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In Objective-C, a class is itself an object with an opaque type called Class
. Classes can’t have properties defined using the declaration syntax shown earlier for instances, but they can receive messages.
The typical use for a class method is as a factory method, which is an alternative to the object allocation and initialization procedure described in Objects Are Created Dynamically. The NSString
class, for example, has a variety of factory methods available to create either an empty string object, or a string object initialized with specific characters, including:
+ (id)string; |
+ (id)stringWithString:(NSString *)aString; |
+ (id)stringWithFormat:(NSString *)format, …; |
+ (id)stringWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path encoding:(NSStringEncoding)enc error:(NSError **)error; |
+ (id)stringWithCString:(const char *)cString encoding:(NSStringEncoding)enc; |
As shown in these examples, class methods are denoted by the use of a +
sign, which differentiates them from instance methods using a -
Class method prototypes may be included in a class interface, just like instance method prototypes. Class methods are implemented in the same way as instance methods, inside the @implementation
block for the class.
Objective-C Classes Are also Objects
标签:uid eth iat ble type actor document mic ati