标签:leetcode algorithm java map 数据结构
Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get
and set
- Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the
key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.
set(key, value)
- Set or insert the value if the key is not already
present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.
get(key) - 存在时返回其值,否则返回-1;
set(key) - 不存在时插入新值,存在时更新其值,注意当容量满时,需删除最长时间没有访问的key,将其删除,并插入新的key。
用map结构实现<key, value>的存储与读取。
class LRUCache { HashMap<Integer, Integer> map; ArrayList<Integer> list; int capacity; public LRUCache(int capacity) { map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(capacity); list = new ArrayList<Integer>(capacity); this.capacity = capacity; } public int get(int key) { if (map.get(key) == null) return -1; list.remove(new Integer(key)); list.add(key); return map.get(key); } public void set(int key, int value) { if (map.get(key) != null) {//原来存在key map.put(key, value); list.remove(new Integer(key)); list.add(key); } else {//原来不存在key if (map.size() < capacity) {//容量不满 map.put(key, value); list.add(key); } else {//容量满 int leastkey = list.remove(0); list.add(key); map.remove(leastkey); map.put(key, value); } } } }
题目要求是Least Recently Used,不仅 set 时要更新list,get 时也要更新list。
set 时,需先判断map中有无该值,若没有再判断map是否满了;如果反过来,即先判断map是否为满,再判断map中有无该值,这样就错了。
标签:leetcode algorithm java map 数据结构