[CentOS6] GNOME 2.x[CentOS7] GNOME 3.x(GNOME Shell)
[CentOS6] ext4[CentOS7] xfs
[CentOS6] GRUB Legacy (+efibootmgr)[CentOS7] GRUB2
[CentOS6] GRUB Legacy (+efibootmgr)[CentOS7] GRUB2
[CentOS6] iptables[CentOS7] firewalld
[CentOS6] MySQL[CentOS7] MariaDB
[CentOS6] /bin, /sbin, /lib, and /lib64在/下[CentOS7] /bin, /sbin, /lib, and /lib64移到/usr下
[CentOS6] /etc/sysconfig/network[CentOS7] /etc/hostname
[CentOS6]$ ntp$ ntpq -p
[CentOS7]$ chrony$ chronyc sources
[CentOS6]$ vim /etc/sysconfig/clock ZONE="Asia/Tokyo" UTC=fales$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime
[CentOS7]$ timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo$ timedatectl status
[CentOS6]$ vim /etc/sysconfig/i18n LANG="ja_JP.utf8"$ /etc/sysconfig/i18n$ locale
[CentOS7]$ localectl set-locale LANG=ja_JP.utf8$ localectl status
[CentOS6]$ service service_name start$ service service_name stop$ service sshd restart/status/reload
[CentOS7]$ systemctl start service_name$ systemctl stop service_name$ systemctl restart/status/reload sshd
[CentOS6]$ chkconfig service_name on/off
[CentOS7]$ systemctl enable service_name$ systemctl disable service_name
[CentOS6]$ chkconfig --list
[CentOS7]$ systemctl list-unit-files$ systemctl --type service
[CentOS6]$ kill -9 <PID>
[CentOS7]$ systemctl kill --signal=9 sshd
[CentOS6]$ netstat$ netstat -I$ netstat -n
[CentOS7]$ ip n$ ip -s l$ ss
[CentOS6]$ ifconfig -a
[CentOS7]$ ip address show
[CentOS6]$ route -n$ route -A inet6 -n
[CentOS7]$ ip route show$ ip -6 route show
[CentOS6]$ shutdown -h now
[CentOS7]$ poweroff$ systemctl poweroff
[CentOS6]$ reboot$ shutdown -r now
[CentOS7]$ reboot$ systemctl reboot
[CentOS6]$ init S
[CentOS7]$ systemctl rescue
[CentOS6][GUICUI]$ vim /etc/inittab id:3:initdefault:[CUIGUI]$ startx
[CentOS7][GUICUI]$ systemctl isolate multi-user.target #---在不重启的情况下,切换到运行级别mulit-user下[CUIGUI]$ systemctl isolate graphical.target #---在不重启的情况下,切换到图形界面下查看当前模式:$ systemctl get-default设置默认的运行级别:(reboot生效)$ systemctl set-default graphical.target #---命令行模式$ systemctl set-default multi-user.target #---图形模式
本文出自 “Linuxgao” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://linuxgao.blog.51cto.com/11934904/1946472