标签:php print 不同的 imp func class rom getname return
<?php class Config { public static $factory = 1; } interface Product { public function getName(); } abstract class AbstractFactory { public static function getFactory() { switch (Config::$factory) { case 1: return new FirstFactory(); case 2: return new SecondFactory(); } throw new Exception(‘Bad config‘); } abstract public function getProduct(); } class FirstFactory extends AbstractFactory { public function getProduct() { return new FirstProduct(); } } class FirstProduct implements Product { public function getName() { return ‘The product from the first factory‘; } } class SecondFactory extends AbstractFactory { public function getProduct() { return new SecondProduct(); } } class SecondProduct implements Product { public function getName() { return ‘The product from second factory‘; } } $firstProduct = AbstractFactory::getFactory()->getProduct(); Config::$factory = 2; $secondProduct = AbstractFactory::getFactory()->getProduct(); print_r($firstProduct->getName()); // The first product from the first factory print_r($secondProduct->getName()); // Second product from second factory
标签:php print 不同的 imp func class rom getname return