标签:必须掌握 value while 解题思路 nbsp flow tps content could
Given a binary tree, return the inorder traversal of its nodes‘ values.
For example:
Given binary tree {1,#,2,3}
1 2 / 3
return [1,3,2]
Note: Recursive solution is trivial, could you do it iteratively?
confused what "{1,#,2,3}"
> read more on how binary tree is serialized on OJ.
/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */ public class Solution { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); public List<Integer> inorderTraversal(TreeNode root) { /** * 中序遍历,先左子树,再根,最后右子树 */ if(root == null) return list; if(root.left != null){ inorderTraversal(root.left); } list.add(root.val); if(root.right != null){ inorderTraversal(root.right); } return list; } }非递归实现:
/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */ public class Solution { public List<Integer> inorderTraversal(TreeNode root) { /** * 非递归实现中序遍历 * 中序遍历,先左子树,再根。最后右子树 */ List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if(root == null) return list; TreeNode p = root; Stack<TreeNode> st = new Stack<>(); while(p != null || !st.isEmpty()){ if(p != null){ st.push(p); p = p.left; }else{ p = st.pop(); list.add(p.val); p = p.right; } } return list; } }
leetCode 94.Binary Tree Inorder Traversal(二叉树中序遍历) 解题思路和方法
标签:必须掌握 value while 解题思路 nbsp flow tps content could