标签:div [] 影响 line out 之间 重构 override 一个
1 class people: 2 def __init__(self,name,age): 3 self.name=name 4 self.age=age 5 6 def eat(self): 7 print(‘%s is eating...‘%self.name) 8 def talking(self): 9 print(‘%s is talking...‘%self.name) 10 def sleeping(self): 11 print(‘%s is sleeping under class people...‘%self.name) 12 13 14 class man(people): #一个class直接调用了另一个已有的class,就像是函数嵌套,只不过这里是内嵌class(继承) 15 #pass part1,啥都不写,后面直接m1.eat() 16 17 def __init__(self,name,age,money): #part3 18 #people.__init__(self,name,age) #方法1经典写法,调用父位people中的name,age 19 super(man,self).__init__(name,age) #方法2新式写法,用super,内建的方法,格式:super(自己class名,self).__init__(父位中的形参) 20 #好处1:当父位class的名字更改后不会影响到这里,因为这里不需要写父位名 21 #好处2:一个class可以继承多个父位,如果用上面的方法则要写多个父位.__init__() 22 self.muchmoney=money #这里只用写自己多出来的形参 23 24 def USD(self): #part3 25 print(‘%s has much %s money!!!‘ % (self.name, self.muchmoney)) 26 27 def shout(self): #part2 当然还可以在自己的class下面定义自己的方法 28 print(‘%s is shouting...‘%self.name) 29 def sleeping(self): #part2 c1, 重写,定义跟继承class中同样名字的函数方法 自己的会精细,override 30 people.sleeping(self) #part2 c2, 重构, 如果还想保留继承class中的东西,但又添加自己的,这里引用继承class中的函数方法 31 print(‘%s is sleeping under class man...‘%self.name) 32 33 34 class women(people): #part2 35 def birth(self): 36 print(‘%s is born baby...‘%self.name) 37 38 39 #m1=man(‘alex‘,22) 40 # m1.eat() #part1, #alex is eating... 41 # m1.shout() #part1, #alex is shouting... 42 # #m1.sleeping() #part2 c1, alex is sleeping under class man... 43 # m1.sleeping() #part2 c2, 44 # # alex is sleeping under class people... 45 # # alex is sleeping under class man... 46 # 47 # w1=women(‘alley‘,20) 48 # w1.birth() #alley is born baby... 49 # #w1.shout() #man和women同属于父class people,子class之间无法互相调用函数方法, 但可以连起来(参见下继承-2.py中的例子) 50 # #AttributeError: ‘women‘ object has no attribute ‘shout‘ 51 52 53 m1=man(‘alex‘,22,‘10w‘) 54 m1.USD() #alex has much 10w money!!!
1 #class多父位继承,以下例子中class man/women继承了2个父位:people和couple 2 3 class people: 4 def __init__(self,name): 5 self.abc=name 6 self.fridends=[] 7 8 class couple(object): #理解成(object)=__init__(self) 9 def marry(self,obj): 10 print(‘%s and %s are couple‘ %(self.abc,obj.abc)) 11 #这里调用了class people中的self.abc,又加了个obj.abc. 注意这里的abc必须跟class people中的abc名字一样 12 #那abc究竟指啥呢? 由于m1.marry(w1)中的w1会赋值给第二个%s,但前提是couple这个class中没有定义 13 #自己的构造函数,也就是没def __init__(self), 如果ojb.xxx=class people中的self.xxx=name=‘w1=women(‘alley‘)‘的话, 14 #那就相当于将alley赋值给abc了 15 16 #下面的例子更改成obj.xxxxx,但不更改class people中的self.abc,结果会是在women object中找不到xxxxx这个静态属性 17 #print(‘%s and %s are couple‘ %(self.abc,obj.xxxxx)) 18 #AttributeError: ‘women‘ object has no attribute ‘xxxxx‘ 19 20 #self.fridends.append(obj) #print-1 21 self.fridends.append(obj.abc) #print-2,打印obj中的abc,结果是alley 22 23 #class man(people,couple): 24 class man(couple,people): #位置不会有影响,couple里面找不到 25 pass 26 27 #class women(people,couple): 28 class women(couple, people): 29 pass 30 31 32 m1=man(‘alex‘) 33 w1=women(‘alley‘) 34 m1.marry(w1) 35 36 #m1.marry(‘afafaf‘) 37 # File "C:/x-working/pycharm/project-14/Day6/继承-2.py", line 10, in marry 38 # print(‘%s and %s are couple‘ %(self.abc,obj.abc)) 39 # AttributeError: ‘str‘ object has no attribute ‘abc‘ 40 41 #print(m1.fridends[0]) #print-1 42 #<__main__.women object at 0x0000000002939D68> 43 44 print(m1.fridends[0]) #print-2 45 #alley
标签:div [] 影响 line out 之间 重构 override 一个