标签:exist format between omr ide into rename delete get
svnadmin create #create a new repository svn info #lists the information for the repository svn mkdir #make a directory in the repository svn checkout #gets a copy of the repository and puts it under version control svn export #get something from repository (will not be under version control) svn import #put something into repository svn commit #find all changes and put them into the repository svn status #shows a list of changes svn status -u #shows a list of changes in the repository that don‘t exist in my copy svn add #mark a file to be added to the repository svn move #move something in the repository from one spot to another svn delete #delete something from the repository svn rename #basically a move and a delete done in one step svn copy #copy something in the repository svn log #shows a list of commit messages svn list #display contents of repository directory svn update #update my checked out copy to the whatever is in the repository svn update -r #update to a specific version of the repository svn diff #check difference between files
svnadmin create /path/to/<repository_name>
svn mkdir http://<domain>/newProject -m "Creating newProject" svn mkdir http://<domain>/newProject/trunk -m "Creating trunk folder" svn mkdir http://<domain>/newProject/tags -m "Creating tags folder" svn mkdir http://<domain>/newProject/branches -m "Creating branches folder"The first method is much faster and assumes that you just want to make whatever your directory with your code is an active SVN code base under version control. In this case we simply checkout the empty project we just created into that directory. In this case we will be checking out the trunk directory, since that is where we want our active code development to be.
svn checkout http://<domain>/newProject/trunk /path/to/codeThis basically links our directory with all of our code to the SVN repository and tells it to start keeping it under version control. If you run the status command we will see that all the files and folders have a question mark beside them which is basically just SVN telling us they are all new files, and it wants to know what to do with them.
svn status /path/to/codeWe need to tell SVN what to do with these files so we will just tell them to add them to the repository by running the following command:
svn add /path/to/code/*You will see some output as it goes through each file and directory adding files. When its done and you do a status check again you will this time see the letter "A" beside each file telling you that these files are ready to be added to the repository.
svn status /path/to/codeNow we can do our initial commit to put all these files into the repository and they will now be under version control. Since we are making a change to the repository again here we will need to specify our -m option with a message.
svn commit -m "Commiting initial code base to newProject"You will see some output here as the code starts being transferred to the repository. This can take a little while if your project is really large so just be patient and let it finish. Once its complete we can do our status command again and this time you won‘t see any output as there are no changes and everything is synced up.
svn status /path/to/codeI typically prefer the first method because it allows me to just take my current code and put it under version control without having to create any copies of my code base. However there are situations where you will not want to put your active code base under version control, or there is just no reason to. In this case we will just import our code straight into the directories we created earlier. Again in this situation we would have to provide a message since we are making modifications to the repository.
svn import /path/to/code http://<domain>/newProject/trunk -m "initial import"You will see a bunch of output here as the code is being transferred to the repository. Just hold tight as it could take a while depending on the size of the project. Once that is done, you can checkout the project wherever you like and that will just be your latest version of that code under version control.
svn checkout http://<domain>/newProject/trunk /path/to/new/codeIf you do a status check now you will not see any output as you now have the latest version of the project you just checked out in a new directory under version control.
svn status /path/to/new/codeNow what you decide to do with that old code base is up to you. You can continue checkout multiple copies of the code base now as needed, which I will cover in the next section.
svn info
svn checkout http://<domain>/newProject/trunk /path/to/codeYou could check this out multiple times as long as the directories are named differently, also you could checkout any part of the repository. In fact you could just checkout the entire code base with all tags and branches although I would not recommend this as the size of the repository can grow pretty fast as you continue to do development.
svn checkout http://<domain>/newProject/tags/someVersion /path/to/new/code2
svn export http://<domain>/newProject/tags/someVersion /path/to/new/code
svn list http://<domain>/newProject/trunkThe second thing is that you will want to see a log of changes for a particular file or directory. Sometimes we may also just want to view the log or modifications for a specific version. Al list of the common different options below:
svn log /path/to/<file> #show log for this file svn log -r 45:77 /path/to/<file> #show log between the two revisions svn log -r 77:45 /path/to/<file> #show log between the two revisions in reverse svn log -r 23 /path/to/<file> #show the log for this version svn log -vr 35 /path/to/<file> #show modification for this version
svn status -u /path/to/codeThis will show us changes in the repository that we don‘t yet have in our own code base. We can decide to update only parts of our code by specifying the file or directory:
svn update /path/to/code/<file>Or we can just update all of our code in one shot by running update on the base directory.
svn update /path/to/codeYou will see some output as you code all gets update. Where it can SVN will automatically merge your code for you, otherwise it will leave conflicts for you to figure out. Now that we have the latest code and have resolved all our conflicts we can now commit our own code. First we will just check our own changes by checking our status. SVN will tell us which files have been changed by putting an "M" beside the file or direcoty for modified.
svn status /path/to/codeHere again, we can just commit a specific file or directory or just the whole code base.
svn commit /path/to/code -m "This is my code on...."Note that we did not have to do the update first. We could have just committed our code with out taking anyone else‘s code. However its usually a good idea to update first to make sure you code works with the current code in the repository before committing it. If everyone follows this, you will have much less bugs committed into the repository.
svn diff /path/to/code
svn delete /path/to/code/<file>If you run this it will remove whatever you are trying to delete from both the repository and file system. If you do a file system delete, you will still also just need to run the svn delete. If you check the status you will now see deleted files marked with a "D" for deleted. We now have to do a commit to put the changes through to the SVN repository.
svn commit -m "Deltetes some file...."In the case of a rename, if we just moved or renamed the file through the file system first, then we will have to do an add for the newly named file.
svn add /path/to/code/newFileAlso we will need to do a delete for the old file that no longer exists.
svn delete /path/to/code/oldFileThen we would just run a commit. However if we just did a rename this would all auotmatically be done for us.
svn rename /path/to/code/oldFile /path/to/code/newFileif you do a status check here you will see the add and delete being preformed, then we can just commit nomrally.
svn commit -m "Rename some file"We can also do a delete or rename directly in the repository and then do an update. This is not very common but occassionaly useful.
svn delete http://<domain>/newProject/trunk/someFile -m "deleteing file" svn rename http://<domain>/newProject/trunk/old http://<domain>/newProject/tunk/new -m "rename"If we then did a status check against the repository we would see the changes that are coming in and we could just do an update.
svn status -u svn update
svn copy http://<domain>/newProject/trunk http://<domain>/newProject/tags/version_1.0.0 -m "copy"
svn status -uHere we will see the current version of the file vs the version of the file in the repository. We can take a note of this before we do our update, so that if we need to revert we can just run one command to go back to the state of that file for whatever reason that may be.
svn update -r <version_number> <file>
标签:exist format between omr ide into rename delete get