#!/usr/local/bin/python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # AUTHOR:Howard hao import os # 创建数据存放文件夹 if not os.path.exists(‘db‘): os.mkdir(‘db‘) BASH_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) DB_DIR= os.path.join(BASH_DIR,‘db‘) if not os.path.join(BASH_DIR,‘db‘): os.mkdir(‘db‘) #商品列表 goods_list = [ ("iphone", 18000), ("Macbook pro", 10000), ("Iwatch", 5000), ("bike", 2000)] #展示商品列表函数 def good_list(): print("所有商品清单如下:") for index, iterm in enumerate(goods_list): print(index, iterm) return ‘‘ #展示帮助函数 def help_show(): print("请根据如下提示输入:") print("h => 获取帮助;L => 获取商品列表;l => 已购商品列表;数字 => 购买对应商品;q => 结束购物") #db数据读取函数 def db_read(username): username_path = os.path.join(DB_DIR,username) with open(username_path, ‘r‘) as f: f1 = f.read() return eval(f1) #登录校验函数 def login_analyse(username): username_path = os.path.join(DB_DIR,username) if os.path.exists(username_path): password = input(‘请输入登录密码:‘) data = db_read(username) if data[‘passwd‘] == password: print(‘%s 你好! 欢迎登录‘ %username) print(‘购物车商品列表:‘,data[‘shopping_list‘]) else: print(‘密码输入有误,请重新登录!‘) exit() else: while True: print(‘你好 %s! 您是第一次登录,现在为您的账号设定密码吧。‘ %username) while True: password1 = input(‘登录密码:‘) password1 = password1.strip() password2 = input(‘再次输入登录密码:‘) password2 = password2.strip() if password1 == ‘‘: print(‘Error!密码不能为空‘) continue elif not password2 == password1: print(‘两次密码输入不一致!请重新输入注册密码‘) elif password2 == password1: print(‘注册成功!‘) break else: continue while True: salary = input(‘请输入你的工资:‘) if not salary.isdigit(): print(‘输入有误!‘) continue else: break new_user = { ‘passwd‘:password1, ‘balance‘:salary, ‘shopping_list‘:‘[]‘ } with open(username_path,‘w‘) as f: f.write(str(new_user)) break #商品购买函数 def good_buy(username): while True: data = db_read(username) balance = int(data[‘balance‘]) choice = input("请输入想要购买商品的编号:") username_path = os.path.join(DB_DIR, username) if choice.isdigit(): choice=int(choice) if choice >= 0 and choice < len(goods_list): if goods_list[choice][1] <= balance: balance -= goods_list[choice][1] shop_list = eval(str(data[‘shopping_list‘])) shop_list.append(goods_list[choice]) update_user = { ‘passwd‘: data[‘passwd‘], ‘balance‘: balance, ‘shopping_list‘: shop_list } with open(username_path, ‘w‘) as f: f.write(str(update_user)) print("Add %s into shopping cart.The current account balance is \033[1;31m%s\033[0m." %(goods_list[choice], balance)) else: print("亲!你钱不够啦,就剩%s了,快去搬砖吧!键入 q 结束购物。" %balance) else: print("您选购的商品不存在") elif choice == ‘L‘: good_list() elif choice == ‘l‘: print(data[‘shopping_list‘]) elif choice == ‘q‘: break elif choice == ‘h‘: print(help_show()) else: print(help_show()) print("已购商品列表".center(50,"-") ) data = db_read(username) print(data[‘shopping_list‘]) balance = data[‘balance‘] print(‘余额:\033[1;32m%s\033[0m‘ %balance) username = input("请输入账号:") login_analyse(username) good_list() good_buy(username)
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