标签:blog 结果 print ack 学习笔记 prefix inpu 用法 bsp
implicit 分为隐式转换和隐式参数,下面例子展现了两种方式的用法:
package com.citi.scala class Man(val name: String) { def talkWith(m: SuperMan) { println(s"Talk with ${m.name}") } def SayHello(msg: String)(implicit prefix: String) { println(prefix + ", " + msg) } } object Man { // implicit def manToSuperMan(s: Man): SuperMan = { // new SuperMan(s.name) // } } class SuperMan(val name: String) { def flyInSky { println("I can fly in the sky") } } object SuperMan { } object ImplicitLearning { implicit def manToSuperMan(s: Man): SuperMan = { new SuperMan(s.name) } implicit val prefix: String = "Hello" def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val m = new Man("Sky") //对象隐式转换 m.flyInSky //方法参数隐式转换 m.talkWith(m) m.SayHello("World")("See") //隐式参数 m.SayHello("World") } }
I can fly in the sky Talk with Sky Input, World Hello, World
标签:blog 结果 print ack 学习笔记 prefix inpu 用法 bsp