标签:代码优化 info 节点 tin set int log 2.4 false
Haproxy 源文件
global log local2 daemon maxconn 256 log local2 info defaults log global mode http timeout connect 5000ms timeout client 50000ms timeout server 50000ms option dontlognull listen stats :8888 stats enable stats uri /admin stats auth admin:1234 frontend oldboy.org bind option httplog option httpclose option forwardfor log global acl www hdr_reg(host) -i www.oldboy.org use_backend www.oldboy.org if www backend www.oldboy.org server weight 9999 maxconn 33333 server weight 22 maxconn 2000 server weight 20 maxconn 3000 backend www.oldboy2.org server weight 20 maxconn 3000 backend www.oldboy20.org server weight 9999 maxconn 33333333333
1 输入 www.oldboy.org 查询文件是否有记录节点的信息
2 输入一个字典,再在文件中添加一条backend 和server的记录
3 输入一个字典,删除文件中记录的文件
4 输入一个列表,列表中涵盖两个字典,第一个是源文件中的信息,第二个是要修改的字典样子
__author__ = ‘shellxie‘ # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os def fetch(data): backend_data = "backend %s"%data record_list =[] set_flag = False with open("haproxy.conf","r") as f: for line in f: if line.strip() == backend_data: set_flag = True continue if line.strip().startswith("backend"): break if set_flag and line : record_list.append(line.strip()) for line in record_list: print(line.strip()) return record_list def add(data):#用户输入的有两种可能,一个是输入的backend存在haproxy,一个是不存在haproxy,如果不存在我们就添加,如果存在,添加server或者不添加 backend = data["backend"] record_list= fetch(backend) current_record = "server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s"%(data["record"]["server"], data["record"]["server"], data["record"]["weight"], data["record"]["maxconn"],) backend_data ="backend %s"%backend if not record_list:#列表为空说明用户输入的不存在haproxy,那么执行以下添加代码操作 record_list.append(backend_data) record_list.append(current_record) with open("haproxy.conf","r") as read_file, open("haproxy_new.conf","w") as write_file: for line in read_file: write_file.write(line) for new_line in record_list: if new_line.startswith("backend"): write_file.write("\n"+new_line+"\n") else: write_file.write("%s%s"%(" "*8,new_line)) else: #print(record_list) record_list.insert(0,backend_data) if current_record not in record_list: record_list.append(current_record) with open("haproxy.conf","r") as read_file, open("haproxy_new.conf","w") as write_file: tag =False has_write= False for r_line in read_file: if r_line.strip() == backend_data: tag =True continue if tag and r_line.strip().startswith("backend"): tag =False if not tag: write_file.write(r_line) else: if not has_write: for new_line in record_list: if new_line.startswith("backend"): write_file.write(new_line+"\n") else: write_file.write("%s%s"%(" "*8,new_line+"\n")) has_write =True def remove(data):# 删除和添加其实是一样的,都是三个步骤,第一步骤源文件读到要删除的那个backend, 第二步骤把要删除的那个backend和server记录 放在一个列表中,读完到新文件中,第三读完剩余的文件 backend = data["backend"]#第一步骤要判断用户输入的是否在源文件中,还是要通过查询功能来实现 backend_data = "backend %s"%backend record_list = fetch(backend) current_record = "server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s"%(data["record"]["server"], data["record"]["server"], data["record"]["weight"], data["record"]["maxconn"],) if not record_list or current_record not in record_list: print("\033[33;1m无此条记录\033[0m") return else:# 如果用户输入的字典里面backend 值是存在的,但是server 记录不存在,那是不是也删除不了,所以这里同样要提示 record_list.insert(0,backend_data) record_list.remove(current_record) with open("haproxy.conf","r") as read_file, open("haproxy_new.conf","w") as write_file: tag =False has_write= False for r_line in read_file: if r_line.strip() == backend_data: tag =True continue if tag and r_line.strip().startswith("backend"): tag =False if not tag: write_file.write(r_line) else: if not has_write: for new_line in record_list: if new_line.startswith("backend"): write_file.write("\n"+new_line+"\n") else: write_file.write("%s%s"%(" "*8,new_line+"\n")) has_write =True def revise(data): backend = data[0]["backend"] record_list =fetch(backend) old_record ="server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s"%(data[0]["record"]["server"], data[0]["record"]["server"], data[0]["record"]["weight"], data[0]["record"]["maxconn"],) new_record ="server %s %s weight %s maxconn %s"%(data[1]["record"]["server"], data[1]["record"]["server"], data[1]["record"]["weight"], data[1]["record"]["maxconn"],) backend_data ="backend %s"%backend print(backend) print(backend_data) if not record_list or old_record not in record_list: print("\033[33;1m无此记录\033[0m") return else: record_list.insert(0,backend_data) index = record_list.index(old_record) record_list[index]= new_record with open("haproxy.conf","r") as read_file, open("haproxy_new.conf","w") as write_file: tag =False has_write= False for r_line in read_file: if r_line.strip() == backend_data: tag =True continue if tag and r_line.strip().startswith("backend"): tag =False if not tag: write_file.write(r_line) else: if not has_write: for new_line in record_list: if new_line.startswith("backend"): write_file.write(new_line+"\n") else: write_file.write("%s%s"%(" "*8,new_line+"\n")) has_write =True if __name__ == "__main__": msg = """ 1:查询 2:添加 3:删除 4:修改 5:退出 """ menu_dic ={ "1":fetch, "2":add, "3":remove, "4":revise, "5":exit } while True: print(msg) choice = input("选择功能>>:").strip() if len(choice) == 0 or choice not in menu_dic: continue if choice == "5":break data = input("用户想要输入的数据:").strip() if choice !="1": data =eval(data) menu_dic[choice](data)
标签:代码优化 info 节点 tin set int log 2.4 false