标签:text hex virtual file war drop bin imp call
A while ago I posted a short description on how to decompile 64-bit autoit scripts. Someone pinged me asking on how to actually do it, so I thought it will be handy to simply write a script to do the dirty work for us.
And the 64-to-32 conversion script is shown below (call it autoit64to32.pl or whatever and run perl autoit64to32.pl <64-bit exe>):
use strict;
use warnings;
my $f=shift || die ("Gimme a file name!");
print STDERR "Processing ‘$f‘:\n";
print STDERR "- Reading ‘AutoItSC.bin‘\n";
open F,"<AutoItSC.bin";
binmode F;
read F,my $a, -s ‘AutoItSC.bin‘;
close F;
print STDERR "- Reading ‘$f‘\n";
open F,"<$f";
binmode F;
read F,my $d, -s $f;
close F;
print STDERR "- Looking for the script\n";
if ($d=~/\xA3\x48\x4B\xBE\x98\x6C\x4A\xA9\x99\x4C\x53\x0A\x86\xD6\x48\x7D/sg)
my $pd=(pos $d)-16;
print STDERR "- Script found @ ".sprintf("%08lX",$pd)."\n";
print STDERR "- Creating 32-bit version ‘$f.a32.exe‘\n";
open F,">$f.a32.exe";
binmode F;
print F $a.substr($d,$pd,length($d)-$pd);
close F;
print STDERR "- Script not found !\n";
Decompiling compiled AutoIT scripts (64-bit), take two
标签:text hex virtual file war drop bin imp call