标签:== sof cal core ring inpu starting idt 作业
def create_class_visualization(target_y, model, **kwargs): """ Perform optimization over the image to generate class visualizations. Inputs: - target_y: Integer in the range [0, 100) giving the target class - model: A PretrainedCNN that will be used for generation Keyword arguments: - learning_rate: Floating point number giving the learning rate - blur_every: An integer; how often to blur the image as a regularizer - l2_reg: Floating point number giving L2 regularization strength on the image; this is lambda in the equation above. - max_jitter: How much random jitter to add to the image as regularization - num_iterations: How many iterations to run for - show_every: How often to show the image """ learning_rate = kwargs.pop(‘learning_rate‘, 10000) blur_every = kwargs.pop(‘blur_every‘, 1) l2_reg = kwargs.pop(‘l2_reg‘, 1e-6) max_jitter = kwargs.pop(‘max_jitter‘, 4) num_iterations = kwargs.pop(‘num_iterations‘, 100) show_every = kwargs.pop(‘show_every‘, 25) X = np.random.randn(1, 3, 64, 64) # 64*64 image for t in xrange(num_iterations): # 迭代次数 # As a regularizer, add random jitter to the image ox, oy = np.random.randint(-max_jitter, max_jitter+1, 2) # 随机抖动生成 X = np.roll(np.roll(X, ox, -1), oy, -2) # 抖动,注意抖动不是随机噪声 dX = None ############################################################################ # TODO: Compute the image gradient dX of the image with respect to the # # target_y class score. This should be similar to the fooling images. Also # # add L2 regularization to dX and update the image X using the image # # gradient and the learning rate. # ############################################################################ scores, cache = model.forward(X, mode=‘test‘) loss, dscores = softmax_loss(scores, target_y) dX, grads = model.backward(dscores, cache) dX = dX - 2*l2_reg*X # add L2 regularization to dX X = X + learning_rate*dX # update the image X using the image gradient and the learning rate ############################################################################ # END OF YOUR CODE # ############################################################################ # Undo the jitter X = np.roll(np.roll(X, -ox, -1), -oy, -2) # 还原抖动 # As a regularizer, clip the image X = np.clip(X, -data[‘mean_image‘], 255.0 - data[‘mean_image‘]) # # As a regularizer, periodically blur the image if t % blur_every == 0: X = blur_image(X) # Periodically show the image if t % show_every == 0: plt.imshow(deprocess_image(X, data[‘mean_image‘])) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(3, 3) plt.axis(‘off‘) plt.show() return X
def invert_features(target_feats, layer, model, **kwargs): """ Perform feature inversion in the style of Mahendran and Vedaldi 2015, using L2 regularization and periodic blurring. Inputs: - target_feats: Image features of the target image, of shape (1, C, H, W); we will try to generate an image that matches these features - layer: The index of the layer from which the features were extracted - model: A PretrainedCNN that was used to extract features Keyword arguments: - learning_rate: The learning rate to use for gradient descent - num_iterations: The number of iterations to use for gradient descent - l2_reg: The strength of L2 regularization to use; this is lambda in the equation above. - blur_every: How often to blur the image as implicit regularization; set to 0 to disable blurring. - show_every: How often to show the generated image; set to 0 to disable showing intermediate reuslts. Returns: - X: Generated image of shape (1, 3, 64, 64) that matches the target features. """ learning_rate = kwargs.pop(‘learning_rate‘, 10000) num_iterations = kwargs.pop(‘num_iterations‘, 500) l2_reg = kwargs.pop(‘l2_reg‘, 1e-7) blur_every = kwargs.pop(‘blur_every‘, 1) show_every = kwargs.pop(‘show_every‘, 50) X = np.random.randn(1, 3, 64, 64) for t in xrange(num_iterations): ############################################################################ # TODO: Compute the image gradient dX of the reconstruction loss with # # respect to the image. You should include L2 regularization penalizing # # large pixel values in the generated image using the l2_reg parameter; # # then update the generated image using the learning_rate from above. # ############################################################################ feats, cache = model.forward(X, end=layer, mode=‘test‘) # Compute the image gradient dX loss = np.sum((feats - target_feats)**2) + l2_reg*np.sum(X**2) # L2 regularization dfeats = 2*(feats - target_feats) dX, _ = model.backforward(dfeats, cache) dX += 2 * l2_reg * X X -= learning_rate * dX ############################################################################ # END OF YOUR CODE # ############################################################################ # As a regularizer, clip the image X = np.clip(X, -data[‘mean_image‘], 255.0 - data[‘mean_image‘]) # As a regularizer, periodically blur the image if (blur_every > 0) and t % blur_every == 0: X = blur_image(X) if (show_every > 0) and (t % show_every == 0 or t + 1 == num_iterations): plt.imshow(deprocess_image(X, data[‘mean_image‘])) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(3, 3) plt.axis(‘off‘) plt.title(‘t = %d‘ % t) plt.show()
目标图片向前传播到指定层,把feature map作为本层梯度反向传播回来,优化原图片
def deepdream(X, layer, model, **kwargs): """ Generate a DeepDream image. Inputs: - X: Starting image, of shape (1, 3, H, W) - layer: Index of layer at which to dream - model: A PretrainedCNN object Keyword arguments: - learning_rate: How much to update the image at each iteration - max_jitter: Maximum number of pixels for jitter regularization - num_iterations: How many iterations to run for - show_every: How often to show the generated image """ X = X.copy() learning_rate = kwargs.pop(‘learning_rate‘, 5.0) max_jitter = kwargs.pop(‘max_jitter‘, 16) num_iterations = kwargs.pop(‘num_iterations‘, 100) show_every = kwargs.pop(‘show_every‘, 25) for t in xrange(num_iterations): # As a regularizer, add random jitter to the image ox, oy = np.random.randint(-max_jitter, max_jitter+1, 2) # 随机抖动值生成 X = np.roll(np.roll(X, ox, -1), oy, -2) # 随机抖动 dX = None ############################################################################ # TODO: Compute the image gradient dX using the DeepDream method. You‘ll # # need to use the forward and backward methods of the model object to # # extract activations and set gradients for the chosen layer. After # # computing the image gradient dX, you should use the learning rate to # # update the image X. # ############################################################################ feats, cache = model.forward(X, end=layer, mode=‘test‘) # Compute the image gradient dX dX, grads = model.backward(feats, cache) X += learning_rate*dX ############################################################################ # END OF YOUR CODE # ############################################################################ # Undo the jitter X = np.roll(np.roll(X, -ox, -1), -oy, -2) # As a regularizer, clip the image mean_pixel = data[‘mean_image‘].mean(axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True) X = np.clip(X, -mean_pixel, 255.0 - mean_pixel) # Periodically show the image if t == 0 or (t + 1) % show_every == 0: img = deprocess_image(X, data[‘mean_image‘], mean=‘pixel‘) plt.imshow(img) plt.title(‘t = %d‘ % (t + 1)) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(8, 8) plt.axis(‘off‘) plt.show() return X
迭代次数少的图片没什么效果,迭代次数多的图片贼鸡儿恶心(密控退散图,效果不开玩笑的... ...),不放示例图了,想看的自己搜DeepDream吧,网上图片一堆一堆。Ps,我一直很怀疑这个deepdream这东西除了看起来比较‘玄幻’外到底有什么实际意义... ...
标签:== sof cal core ring inpu starting idt 作业