标签:keep cer ane cert com hat rtu lan ever
you should go lay down // 躺下
got a fever // 发骚
I can‘t stand with her.
she attacks me
I‘ll protect you
you look cold
what it is.
you seem angery.
your finical affairs are complex.
I‘ll pick you up at 8:00
but your‘re not family.
mutual respect
it wawful
the horrible things sha said
she keeping on tortuing me
cares about yous.
insults you
respect and ginigyt
Thtat How I raised you.
Im done drinkng for a while.
squeese your shoulder.
for a second
we discuss our lives
the secert come out
need a crutch
miss your plane
it will be
it‘s a long story
it you take responsitby
it‘s only a matter of time.
i can‘t go to prision
i dont have a
a drunk 酒鬼
英语----美剧----蛇蝎女佣(Devious maids) 第二季 第10集(1)
标签:keep cer ane cert com hat rtu lan ever