标签:打开 eval strftime else print images image one 密码验证
{‘张三‘: ‘123abc‘, ‘hu‘: ‘123456‘, ‘Aelx‘: ‘tttt‘, ‘王五‘: ‘www123‘, ‘zhou‘: ‘12346‘, ‘lili‘: ‘eeettt‘}
lock_file :
[‘Noneegj‘, ‘lili‘, ‘hu‘, ‘zhou‘]
user_info :
{‘张三‘: {‘salary‘: 20000}, ‘hu‘: {‘salary‘: 380900}, ‘zhou‘: {‘salary‘: 386400}}
history :
{‘hu‘: "[[‘手机‘, 2300], [‘笔记本电脑‘, 3500], [‘平板电视‘, 3900]]", ‘zhou‘: "[[‘平板电视‘, 3900]]"}
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # zhou # 2017/6/24 import os, sys, time goodsName = [ [‘手机‘, 2300], [‘笔记本电脑‘, 3500], [‘平板电视‘, 3900], [‘电脑‘, 1300], [‘电磁炉‘, 500] ] userFile = open(‘user_file‘, ‘r+‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) # 打开用户文件,转换成字典形式 userList = eval(userFile.readline()) lockFile = open(‘lock_file‘, ‘r+‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) # 打开用户锁定文件,转换成列表形式 lockList = eval(lockFile.readline()) shopList = [] def register(userName): ‘‘‘ 注册用户 :param userName: 注册用户名 :return: ‘‘‘ while True: password1 = input("请输入您的密码:") password2 = input("请再次输入您的密码:") if password1 == password2: # with open(‘user_file‘, ‘r+‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: # tmp = eval(f.readline()) # tmp[userName] = password1 # f.seek(0) # f.write(str(tmp)) userList[userName] = password1 userFile.seek(0) userFile.write(str(userList)) print(‘注册完成.‘) return True else: userInp = input("您两次密码不一致,注册失败,按y|Y直接退出,其余键重新输入密码") if userInp == ‘y‘ or userInp == ‘Y‘: confimLogout() def userExit(userName): ‘‘‘ 判断用户是否存在及是否锁定 :param userName:用户名 :return:True:代表用户存在,并且没有被锁定,False:用户不存在,或者用户被锁定 ‘‘‘ if userName in userList and userName not in lockList: return True elif userName in userList and userName in lockList: print("\033[31;1m{}\033[0m用户已经被锁定.请联系商家进行解锁.".format(userName)) else: userInp = input("\033[31;1m{}\033[0m用户不存在.按y|Y进行注册.其余任意键返回".format(userName)) if userInp == ‘y‘ or userInp == ‘Y‘: return register(userName) def confimLogout(): ‘‘‘ 用户退出确认函数 :return:True:退出程序, False:不退出程序 ‘‘‘ # userInp = input("是否退出!按[y|Y]确定退出?.其他任意键返回<<<.") # if userInp == ‘y‘ or userInp == ‘Y‘: print("再见,欢迎您下次光临.") userFile.close() lockFile.close() exit() def fileExit(fileName): ‘‘‘ 判断文件是否存在, 不存在就创建一个名字为fileName,内容为{}的文件 :param fileName: 文件名 :return: ‘‘‘ if os.path.exists(fileName): pass else: with open(fileName, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.write(‘{}‘) def userPass(): ‘‘‘ 输入用户名和密码是否通过 :return: 如果用户名密码验证通过,返回userName ‘‘‘ while True: print(‘用户登录‘.center(30, ‘-‘)) userName = input(‘请输入用户名,按y|Y直接退出商城:‘) if userName == ‘y‘ or userName == ‘Y‘: confimLogout() elif userExit(userName): # 判断用户是否存在并且没有被锁定 count = 3 # 定义输入密码的次数 while count > 0: # 循环输入密码三次, 如果还不准确,账号将被锁定 password = input(‘请输入您的密码.(您还有\033[31;1m{}\033[0m次机会.)‘.format(count)) if userList[userName] == password: return userName count -= 1 lockList.append(userName) lockFile.seek(0) lockFile.write(str(lockList)) userInp = input(‘您的用户被锁定.请联系商家进行解锁.按y|Y直接退出商城.其他任意键重新登录.