标签:code sha author 购物 div payment name 商品 mon
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # __author__ = "DaChao" # Date: 2017/6/7 #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # __author__ = "DaChao" # Date: 2017/6/10 ‘‘‘ 要求用户输入总资产,例如:2000 显示商品列表,让用户根据序号选择商品,加入购物车 购买,如果商品总额大于总资产,提示账户余额不足,否则,购买成功。 附加:可充值、某商品移除购物车 goods = [ {"name": "电脑", "price": 1999}, {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10}, {"name": "游艇", "price": 20}, {"name": "美女", "price": 998}, ] ‘‘‘ def shangpin(): ‘‘‘ 打印商品列表及序号,并价格赋值 :return: ‘‘‘ num = 1 for n_p in goods: print(num,n_p["name"],n_p[‘price‘]) p_goods.append(n_p[‘price‘]) num+=1 def choose_1(): ‘‘‘ 打印购物选择 :return: ‘‘‘ tips_1 = ["Continue shopping!", "Go payment!"] num = 1 for n_p in tips_1: print(num,tips_1[num-1]) num+=1 def choose_2(): ‘‘‘ 打印金额不足选择 :return: ‘‘‘ tips_2 = ["Go recharge!","Go to remove goods!"] num = 1 print("Your money are not enough!") for n_p in tips_2: print(num, tips_2[num - 1]) num += 1 def goods_list(): ‘‘‘ 显示购物车功能 :return: ‘‘‘ if goods_1 != 0: print("已购买电脑数量: ",goods_1) if goods_2 != 0: print("已购买鼠标数量: ",goods_2) if goods_3 != 0: print("已购买游艇数量: ",goods_3) if goods_4 != 0: print("已购买美女数量: ",goods_4) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: goods = [ {"name": "电脑", "price": 1999}, {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10}, {"name": "游艇", "price": 20}, {"name": "美女", "price": 998}, ] p_goods = [] money_bsum = 0 g_goods = [] goods_1 = 0 goods_2 = 0 goods_3 = 0 goods_4 = 0 num = 0 money_sum = int(input("Please input your total money in your wallet: ")) tag_1 = True while tag_1: #商品购物 shangpin() num = int(input("Please choose your favorite goods of id: ")) if num in range(1,5): #选择商品,购物总价叠加,并加入新购物列表,以便移除. money_bsum = money_bsum + int(p_goods[num-1]) if num == 1: goods_1 += 1 print("电脑 加入购物车!目前数量: ", goods_1) elif num == 2: goods_2 += 1 print("鼠标 加入购物车!目前数量: ", goods_2) elif num == 3: goods_3 += 1 print("游艇 加入购物车!目前数量: ", goods_3) elif num == 4: goods_4 += 1 print("美女 加入购物车!目前数量: ", goods_4) else: print("Please input correct ID.") choose_1() choose_id = input("1 & 2 ?") if choose_id == "2": tag_1 = False tag_2 = True while tag_2: #支付选择,如果余额不足,充值或移除商品至支付成功。 if money_bsum <= money_sum: print("Pay successful!") tag_2 = False else : choose_2() choose_id = input("1 & 2 ?") if choose_id == "1": money_sum += int(input("Please input your recharge money: ")) elif choose_id == "2": goods_list() shangpin() while tag_2: num_del = int(input(print("Please choose your del goods of id: "))) if num_del == 1 and goods_1 != 0: goods_1 -= 1 money_bsum -= 1999 if money_bsum <= money_sum: tag_2 = False elif num_del == 2 and goods_2 != 0: goods_2 -= 1 money_bsum -= 10 if money_bsum <= money_sum: tag_2 = False elif num_del == 3 and goods_3 != 0: goods_3 -= 1 money_bsum -= 20 if money_bsum <= money_sum: tag_2 = False elif num_del == 1 and goods_4 != 0: goods_4 -= 1 money_bsum -= 998 if money_bsum <= money_sum: tag_2 = False print("You can offord your shopping!")
标签:code sha author 购物 div payment name 商品 mon