument to the class,so the output will be class labels in stead of a probability matrix.Next,we use the table function to generate a classification table based on predicted labels and labels written in the testing dataset.Finally,as we have created the classification table,we can employ a confusion matrix from the caret package to measure the prediction performance of the trained neural network.


See also

For the predict function,if the type argument to class is not speciied,by default,it will generate a probability matrix as a prediction result,which isvery similar to net.result generated from the compute function within the neuralnet package:





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