标签:children val etc 参考资料 ons 参考 because boolean 一个
Given two non-empty binary trees s and t, check whether tree t has exactly the same structure and node values with a subtree of s. A subtree of s is a tree consists of a node in s and all of this node‘s descendants. The tree s could also be considered as a subtree of itself.
Example 1:
Given tree s:
3 / 4 5 / 1 2Given tree t:
4 / 1 2Return true, because t has the same structure and node values with a subtree of s.
Example 2:
Given tree s:
3 / 4 5 / 1 2 / 0Given tree t:
4 / 1 2Return false.
这道题目给了我们两个二叉树s, t,让我们判断一下,t 是不是 s 的子树。首先我们想一下,如果 s 和 t 一摸一样,那么 t 也是 s 的子树。如果s和t不一样, 那么我们要依次从 s 的 left 当作一个新的树,和 t 比较,如果不是;从 s 的 right 当作一个新的树,和 t 比较。直到把 s 树遍历结束;其中如果遇到 s 等于 t 的情况,立即返回true即可。那么我们要另外设一个function,来判断一下是否两个二叉树是相同的。
Java Solution:
Runtime beats 83.10%
关键点:recursively call trick:
recursively - return function(left) || function(right) : 只需要两个中任何一个function call 的返回值是true,那么答案就是true,运用在遍历 s 树的每一个点 和 t 比较;
recursively - return function(left) && function(right): 需要两个children都是返回true, 答案才是true,运用在判断两颗树否则相同。
1 /** 2 * Definition for a binary tree node. 3 * public class TreeNode { 4 * int val; 5 * TreeNode left; 6 * TreeNode right; 7 * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } 8 * } 9 */ 10 public class Solution 11 { 12 public boolean isSubtree(TreeNode s, TreeNode t) 13 { 14 if(s == null) 15 return false; 16 17 if(isSame(s,t)) // check is tree s and t are same 18 return true; 19 20 // if tree s and t are not same, recursively call to pass s children 21 return isSubtree(s.left, t) || isSubtree(s.right, t); 22 } 23 24 public boolean isSame(TreeNode s, TreeNode t) 25 { 26 if(s == null && t == null) // if two nodes are null, they are same 27 return true; 28 29 if(s == null || t == null) // if one node is null, another is not null, they are not same 30 return false; 31 32 if(s.val != t.val) // if two node values are not same 33 return false; 34 35 // if two node values are same, continue to check their children until end of tree 36 return isSame(s.left, t.left) && isSame(s.right, t.right); 37 } 38 }
LeetCode 572. Subtree of Another Tree (是否是另一个树的子树)
标签:children val etc 参考资料 ons 参考 because boolean 一个