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hidden node and exposed node problem

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  • Exposed node problem


In wireless networks, theexposed node problem occurs when a node is prevented from sending packets to other nodes because of a neighboring transmitter. Consider an example of 4 nodes labeled R1, S1, S2, and R2, where the two receivers (R1, R2) are out of range of each other, yet the two transmitters (S1, S2) in the middle are in range of each other. Here, if a transmission between S1 and R1 is taking place, node S2 is prevented from transmitting to R2 as it concludes after carrier sense that it will interfere with the transmission by its neighbor S1. However note that R2 could still receive the transmission of S2 without interference because it is out of range of S1.[1]

IEEE 802.11 RTS/CTS mechanism helps to solve this problem only if the nodes are synchronized and packet sizes and data rates are the same for both the transmitting nodes. When a node hears an RTS from a neighboring node, but not the corresponding CTS, that node can deduce that it is an exposed node and is permitted to transmit to other neighboring nodes.[1]

If the nodes are not synchronised (or if the packet sizes are different or the data rates are different) the problem may occur that the sender will not hear the CTS or the ACK during the transmission of data of the second sender.





IEEE 802.11 RTS / CTS机制只有在节点同步并且发送节点的数据包大小和数据速率相同时才有助于解决此问题。当节点从相邻节点听到RTS而不是相应的CTS时,该节点可以推断出它是一个暴露的节点,并被允许传送到其他相邻节点。[1]


  • Hidden node problem

Station A can communicate with Station B. Station C can also communicate with Station B. However, Stations A and C cannot communicate with each other since they cannot sense each other on the network, because they are out of range of each other.

In wireless networking, the hidden node problem or hidden terminal problem occurs when a node is visible from a wireless access point (AP), but not from other nodes communicating with that AP.[1] This leads to difficulties in media access control sublayer.




Hidden nodes in a wireless network are nodes that are out of range of other nodes or a collection of nodes. Take a physical star topology with an access point with many nodes surrounding it in a circular fashion: Each node is within communication range of the AP, but the nodes cannot communicate with each other, as they do not have a physical connection to each other. In a wireless network, it is likely that the node at the far edge of the access point‘s range, which is known as A, can see the access point, but it is unlikely that the same node can see a node on the opposite end of the access point‘s range, C. These nodes are known as hidden. The problem is when nodes A and C start to send packetssimultaneously to the access point B. Because the nodes A and C are out of range of each other and so cannot detect a collision while transmitting, Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) does not work, and collisions occur, which then corrupt the data received by the access point. To overcome the hidden node problem, RTS/CTS handshaking (IEEE 802.11 RTS/CTS) is implemented in conjunction with the Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme. The same problem exists in a MANET.

The hidden node problem can be observed easily in widespread (>50m radius) WLAN setups with many nodes that use directional antennas and have high upload. This is why IEEE 802.11 is suited for bridging the last mile for broadband access only to a very limited extent. Newer standards such as WiMAX assign time slots to individual stations, thus preventing multiple nodes from sending simultaneously and ensuring fairness even in over-subscription scenarios.

IEEE 802.11 uses 802.11 RTS/CTS acknowledgment and handshake packets to partly overcome the hidden node problem. RTS/CTS is not a complete solution and may decrease throughput even further, but adaptive acknowledgments from the base station can help too.

The comparison with hidden stations shows that RTS/CTS packages in each traffic class are profitable (even with short audio frames, which cause a high overhead on RTS/CTS frames).[2]

In the experimental environment following traffic classes are included: data (not time critical), data (time critical), video, audio. Examples for notations: (0|0|0|2) means 2 audio stations; (1|1|2|0) means 1 data station (not time critical), 1 data station (time critical), 2 video stations.

Benchmarks: Net Throughput with/without RTS/CTS (Pommer, p.179)

The other methods that can be employed to solve hidden node problem are :


Increasing Transmitting Power From the Nodes[edit]

Increasing the transmission power of the nodes can solve the hidden node problem by allowing the cell around each node to increase in size, encompassing all of the other nodes. This configuration enables the non-hidden nodes to detect, or hear, the hidden node. If the non-hidden nodes can hear the hidden node, the hidden node is no longer hidden. Because wireless LANs use the CSMA/CA protocol, nodes will wait their turn before communicating with the access point.

This solution only works if one increases the transmission power on nodes that are hidden. In the typical case of a WiFi network, increasing transmission power on the access point only will not solve the problem because typically the hidden nodes are the clients (e.g. laptops, mobile devices), not the access point itself, and the clients will still not be able to hear each other. Increasing transmission power on the access point is actually likely to make the problem worse, because it will put new clients in range of the access point and thus add new nodes to the network that are hidden from other clients.

