标签:一段 tool rip tar star learn shell family .net
#!/bin/bash # Usage parse_log.sh caffe.log # It creates the following two text files, each containing a table: # caffe.log.test (columns: ‘#Iters Seconds TestAccuracy TestLoss‘) # caffe.log.train (columns: ‘#Iters Seconds TrainingLoss LearningRate‘) # get the dirname of the script DIR="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )" if [ "$#" -lt 1 ] then echo "Usage parse_log.sh /path/to/your.log" exit fi LOG=`basename $1` grep -B 1 ‘Test ‘ $1 > aux.txt grep ‘Iteration ‘ aux.txt | sed ‘s/.*Iteration \([[:digit:]]*\).*/\1/g‘ > aux0.txt grep ‘Test net output #0‘ aux.txt | awk ‘{print $11}‘ > aux1.txt grep ‘Test net output #1‘ aux.txt | awk ‘{print $11}‘ > aux2.txt # Extracting elapsed seconds # For extraction of time since this line contains the start time grep ‘] Solving ‘ $1 > aux3.txt grep ‘Testing net‘ $1 >> aux3.txt $DIR/extract_seconds.py aux3.txt aux4.txt # Generating echo ‘#Iters Seconds TestAccuracy TestLoss‘> $LOG.test paste aux0.txt aux4.txt aux1.txt aux2.txt | column -t >> $LOG.test rm aux.txt aux0.txt aux1.txt aux2.txt aux3.txt aux4.txt # For extraction of time since this line contains the start time grep ‘] Solving ‘ $1 > aux.txt grep ‘, loss = ‘ $1 >> aux.txt grep ‘Iteration ‘ aux.txt | sed ‘s/.*Iteration \([[:digit:]]*\).*/\1/g‘ > aux0.txt grep ‘, loss = ‘ $1 | awk ‘{print $9}‘ > aux1.txt grep ‘, lr = ‘ $1 | awk ‘{print $9}‘ > aux2.txt # Extracting elapsed seconds $DIR/extract_seconds.py aux.txt aux3.txt # Generating echo ‘#Iters Seconds TrainingLoss LearningRate‘> $LOG.train paste aux0.txt aux3.txt aux1.txt aux2.txt | column -t >> $LOG.train rm aux.txt aux0.txt aux1.txt aux2.txt aux3.txt
$1表示第一个参数,即命令行输入的第一个参数,parse_log.sh caffe.log,caffe.log就是第一个参数。
grep是linux搜索命令,grep ‘] Solving ‘ $1 > aux.txt就是在第一参数里找] Solving,然后把这个所在行重定向到aux.txt文件。
bnrc@bnrc:~$ grep ‘] Solving ‘ /home/bnrc/fast-rcnn/caffe-fast-rcnn/tools/extra/out.log I0619 20:43:38.261850 23209 solver.cpp:189] Solving deeplab_largeFOV
grep -B 1 ‘Test ‘ $1 > aux.txt :在第一个参数所在文件中搜索有‘Test ‘的行,显示这些行,并显示第一个有‘Test ‘的行的前1行。如果换成2就是前2行。-A是向后显示。
标签:一段 tool rip tar star learn shell family .net