标签:next lap invalid lin nal display cs6 pen ack
An empty list should be [ ]: [ ] l.isEmpty() should be true: true l.length() should be 0: 0 Finding front node p of l. p.isValidNode() should be false: false p.item() should throw an exception, and did. p.setItem() should throw an exception, and did. p.next() should throw an exception, and did. p.prev() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertBefore() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertAfter() should throw an exception, and did. p.remove() should throw an exception, and did. Finding back node p of l. p.isValidNode() should be false: false p.item() should throw an exception, and did. p.setItem() should throw an exception, and did. p.next() should throw an exception, and did. p.prev() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertBefore() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertAfter() should throw an exception, and did. p.remove() should throw an exception, and did. l after insertFront(10) should be [ 10 ]: [ 10 ] l is a list of 3 elements: [ 1 2 3 ] n.item() should be 1: 1 n.item() should be 2: 2 n.item() should be 2: 2 n.item() should be 4: 4 n.item() should be 3: 3 n.item() should be 6: 6 After doubling all elements of l: [ 2 4 6 ] p.isValidNode() should be false: false p.item() should throw an exception, and did. p.setItem() should throw an exception, and did. p.next() should throw an exception, and did. p.prev() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertBefore() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertAfter() should throw an exception, and did. p.remove() should throw an exception, and did. n.item() should be 6: 6 n.item() should be 12: 12 n.item() should be 4: 4 n.item() should be 8: 8 n.item() should be 2: 2 n.item() should be 4: 4 After doubling all elements of l again: [ 4 8 12 ] p.isValidNode() should be false: false p.item() should throw an exception, and did. p.setItem() should throw an exception, and did. p.next() should throw an exception, and did. p.prev() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertBefore() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertAfter() should throw an exception, and did. p.remove() should throw an exception, and did. Removing middle element (8) of l: 8 l is now: [ 4 12 ] p.isValidNode() should be false: false p.item() should throw an exception, and did. p.setItem() should throw an exception, and did. p.next() should throw an exception, and did. p.prev() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertBefore() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertAfter() should throw an exception, and did. p.remove() should throw an exception, and did. Removing end element (12) of l: 12 l is now: [ 4 ] p.isValidNode() should be false: false p.item() should throw an exception, and did. p.setItem() should throw an exception, and did. p.next() should throw an exception, and did. p.prev() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertBefore() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertAfter() should throw an exception, and did. p.remove() should throw an exception, and did. Removing first element (4) of l: 4 l is now: [ ] p.isValidNode() should be false: false p.item() should throw an exception, and did. p.setItem() should throw an exception, and did. p.next() should throw an exception, and did. p.prev() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertBefore() should throw an exception, and did. p.insertAfter() should throw an exception, and did. p.remove() should throw an exception, and did.
public void union(Set s) { ListNode snode=s.list.front(); ListNode thisnode=this.list.front(); try{ while(snode.isValidNode()){ Comparable external=(Comparable)snode.item(); Comparable internal=(Comparable)thisnode.item(); if(external.compareTo(internal)<0){ thisnode.insertBefore(external); thisnode=thisnode.prev(); snode=snode.next(); this.number++; } else if(external.compareTo(internal)>0){ if(!thisnode.next().isValidNode()){ thisnode.insertAfter(external); number++; } thisnode=thisnode.next(); } else if(external.equals(internal)){ if(!thisnode.next().isValidNode()){ snode=snode.next(); } else{ thisnode=thisnode.next(); snode=snode.next(); } } } }catch(InvalidNodeException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void intersect(Set s) { ListNode thisnode=this.list.front(); ListNode snode=s.list.front(); try{ while(thisnode.isValidNode()){ if(!snode.isValidNode()){ ListNode node=thisnode; thisnode=thisnode.next(); node.remove(); this.number--; } else{Comparable internal=(Comparable)thisnode.item(); Comparable external=(Comparable)snode.item(); if(external.compareTo(internal)<0){ snode=snode.next(); } else if(external.compareTo(internal)>0){ ListNode node=thisnode; thisnode=thisnode.next(); node.remove(); this.number--; } else if(external.equals(internal)){ thisnode=thisnode.next(); snode=snode.next(); } } } }catch(InvalidNodeException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } }
Set s = {3,4,} Set s2 = {4,5,} Set s3 = {3,5,8,} After s.union(s2), s = {3,4,5,} After s.intersect(s3), s = {3,5,} s.cardinality() = 2
标签:next lap invalid lin nal display cs6 pen ack