标签:pac poi else str 引入 span clu ons name
2017-07-25 21:40:22
#include <iostream> #include <queue> using namespace std; const int N = 9; queue<int> qu; int visited[N] = {0}; //新引入一个数组,用于标记是否访问过 struct node { int vertex; node*next; }; node head[N]; void BFS(int vertex) // 宽度优先搜素 { node*point; qu.push(vertex); visited[vertex] = 1; cout<< vertex <<"->"; while(!qu.empty()) { vertex = qu.front(); qu.pop(); point = head[vertex].next; while(point!=NULL) { if(visited[point->vertex] == 0) { qu.push(point->vertex); visited[point->vertex] = 1; cout <<point->vertex<<"->"; } point = point->next; } } } void create(int val1,int val2) { node*point; node*nnew = new node(); nnew->vertex = val2; nnew->next = NULL; point = &head[val1]; while(point->next!=NULL) { point = point->next; } point->next = nnew; } void print() { node*point; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { point = head[i].next; cout << "Head["<<i<<"]"; while(point!=NULL) { cout <<"-> "<<point->vertex; point = point->next; } cout << endl; } } int main() { int node1,node2; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { head[i].vertex = i; head[i].next = NULL; } while(1) { cout <<"please enter the start point" << endl; cin >> node1; if(node1 == -1) break; cout <<"please enter the end point" << endl; cin >> node2; if(node1 == node2) cout <<"自身循环"<<endl; else if(node1>=N||node2>=N) cout <<"超出范围"<<endl; else create(node1,node2); } cout << "邻接表为:" << endl; print(); cout <<"\n"<<endl; cout <<"BFS: "<<endl; BFS(1); return 0; }
标签:pac poi else str 引入 span clu ons name