标签:print 起点 结果 费用流 ptime dir scan 实验室 实验
package com.cacheserverdeploy.deploy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Stack; public class Deploy { /** * 你需要完成的入口 <功能详细描述> * * @param graphContent * 用例信息文件 * @return [参数说明] 输出结果信息 * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ protected static final int INT_MAX = 300000000; // protected static final int INT_MAX = Integer.MAX_VALUE; protected static int nodeNum; protected static int n; protected static int consumersNum; protected static int linksNum_undirected; protected static int linksNum_directed; protected static int superTID; protected static int superSID; protected static Link[] links; protected static ConsumerNode[] consumers; protected static int serverCost; protected static int totalLinksNum; protected static Link[] linksSuper; protected static int index; protected static int requiredFlow = 0; protected static int[] degree;// 存储所有的点的度 protected static int[] nodeIndexByDegree;// 按度大小存储链路节点的ID protected static MinCMaxF mcmf; protected static long startTime; protected static long stopTime; /******************************************/ public static String[] deployServer(String[] graphContent) { /** do your work here **/ startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // 获取输入文件第一行信息 String[] lineOne = graphContent[0].split(" "); n = Integer.parseInt(lineOne[0]); nodeNum = n; // new linksNum = Integer.parseInt(lineOne[1]); linksNum_undirected = Integer.parseInt(lineOne[1]); linksNum_directed = 2 * linksNum_undirected; consumersNum = Integer.parseInt(lineOne[2]); degree = new int[nodeNum]; nodeIndexByDegree = new int[nodeNum]; // 获取输入文件的第二行有效信息 String lineTwo = graphContent[2]; serverCost = Integer.parseInt(lineTwo); /********************* 两倍链路 ***************************/ // 链路数组 totalLinksNum = linksNum_directed + 2 * consumersNum + nodeNum; links = new Link[linksNum_directed]; Link tmpLink; for (int i = 0; i < linksNum_undirected; i++) { String[] strs = graphContent[i + 4].split(" "); int from = Integer.parseInt(strs[0]); int to = Integer.parseInt(strs[1]); int capibility = Integer.parseInt(strs[2]); int costPerUnit = Integer.parseInt(strs[3]); tmpLink = new Link(from, to, capibility, costPerUnit, 0); links[2 * i] = tmpLink; tmpLink = new Link(to, from, capibility, costPerUnit, 0); links[2 * i + 1] = tmpLink; } linksSuper = new Link[totalLinksNum]; for (int i = 0; i < linksNum_directed; i++) linksSuper[i] = links[i]; index = linksNum_directed; // 设置度数组 setDegreeArr(degree, nodeIndexByDegree, links); /*******************************************************/ /****************************/ // for (int i : maximunFront) // System.out.print(i + " "); // 消费节点 consumers = new ConsumerNode[consumersNum]; ConsumerNode tmpNode; for (int i = 0; i < consumersNum; i++) { String[] strs = graphContent[i + 5 + linksNum_undirected] .split(" "); int cID = Integer.parseInt(strs[0]); int neighborID = Integer.parseInt(strs[1]); int requiredBand = Integer.parseInt(strs[2]); tmpNode = new ConsumerNode(cID, neighborID, requiredBand); requiredFlow += requiredBand; consumers[i] = tmpNode; } // 定义两个超级节点:超级源点,超级汇聚节点 superSID = nodeNum; superTID = nodeNum + 1; n = n + 2; // 将消费节点加入及相关链路加入网络 for (int i = 0; i < consumersNum; i++) { // 将消费节点链接到原网路中 Link tmpConsumerLink = new Link(consumers[i].getNeighborID(), n, consumers[i].getRequiredBand(), 0, 0); linksSuper[index++] = tmpConsumerLink; // 指向超级汇聚节点,消费节点ID用n+i表示,汇聚节点用n+consumersNum表示 Link tmpConsumerLink2 = new Link(n, superTID, consumers[i].getRequiredBand(), 0, 0); linksSuper[index++] = tmpConsumerLink2; n++; } /**********************************************************************************/ // System.out.println("n after add server:"+n); // 生成node数组 // Node[] nodes = new Node[nodeNum]; // for (int i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++) { // nodes[i] = new Node(i, 0); // } // nodes[nodeNum] = new Node(nodeNum, 0); // nodes[nodeNum + 1] = new Node(nodeNum + 1, 0); // // 消费节点node // for (int i = 0; i < consumersNum; i++) { // nodes[i + nodeNum + 2] = new Node(i + nodeNum + 2, 0); // } // // 服务器节点 // for (int i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++) { // nodes[i + nodeNum + 2 + consumersNum] = new Node(i + nodeNum + 2 // + consumersNum, serverCost); // // nodes[i + nodeNum + 2 + consumersNum] = new Node(i + nodeNum + 2 // // + consumersNum, 0); // } /****************************************/ // 调用模拟退火 SA.getSA(); /***************** PathListWithFlow()方式返回数据 *****************/ List<String> pathesList = mcmf.getPathListWithFlow(); String[] strResult = new String[pathesList.size() + 2]; strResult[0] = pathesList.size() + ""; strResult[1] = ""; for (int i = 0; i < pathesList.size(); i++) { strResult[i + 2] = ""; String[] str = pathesList.get(i).split(" "); int consumer = Integer.parseInt(str[str.length - 3]) - nodeNum - 2; int flow = Integer.parseInt(str[str.length - 1]); for (int j = 1; j < str.length - 3; j++) strResult[i + 2] = strResult[i + 2] + str[j] + " "; strResult[i + 2] = strResult[i + 2] + consumer + " " + flow; } /**************************************************************/ // for (String i : strResult) // System.out.println("strResult:" + i); /**************************************************************/ return strResult; } /* * 度处理 */ private static void setDegreeArr(int[] degree, int[] nodeIndexByDegree, Link[] links) { for (int i : degree) { i = 0; } for (Link i : links) { degree[i.getlStartID()]++; degree[i.getlEndID()]++; } /***********************/ System.out.print("degree:"); for (int i : degree) { System.out.print(i + " "); } System.out.println(); int[] degreeCopy = new int[degree.length]; int index = 0; for (int i : degree) { degreeCopy[index++] = i; } for (int i = 0; i < nodeIndexByDegree.length; i++) { int maxIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < degreeCopy.length; j++) { if (degreeCopy[j] > degreeCopy[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = j; } } nodeIndexByDegree[i] = maxIndex; degreeCopy[maxIndex] = -1; } /***********************/ System.out.print("sort by degree:"); for (int i : nodeIndexByDegree) { System.out.print(i + " "); } System.out.println(); } /* * 插入服务器 */ public static void insertServerLink(Link[] linksSuper, int[] target) { /********************** 单倍链路 ***********************/ // index = linksNum_undirected + 2 * consumersNum; /********************** 双倍链路 ***********************/ index = linksNum_directed + 2 * consumersNum; for (int i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++) { Link tmpServerLink = new Link(superSID, i, target[i], 0, 0); linksSuper[index++] = tmpServerLink; } } } /* * 最小费用最大流 */ class MinCMaxF { private final int INT_MAX = 300000000; // private final int INT_MAX = Integer.MAX_VALUE;; private int flow = 0; private int cost = 0; private int N;// 点的个数 private int E;// 边的个数 protected static Link[] linksDouble; private Link[] links; protected static List<Integer>[] G; private boolean[] isInQueue;// 判断一个点是否在队列当中 // private Node[] nodes; private List<Integer> costList = new ArrayList<Integer>();// 存储所有的最大刘路径上的cost集合 private List<Integer> flowList = new ArrayList<Integer>();// 每条路径上的flow private boolean[] isScaned; private int lastServerLinkID; private int[] d;// 起点到d[i]的最短路径保存值 private int[] p;// 用来记录路径,保存是上一条弧 private int[] a;// 增广路径后的改进量 private boolean[] isServer;// 第i个节点否为服务器 private int s; private int t; // DFS输出路径与计算cost private static List<String> pathListWithFlow = new ArrayList<String>(); private int miniFlow = INT_MAX; public MinCMaxF(Link[] links, int n, int s, int t) { super(); this.links = links; this.E = links.length;// 初始化边的个数 this.N = n;// 节点个数 this.isScaned = new boolean[this.N]; this.s = s; this.t = t; init();// 将边添加进邻接表 minCostMaxFlow(s, t); /*********************************/ // System.out.println("mincost:" + minCostMaxFlow(s, t)); // for (String l : pathesList) { // // System.out.println("path:" + l); // } /********************** 各链路占用的带宽 *************************/ // ArrayList<Integer> eachLinkInPath = new ArrayList<Integer>(0); // LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> hashMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, // Integer>(); // for (int i = 0; i < pathesList.size(); i++) { // int bandCost = flowList.get(i); // String[] strArray = pathesList.get(i).split(" "); // String[] pathArr = new String[strArray.length - 2]; // for (int j = 0; j < pathArr.length - 1; j++) { // pathArr[j] = strArray[j + 1]; // } // pathArr[pathArr.length - 1] = Integer // .parseInt(strArray[strArray.length - 2]) // - Deploy.nodeNum // - 2 + ""; // for (int j = 0; j < pathArr.length - 1; j++) { // if (hashMap.get(pathArr[j] + " " + pathArr[j + 1]) == null) { // hashMap.put(pathArr[j] + " " + pathArr[j + 1], bandCost); // } else { // int sum = hashMap.get(pathArr[j] + " " + pathArr[j + 1]) // + bandCost; // hashMap.put(pathArr[j] + " " + pathArr[j + 1], sum); // } // } // // } // System.out.print("====================输出链路与对应的i占用的带宽"); // for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : hashMap.entrySet()) { // System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue()); // } /**********************************************************/ // // for(int c : costList){ // System.out.println("cost:"+c); // } // // for (int c : flowList) { // System.out.println("flow:" + c); // } /************** 输出各个节点做接收到的流量之和 ****************/ // int[] flowSumEachConsumer = new int[Deploy.consumersNum]; // for (int i : flowSumEachConsumer) // i = 0; // int indexTmp = 0; // for (String l : pathesList) { // /*******************************/ // // System.out.println("path:" + l); // String[] strArr = l.split(" "); // int consumerID = Integer.parseInt(strArr[strArr.length - 2]) // - Deploy.nodeNum - 2; // flowSumEachConsumer[consumerID] += flowList.get(indexTmp); // indexTmp++; // } // for (int i = 0; i < flowSumEachConsumer.length; i++) // System.out.println(i + " flowSum:" + flowSumEachConsumer[i]); /********************************************************/ // System.out.println("flow:" + flow); // System.out.println("required flow:" + Deploy.requiredFlow); // 如果输出的流量不符合u要求,说明是算法失败 if (flow != Deploy.requiredFlow) cost = INT_MAX; // System.out.println("cost:" + cost); } private void init() { this.linksDouble = new Link[this.E * 2]; this.G = new ArrayList[this.N]; this.isInQueue = new boolean[this.N]; for (int i = 0; i < this.N; i++) { this.G[i] = new ArrayList<Integer>(); this.isInQueue[i] = false; isScaned[i] = false; this.lastServerLinkID = -1; } this.d = new int[this.N]; this.p = new int[this.N]; this.a = new int[this.N]; this.isServer = new boolean[this.N]; for (boolean i : this.isServer) i = false; // 将所有的边添加进来 for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int from = this.links[i].getlStartID(); int to = this.links[i].getlEndID(); int cap = this.links[i].getlBand(); int flow = this.links[i].getFlow(); int cost = this.links[i].getlBCostPerUnit(); this.linksDouble[2 * i] = new Link(from, to, cap, cost, 0); this.linksDouble[2 * i + 1] = new Link(to, from, 0, -cost, 0); // 按照边的标号存储邻接信息 this.G[from].add(2 * i); this.G[to].add(2 * i + 1); } } /* * 循环执行SPFA算法,直到SPFA算法返回值是false */ private void minCostMaxFlow(int s, int t) { while (SPFA(s, t)) ; // cost for (int i = 0; i < this.N; i++) { if (isServer[i]) cost += Deploy.serverCost; } } /* * SPFA算法求解最大流最小费用流 */ private boolean SPFA(int s, int t) { for (int i = 0; i < this.N; i++) { d[i] = INT_MAX; this.isInQueue[i] = false; } d[s] = 0; isInQueue[s] = true; p[s] = 0; a[s] = INT_MAX; Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>(); q.offer(s); while (!q.isEmpty()) { int u = (int) q.peek(); q.poll(); isInQueue[u] = false; for (int i = 0; i < G[u].size(); i++) { Link l = linksDouble[(int) G[u].get(i)]; if (l.getlBand() > l.getFlow() && d[l.getlEndID()] > d[u] + l.getlBCostPerUnit()) {// 满足增广要求 d[l.getlEndID()] = d[u] + l.getlBCostPerUnit(); p[l.getlEndID()] = (int) G[u].get(i); a[l.getlEndID()] = (a[u] < (l.getlBand() - l.getFlow()) ? a[u] : (l.getlBand() - l.getFlow())); if (!isInQueue[l.getlEndID()]) { isInQueue[l.getlEndID()] = true; q.offer(l.getlEndID()); } } } } if (Math.abs(d[t] - INT_MAX) < 100000) { return false; } int u = t; /**************************************/ int front = 0; while (u != s) { // 更新正向边与反向边 linksDouble[p[u]].setFlow(linksDouble[p[u]].getFlow() + a[t]); linksDouble[p[u] ^ 1].setFlow(linksDouble[p[u] ^ 1].getFlow() - a[t]); /****************************************/ front = u; u = linksDouble[p[u]].getlStartID(); } /**********************************************************/ if (!this.isServer[front]) { this.isServer[front] = true; } cost = cost + d[t] * a[t]; flow = flow + a[t]; this.costList.add(d[t] * a[t]); this.flowList.add(a[t]); return true; } /* * findPath算法 */ protected static boolean findPath() { Stack<Integer> pathStack = new Stack<Integer>(); Stack<Integer> nodeStack = new Stack<Integer>(); nodeStack.push(Deploy.superSID); int u = Deploy.superSID; int mFlow = Deploy.INT_MAX; int front = u; // 寻找一条从源点到汇点的路径 while (u != Deploy.superTID) { for (int i = 0; i < G[u].size(); i++) { int linkNum = G[u].get(i); Link l = linksDouble[linkNum]; if (l.getFlow() <= 0)// 不要考虑负权重的边 continue; if (l.getFlow() > 0) {// 链路上仍然有流量 mFlow = mFlow < l.getFlow() ? mFlow : l.getFlow(); u = l.getlEndID(); nodeStack.push(u); pathStack.push(linkNum); break; } } if (u == front) return false; } /************************************/ // 在路径中的每条边上都删除一个mFlow while (!pathStack.isEmpty()) { int linkNum = pathStack.pop(); linksDouble[linkNum] .setFlow(linksDouble[linkNum].getFlow() - mFlow); } String tmpPath = ""; while (!nodeStack.isEmpty()) { tmpPath = nodeStack.pop() + " " + tmpPath; } tmpPath = tmpPath + mFlow; pathListWithFlow.add(tmpPath); return true; } public List<Integer> getFlowList() { return flowList; } public int getCost() { return cost; } public List<String> getPathListWithFlow() { return pathListWithFlow; } } /* * 实现模拟退火算法 */ class SA { private static final int INT_MAX = 300000000; // private static final int T = 1000;// 初始化温度 private static int T;// 初始化温度 private static final double Tmin = 1e-8;// 温度的下界 private static final int K = 100;// 迭代的次数 private static final double delta = 0.98;// 温度的下降率 private static int[] serverInsert = new int[Deploy.nodeNum]; private static boolean[] hasBeenDeleted = new boolean[Deploy.nodeNum]; private static boolean[] hasBeenAdded = new boolean[Deploy.nodeNum]; /* * */ public static void getSA() { if(Deploy.nodeNum < 600){ T = 1000; }else{ T = Deploy.consumersNum * Deploy.serverCost; } int costBest; int isSamedCounter = 0;// 计数目前已经有多少次的结果是相同的 // 初始的服务器状态,全部直连消费节点的邻节点 for (int i = 0; i < Deploy.consumersNum; i++) serverInsert[Deploy.consumers[i].getNeighborID()] = INT_MAX; // 保存上一次的服务器部署方案 int[] backUp = Arrays.copyOf(serverInsert, Deploy.nodeNum); // 保存最优的服务器部署方案 int[] bestDeploy = Arrays.copyOf(serverInsert, Deploy.nodeNum); // 执行SPFA for (int i = 0; i < Deploy.nodeNum; i++) Deploy.insertServerLink(Deploy.linksSuper, serverInsert); Deploy.mcmf = new MinCMaxF(Deploy.linksSuper, Deploy.n, Deploy.superSID, Deploy.superTID); // 得到最优解的初始解 costBest = Deploy.mcmf.getCost(); /**************************************************/ System.out.println("costBest:" + costBest); isSamedCounter = 0; int costLast = costBest; int costTmp; // 随机类 Random random = new Random(); // 迭代过程 // 迭代到找到最优或到时间为止 // 溫度变量 double t = T; while (t > Tmin) { //内部迭代 for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) { Deploy.stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //时间到了,就停止迭代 if (Deploy.stopTime - Deploy.startTime >= 86000){ break; } //删除服务器中可删除的度最小的 boolean deleteSuccess = deleteMinium(); boolean addSuccess; //删除成功 if(deleteSuccess){ costTmp = Deploy.mcmf.getCost(); if(costTmp == INT_MAX){ serverInsert = Arrays.copyOf(backUp, Deploy.nodeNum); // continue; } }else{ hasBeenDeleted = new boolean[Deploy.nodeNum]; } if(!deleteSuccess){ // deleteSuccess = deleteMinium(); //如果删除读最小的服务器节点失败,则添加度最大的点做服务器 addSuccess = addMaximum(); if(addSuccess){ costTmp = Deploy.mcmf.getCost(); if(costTmp == INT_MAX){ serverInsert = Arrays.copyOf(backUp, Deploy.nodeNum); // continue; } } if(! addSuccess){ //如果添加度最大的点任然失败,则恢复访问控制hasBeenProcessed hasBeenAdded = new boolean[Deploy.nodeNum]; // continue; } } /*************************************************/ /**********************测试************************/ // // for (int j = 0; j < Deploy.nodeNum; j++){ // if(serverInsert[j] == INT_MAX) // System.out.print(j+"\t"); // else{ // System.out.print(0+"\t"); // } // } // System.out.println(); /*************************************************/ costTmp = Deploy.mcmf.getCost(); /*************************************/ // System.out.println("costTmp:" + costTmp); // System.out.println("costLast:" + costLast); // System.out.println("costBest:" + costBest); if (costTmp < costLast) { backUp = Arrays.copyOf(serverInsert, Deploy.nodeNum); costLast = costTmp; } else { if (1 / (1 + Math.exp(-(costTmp - costLast) / T)) > random .nextDouble()) { // backUp = Arrays.copyOf(serverInsert, Deploy.nodeNum); // costLast = costTmp; } else { serverInsert = Arrays.copyOf(backUp, Deploy.nodeNum); } } } System.out.println("costBest:" + costBest); if (costLast < costBest) { // backUp = Arrays.copyOf(serverInsert, Deploy.nodeNum); bestDeploy = Arrays.copyOf(backUp, Deploy.nodeNum); costBest = costLast; isSamedCounter = 0; }else{ isSamedCounter++; } if (isSamedCounter > 100) { break; } if (Deploy.stopTime - Deploy.startTime >= 86000){ break; } // 温度下降 t *= delta; } // 执行最优方案 serverInsert = Arrays.copyOf(bestDeploy, Deploy.nodeNum); for (int i = 0; i < Deploy.nodeNum; i++) Deploy.insertServerLink(Deploy.linksSuper, serverInsert); Deploy.mcmf = new MinCMaxF(Deploy.linksSuper, Deploy.n, Deploy.superSID, Deploy.superTID); /***************** 寻路,输出路径 ***********************/ while (MinCMaxF.findPath()) ; } /* * @para */ private static boolean deleteMinium() { // 删除已有服务器中度最小的那个 /********************************************************/ // Long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = Deploy.nodeNum - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (serverInsert[Deploy.nodeIndexByDegree[i]] == INT_MAX && !hasBeenDeleted[Deploy.nodeIndexByDegree[i]]) {// serverInsert[Deploy.nodeIndexByDegree[i]] = 0; hasBeenDeleted[Deploy.nodeIndexByDegree[i]] = true; /*****************************************************/ // System.out.println("删除最小点:" + Deploy.nodeIndexByDegree[i]); // SPFA for (int j = 0; j < Deploy.nodeNum; j++) Deploy.insertServerLink(Deploy.linksSuper, serverInsert); Deploy.mcmf = new MinCMaxF(Deploy.linksSuper, Deploy.n, Deploy.superSID, Deploy.superTID); /********************************************************/ // Long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println("****************time2-time1:" + (time2 - time1)); return true; } } return false; } private static boolean addMaximum() { // 从剩余链路节点中选择一个度最大的节点作为服务器节点 /********************************************************/ // Long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < Deploy.nodeNum; i++) { if (serverInsert[Deploy.nodeIndexByDegree[i]] == 0 && !hasBeenAdded[Deploy.nodeIndexByDegree[i]]) { serverInsert[Deploy.nodeIndexByDegree[i]] = INT_MAX; hasBeenAdded[Deploy.nodeIndexByDegree[i]] = true; /*****************************************************/ // System.out.println("添加最大点:" + Deploy.nodeIndexByDegree[i]); // SPFA for (int j = 0; j < Deploy.nodeNum; j++) Deploy.insertServerLink(Deploy.linksSuper, serverInsert); Deploy.mcmf = new MinCMaxF(Deploy.linksSuper, Deploy.n, Deploy.superSID, Deploy.superTID); /********************************************************/ // Long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println("****************time2-time1:" + (time2 - time1)); return true; } } return false; } /* * */ private static void setRandom(int min, int max, int n, HashSet<Integer> set) { Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int ranInt = random.nextInt(max - min) + min; if (!set.add(ranInt)) { i--; } } } }
标签:print 起点 结果 费用流 ptime dir scan 实验室 实验