标签:style blog color 数据 2014 div log sp 时间
如: select t.sid,t.qymc,t1.dl_count,t2.qy_ybyh_count from ( select sid,qymc from base_qyxx where (ISDELETED= 0 or ISDELETEDis null) and ID = ‘000100090002‘ ) t left join ( select userid,count(1) dl_count from sys_log_login l where l.logindate >= to_date(‘20140501‘, ‘yyyyMMdd‘) and l.logindate <= to_date(‘20140731‘, ‘yyyyMMdd‘) group by userid ) t1 on t.sid=t1.userid left join ( select qyid,count(1) qy_ybyh_count from hidden_danger_ybyhxx ybyh where (ISDELETEDis null or ISDELETED= 0) and (zfjcid is null) and ybyh.cjsj >= to_date(‘20140501‘, ‘yyyyMMdd‘) and ybyh.cjsj <= to_date(‘20140731‘, ‘yyyyMMdd‘) group by qyid ) t2 on t.sid = t2.qyid
标签:style blog color 数据 2014 div log sp 时间