标签:tab start eee delete mount UI otto new 1.7
By TreeDream
create procedure exp1 as select * from Stock Go ? exec exp1
if exists (select name from sysobjects where name =‘exp2‘ and type = ‘P‘) drop procedure exp2 Go create procedure exp2 @mno char(8),@mname varchar(50),@mspeci varchar(20) as insert into Stock(mat_num,mat_name,speci) values(@mno,@mname,@mspeci) GO ? execute exp2 ‘m030‘,‘护套绝缘电线‘,‘BVV-35‘
if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = ‘exp3‘ and type = ‘P‘) drop procedure exp3 GO create procedure exp3 @mname varchar(50) = ‘%绝缘%‘,@pno char(8) = ‘20110005‘ as select mat_name,speci,prj_name,prj_status from Stock,Salvaging,Out_stock where Stock.mat_num = Out_stock.mat_num and Salvaging.prj_num = Out_stock.prj_num and mat_name like @mname and Salvaging.prj_num = @pno GO ? execute exp3 execute exp3 @pno = ‘20110002‘
if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = ‘exp4‘ and type = ‘P‘) drop procedure exp4 GO create procedure exp4 @pn char(8),@sum int output as select @sum = sum(amount) from Out_stock where prj_num = @pn GO ? declare @total int execute exp4 ‘20110002‘,@total output print ‘总量‘+ cast(@total as varchar(20))
drop procedure exp4
if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = ‘tr1_stock‘ and type = ‘P‘) drop trigger tr1_stock GO create trigger tr1_stock on Stock after insert as declare @amount int select @amount = amount from inserted if @amount < 1 Begin rollback tran raiserror (‘amount must be greater than 1!‘,16,10) END GO
create trigger tr1_outstock on Out_stock after insert as Begin declare @m_num char(8),@m_amount int select @m_num = mat_num,@m_amount = amount from inserted update stock set amount = amount - @m_amount where mat_num = @m_num END GO
create trigger tr2_stock on Stock after delete as Begin declare @mat_num char(8) select @mat_num = mat_num from deleted delete from Out_stock where mat_num = @mat_num END
update触发器:合并了inserted deleted 触发器
create trigger tr3_stock on Stock after update as declare @amount_new int,@amount_old int,@mat_num char(10) select @amount_new = amount,@mat_num = mat_num from inserted if @amount_new < 1 Begin select @amount_old = amount from deleted update Stock set amount = @amount_old where mat_num = @mat_num END
alter table Salvaging add constraint PK_salvaging primary key(prj_num) ? alter table Salvaging add constraint data_check check(start_date<=end_date) ? alter table Salvaging add constraint DF_salvaging default (0) for prj_status ? alter table Salvaging drop constraint data_check
create default _Getdate as getdate()
sp_bindefault _Getdate, ‘Out_stock.get_date‘
sp_unbindefault _Getdate
check约束是在create table中建立的,规则独立于表
create rule amount_rule as @amount>0 and @amount<=100
create rule amount_rule as @amount>0 and @amount<=100 ? sp_bindrule amount_rule,‘Stock.amount‘ sp_unbindrule amount_rule,‘Stock.amount‘ ? drop rule amount_rule
标签:tab start eee delete mount UI otto new 1.7