标签:原版 学习总结 standard 坚持 英文原版 flat 原则 -o 资源
最近在看经济学原理这本书,英文原版。看过过程中有些还是很难懂尤其涉及到长句生词。阅读能在很需要加强。主要看了就是经济学的是个基本原则。从人类的生产交易的基本的经济行为以及相应影响经济行为的因素。比如货币等等。 当然看这本书的目的不在于钻研经济学。更多的还是英文的阅读能力。这里抄下经济学的十大基本原则吧。
Principle 1: People face trade-offs.
Princilple 2: The cost of something is what you give up to get it.
Principle 3: Rational people think at the margin.
Principle 4: People respond to incentives.
principle 5 : Trade can make eneryone better off.
Principle 6 : Markets are usually a good way to organized economic activity.
Principle 7: Governments can sometimes improve market outcomes.
Principle 8: A country‘s standard of living depend on its ability to product goods and services.
Principle 9: Prices rise when the government prints too much money.
principle 10: Society faces a short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment.
标签:原版 学习总结 standard 坚持 英文原版 flat 原则 -o 资源