Omnidirectional antennas[edit]

Since nodes using directional antennas are nearly invisible to nodes that are not positioned in the direction the antenna is aimed at, directional antennas should be used only for very small networks (e.g., dedicated point-to-point connections). Use omnidirectional antennas for widespread networks consisting of more than two nodes.

Removing obstacles[edit]

Increasing the power on mobile nodes may not work if, for example, the reason one node is hidden is that there is a concrete or steel wall preventing communication with other nodes. It is doubtful that one would be able to remove such an obstacle, but removal of the obstacle is another method of remedy for the hidden node problem. Keep these types of obstacles in mind when performing a site survey.

Moving the node[edit]

Another method of solving the hidden node problem is moving the nodes so that they can all hear each other. If it is found that the hidden node problem is the result of a user moving his computer to an area that is hidden from the other wireless nodes, it may be necessary to have that user move again. The alternative to forcing users to move is extending the wireless LAN to add proper coverage to the hidden area, perhaps using additional access points.

Protocol enhancement software[edit]

There are several software implementations of additional protocols that essentially implement a polling or token passing strategy. Then, a master (typically the access point) dynamically polls clients for data. Clients are not allowed to send data without the master‘s invitation. This eliminates the hidden node problem at the cost of increased latency and less maximum throughput.








无线网络中的隐藏节点是超出其他节点或节点集合的节点。以具有多个节点的接入点进行物理星形拓扑结构,循环方式:每个节点位于AP的通信范围内,但节点之间无法进行通信,因为它们之间没有物理连接。在无线网络中,接入点范围的远端(被称为A)的节点很可能能够看到接入点,但是同一节点不太可能看到相对端的节点接入点的范围,C这些节点被称为隐藏问题是当节点AC开始同时向接入点B发送数据包时。因为节点AC彼此超出范围,因此在发送时不能检测到冲突,具有冲突检测CSMA / CD)的载波侦听多路访问不起作用,并且发生冲突,从而使由切入点。为了克服隐藏节点问题,RTS / CTS握手(IEEE 802.11 RTS / CTS与具有冲突避免CSMA / CA)方案的载波侦听多路访问一起实现。

在具有许多使用定向天线并具有高上传的节点的广泛(> 50m半径)WLAN设置中,可以容易地观察到隐藏节点问题。这就是为什么IEEE 802.11适用于仅在非常有限的范围内桥接最后一公里宽带接入的原因。较新的标准如WiMAX将时隙分配给各个站,从而防止多个节点同时发送,并确保即使在超订购情况下也能公平。

IEEE 802.11使用802.11 RTS / CTS确认和握手包来部分克服隐藏节点问题。RTS / CTS不是一个完整的解决方案,并且可以进一步降低吞吐量,但来自基站的自适应确认也可以帮助。

与隐藏站的比较显示,每个流量类别中的RTS / CTS软件包都是有利可图的(即使是短帧音频,导致RTS / CTS帧的高开销)。[2]

在包括流量类别在内的实验环境中:数据(不是时间关键),数据(时间关键),视频,音频。符号示例:(0 | 0 | 0 | 2)表示2个音频电台; (1 | 1 | 2 | 0)表示1个数据站(不是时间关键),1个数据站(时间关键),2个视频站。

基准:具有/不具有RTS / CTS的净吞吐量(Pommer,p.179)




增加节点的传输功率可以通过允许每个节点周围的小区来增加大小,从而解决隐藏节点的问题,包括所有其他节点。该配置使得非隐藏节点能够检测或听到隐藏节点。如果非隐藏节点可以听到隐藏节点,则隐藏节点不再隐藏。由于无线局域网使用CSMA / CA协议,所以在与接入点进行通信之前,节点将等待转机。

该解决方案仅在增加隐藏节点的传输功率时有效。在典型情况下的WiFi网络,在增加发射功率接入点只将不会因为通常隐藏节点是客户端(例如笔记本电脑,移动设备)解决问题,而不是接入点本身和客户意愿依然不能够听到对方 增加接入点的传输功率实际上可能会使问题变得更糟,因为它会将新客户端置于接入点的范围内,从而将新节点添加到隐藏于其他客户端的网络。












A、希望向B发送信息,这时A、B希望在发送信息的时没有人在B接收范围内发送信息,因为那样会干扰接受。就像在以太网中一样,A发送了一个广播,表明他要向B发送信息,但是在这时恰巧C也希望向B发送信息,由于 A的发送范围覆盖B但是无法覆盖C,所以C误以为没有人会向B发送信息,A也误以为所有人都听到了他要发送信息,于是两台计算机同时开始发送,互相干扰导致传送失败。




hidden node and exposed node problem

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