标签:ace 分析 暴力 type clu not 二进制 wan 最大
For each case, first output the case number as "Case #x: ", and x is the case number. Then you should output an integer, indicating the maximum result that Elfness can get.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; class number { public: long long p; string s; void Set(long long p,string s) { this->p = p; this->s = s; } friend bool operator < (number a,number b) { return a.s < b.s; } }; int main() { long long T,c=0; cin>>T; number num[20020]; while(T--) { c++; long long n,k; cin>>n>>k; string s; for(long long i = 0; i < 2*n; ++ i) { cin>>s; num[i].Set(i,s); for(long long j = 0; j < k; ++ j) if(s[j]==‘0‘) s[j]=‘1‘; else s[j]=‘0‘; ++i; num[i].Set(i-1,s); } sort(num,num+2*n); // for(long long i = 0; i < 2*n; ++ i) // cout<<num[i].s<<endl; cout<<"Case #"<<c<<": "; if(n == 1) { cout<<"0"<<endl; } else if(num[0].p!=num[2*n-1].p) { long long a=0,b=0; for(long long i = k-1,j=1; i >= 0; -- i,j<<=1) { if(num[0].s[i] == ‘1‘) a+=j; } for(long long i = k-1,j=1; i >= 0; -- i,j<<=1) { if(num[2*n-1].s[i] == ‘1‘) b+=j; } cout<<b-a<<endl; } else { string s1,s2; long long a=0,b=0,ans=0; s1 = num[0].s; s2 = num[2*n-2].s; for(long long i = k-1,j=1; i >= 0; -- i,j<<=1) { if(s1[i] == ‘1‘) a+=j; } for(long long i = k-1,j=1; i >= 0; -- i,j<<=1) { if(s2[i] == ‘1‘) b+=j; } ans = b-a; b=0;a=0; s1 = num[1].s; s2 = num[2*n-1].s; for(long long i = k-1,j=1; i >= 0; -- i,j<<=1) { if(s1[i] == ‘1‘) a+=j; } for(long long i = k-1,j=1; i >= 0; -- i,j<<=1) { if(s2[i] == ‘1‘) b+=j; } cout<<max(ans,b-a)<<endl; } } return 0; }
For each case, first output the case number as "Case #x: ", and x is the case number. Then output a single number, representing the minimum number of trees lxhgww needs to move.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; long long a[200]; int main() { long long T; scanf("%lld",&T); for(long long cas=1;cas<=T;cas++) { long long n,ans=0; scanf("%lld",&n); long long len=n; for(long long i=0;i<n;i++) ///输入 { scanf("%lld",&a[i]); } sort(a,a+n); long long count=0,tmp=1; for(long long i=1;i<n;i++) //找数组中仅仅有两个数且重点的最小值 { if(a[i]==a[i-1]) { tmp++; } else break; } long long xx = 0,tt=0; int p = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) //找全部里面重点最多的 { if(i == n-1) { ++tt; if(xx < tt) xx = tt; } else if(a[i]==a[p]) tt++; else { p = i; if(xx < tt) xx = tt; tt=1; }//printf("*%lld\n",tt); } // printf("x%lld\n",tmp); count = min(tmp,len-tmp); for(long long i=1;i<n;i++) ///删除反复元素 { if(a[i]==a[i-1]) { for(long long j=i;j<n-1;j++) a[j]=a[j+1]; n--;i--; } } // for(long long i=0;i<n;i++) // printf("%lld ",a[i]); for(long long i=0;i<n-1;i++) ///枚举结果 { for(long long j=i+1;j<n;j++) { long long lis=a[j]-a[i]; // if(lis==0) // continue; for(long long k=0;k<n;k++) { long long mm=0; long long ri=a[k]+(len-1)*lis; // printf("x%lld ",ri); for(long long f=k;f<n && a[f]<=ri;f++) { // if(f==i || f==j) // continue; long long tmp=a[f]-a[i]; if(tmp<0) tmp=-tmp; if(tmp%lis==0) mm++; } // printf("%lld\n",mm); if(mm>ans) ans=mm; } } // printf("xx\n\n"); } printf("Case #%lld: ",cas); if(n==1 || len==2) { printf("0\n");continue; } else if(n==2 && len>2) { printf("%lld\n",count);continue; } printf("%lld\n",min(len-ans,len-xx)); } return 0; }
标签:ace 分析 暴力 type clu not 二进制 wan 最大