Two elements of a binary search tree (BST) are swapped by mistake.
Recover the tree without changing its structure.
Note:A solution using O(n) space is pretty straight forward. Could you devise a constant space solution?
public class Solution { private TreeNode findMin(TreeNode root) { TreeNode result, l = root, r = root; if (root.left != null) l = findMin(root.left); if (root.right!= null) r = findMin(root.right); result = l.val < r.val ? l : r; return result.val < root.val ? result : root; } private TreeNode findMax(TreeNode root) { TreeNode result, l = root, r = root; if (root.left != null) l = findMax(root.left); if (root.right != null) r = findMax(root.right); result = l.val > r.val ? l : r; return result.val > root.val ? result : root; } public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) { TreeNode l=root,r=root; if(root==null||(root.left==null&&root.right==null)) return; if(root.left!=null) l=findMax(root.left); if(root.right!=null) r=findMin(root.right); if(l.val>r.val){ int temp=l.val; l.val=r.val; r.val=temp; return ; }else if(l.val>root.val){ int temp=l.val; l.val=root.val; root.val=temp; return ; }else if(r.val<root.val){ int temp=r.val; r.val=root.val; root.val=temp; return ; }else{ recoverTree(root.left); recoverTree(root.right); } } }
LeetCode 99 Recover Binary Search Tree