标签:nbsp model learn add gaussian gen max ping http
1. Probabilistic clustering model
2. Gaussian distribution
1-D gaussian is fully specified by mean μ and variance σ2.
2-D gaussian is fully specified by mean μ vector and covariance matrix Σ.
thusly our mixture model of gaussian is defined by
{πk, μk, Σk}
3. EM(Expectation maximization)
what if we knew the cluster parameters {πk, μk, Σk} ?
compute responsibilites:
rik is the responsibility cluster k takes for observation i.
p is the probability of assignment to cluster k, given model parameters and observaed value.
πk is the initial probability of being from cluster k.
N is the gaussian model.
what if we knew the cluster soft assignments rij ?
The procedure for the iterative algorithm:
1. initialize
2. estimate cluster responsibilities given current parameter estimates(E-step)
3. maximize likelihood given soft assignments
EM is a coordinate-ascent algorithm
EM converges to a local mode
There are many ways to initialize the EM algorithm and it is important for convergence rates and quality of local mode
prevent overfitting
机器学习笔记(Washington University)- Clustering Specialization-week four
标签:nbsp model learn add gaussian gen max ping http