‘) if userInp == ‘y‘ or userInp == ‘Y‘: confimLogout() def userInfo(): with open(‘user_info‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: return eval(f.readline()) def queryRecord(userName): ‘‘‘ 查询购物记录的函数,从history文件中进行查询 :param userName: 查询的用户名 :return: ‘‘‘ with open(‘history‘, ‘r+‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: tmp = eval(f.readline()) if userName in tmp: print("您之前购买过:".center(30, "-")) print(tmp[userName]) else: print("此用户暂时还没有购物记录.") def shopping(userName, salary): while True: # 打印商品 print("能够购买的商品".center(30, ‘-‘)) for index, item in enumerate(goodsName, 1): print(index, item) print() index = input("请输入您要购买的商品:") if index.isdigit(): index = int(index) if index > 0 and index <= len(goodsName): if salary >= goodsName[index - 1][1]: shopList.append(goodsName[index - 1]) salary -= goodsName[index - 1][1] userInp = input("已经将\033[31;1m{}\033[0m加入您的购物车,按y|Y进行结算,其余任意键继续展示商品.".format(goodsName[index - 1])) if userInp == ‘y‘ or userInp == ‘Y‘: # 填入购物信息 with open(‘history‘, ‘r+‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: tmp = eval(f.readline()) if userName not in tmp: tmp[userName] = ‘‘ tmp[userName] = tmp[userName] + str(shopList) f.seek(0) f.write(str(tmp)) # 填入余额 with open(‘user_info‘, ‘r+‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: tmp = eval(f.readline()) if userName not in tmp: tmp[userName] = {} tmp[userName][‘salary‘] = salary f.seek(0) f.write(str(tmp)) print("您已经购买了以下商品\033[31;1m{}\033[0m".format(shopList)) print("您还剩余额\033[31;1m{}\033[0m".format(salary)) confimLogout() else: choice = ("您的余额不足, 按y|Y进行充值,按其余任意键选择其他商品") if choice == ‘y‘ or choice == ‘Y‘: deposit(userName) else: print("请输入正确的商品编号.") else: print("请输入正确的商品编号.") def deposit(userName): ‘‘‘ 充值函数,往user_info文件中进行充值 :param userName: 用户名, 表示给哪个用户进行充值 :return: ‘‘‘ while True: salary = input("请输入您要充值的金额:") if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) if salary > 0: with open(‘user_info‘, ‘r+‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: tmp = eval(f.readline()) tmp[userName] = {} # 为用户添加一个新的字典 tmp[userName][‘salary‘] = salary # 为用户充值 f.seek(0) f.write(str(tmp)) # 把用户的信息写入文件中 break else: print("输入的金额大于零,请重新输入.") else: print("输入的金额必须是数字.请重新输入") # 主程序 fileExit(‘user_info‘) fileExit(‘history‘) print("欢迎来到\033[31;1m购物商城\033[0m") time_format = ‘%y-%m-%d %X‘ #定义时间格式 times = time.strftime(time_format) userNamePass = userPass() print(userNamePass, userInfo()) if userNamePass not in userInfo(): # 判断用户是否在user_info中,如果不在就是第一次登录,就进行充值 deposit(userNamePass) infoList = userInfo() # 获取用户信息的列表 userSalary = infoList[userNamePass][‘salary‘] # 获取用户此前的金额 # 打印用户信息 print(‘\n您的用户信息:‘) print(‘用户名:\033[31;1m{}\033[0m‘.format(userNamePass)) print(‘余额:\033[31;1m{}\033[0m‘.format(userSalary)) while True: # 开始购物 print(‘‘‘ 按1 >>> 查询购物记录 按2 >>> 显示商品列表开始购物 按3 >>> 直接退出商城 ‘‘‘) userInp = input("请输入相应的编号.") if userInp.isdigit(): userInp = int(userInp) if userInp == 1: queryRecord(userNamePass) elif userInp == 2: shopping(userNamePass, userSalary) # 哪个用户购买的商品 elif userInp == 3: exit(‘您已经退出购物商城.‘) else: print(‘您输入的有误,请重新进行选择.‘) else: print("请输入正确的数字.")
标签:打开 eval strftime else print images image one 密码验证