标签:after 矩阵 开始 opera bfs 注意 start [] new
1 //邻接链表 2 class Graph { 3 private: 4 //n: number of nodes 5 int n; 6 vector<int> *edges; 7 bool *visited; 8 public: 9 Graph(int input_n) { 10 n = input_n; 11 edges = new vector<int>[n]; 12 visited=new bool[n]; 13 //size of bool=1 14 memset(visited,0,n); 15 } 16 ~Graph() { 17 delete[] edges; 18 delete[] visited; 19 } 20 //no directions 21 void insert(int x, int y) { 22 edges[x].push_back(y); 23 edges[y].push_back(x); 24 } 25 26 //visited will be changed after one traversal 27 //so need to reset for new operations 28 void reset_visited(){ 29 memset(visited,0,n); 30 } 31 32 void dfs(int vertex) { 33 cout<<vertex<<endl; 34 visited[vertex]=true; 35 for(int adj_vertex: edges[vertex]){ 36 if(!visited[adj_vertex]){ 37 dfs(adj_vertex); 38 } 39 } 40 } 41 42 void bfs(int start_vertex) { 43 queue<int> bfs_queue; 44 bfs_queue.push(start_vertex); 45 visited[start_vertex]=true; 46 while(!bfs_queue.empty()){ 47 int vertex=bfs_queue.front(); 48 cout<<vertex<<endl; 49 bfs_queue.pop(); 50 for(int adj_vertex: edges[vertex]){ 51 //if it has not been put into the queue yet 52 if(!visited[adj_vertex]){ 53 visited[adj_vertex]=true; 54 bfs_queue.push(adj_vertex); 55 } 56 } 57 } 58 } 59 }; 60 61 62 63 64 //邻接矩阵 65 class Graph { 66 private: 67 //指向邻接矩阵 68 int **mat; 69 //n为顶点个数, 注意这里顶点是从0开始编号的 70 int n; 71 bool *visited; 72 public: 73 Graph(int input_n) { 74 n = input_n; 75 mat = new int *[n]; 76 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { 77 mat[i] = new int[n]; 78 memset(mat[i], 0, sizeof(int) * n); 79 } 80 visited=new bool[input_n]; 81 memset(visited,0,input_n); 82 } 83 ~Graph() { 84 for (int i = 0; i< n; ++i) { 85 delete[] mat[i]; 86 } 87 delete[] mat; 88 delete[] visited; 89 } 90 //flag=0为有向图, flag=1为无向图 91 void insert(int x,int y, int flag){ 92 mat[x][y]=1; 93 if(flag==1){ 94 mat[y][x]=1; 95 } 96 } 97 void output() { 98 for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ 99 for(int j=0;j<n;j++){ 100 cout<<mat[i][j]<<" "; 101 } 102 cout<<endl; 103 } 104 } 105 106 void reset_visited(){ 107 memset(visited,0,n); 108 } 109 110 void dfs(int cur_vertex){ 111 cout<<cur_vertex<<endl; 112 visited[cur_vertex]=true; 113 for(int adj_ver=0;adj_ver<n;adj_ver++){ 114 if((!visited[adj_ver]) && mat[cur_vertex][adj_ver]==1){ 115 dfs(adj_ver); 116 } 117 } 118 } 119 120 121 void bfs(int start_vertex){ 122 queue<int> bfs_queue; 123 bfs_queue.push(start_vertex); 124 visited[start_vertex]=true; 125 while(!bfs_queue.empty()){ 126 int cur_ver=bfs_queue.front(); 127 bfs_queue.pop(); 128 cout<<cur_ver<<endl; 129 for(int adj_ver=0; adj_ver<n; adj_ver++){ 130 if((!visited[adj_ver]) && mat[cur_ver][adj_ver]==1){ 131 bfs_queue.push(adj_ver); 132 visited[adj_ver]=true; 133 } 134 } 135 } 136 } 137 };
标签:after 矩阵 开始 opera bfs 注意 start [] new