#ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/timezone
[root@ALISG]# tzselect
Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
Please select a continent or ocean.
1) Africa
2) Americas
3) Antarctica
4) Arctic Ocean
5) Asia
6) Atlantic Ocean
7) Australia
8) Europe
9) Indian Ocean
10) Pacific Ocean
11) none - I want to specify the time zone using the Posix TZ format.
#? 8
Please select a country.
1) land Islands 18) Greece 35) Norway
2) Albania 19) Guernsey 36) Poland
3) Andorra 20) Hungary 37) Portugal
4) Austria 21) Ireland 38) Romania
5) Belarus 22) Isle of Man 39) Russia
6) Belgium 23) Italy 40) San Marino
7) Bosnia & Herzegovina 24) Jersey 41) Serbia
8) Britain (UK) 25) Latvia 42) Slovakia
9) Bulgaria 26) Liechtenstein 43) Slovenia
10) Croatia 27) Lithuania 44) Spain
11) Czech Republic 28) Luxembourg 45) Sweden
12) Denmark 29) Macedonia 46) Switzerland
13) Estonia 30) Malta 47) Turkey
14) Finland 31) Moldova 48) Ukraine
15) France 32) Monaco 49) Vatican City
16) Germany 33) Montenegro
17) Gibraltar 34) Netherlands
#? 8
The following information has been given:
Britain (UK)
Therefore TZ=‘Europe/London‘ will be used.
Local time is now: Fri Jul 28 07:43:08 BST 2017.
Universal Time is now: Fri Jul 28 06:43:08 UTC 2017.
Is the above information OK?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
You can make this change permanent for yourself by appending the line
TZ=‘Europe/London‘; export TZ
to the file ‘.profile‘ in your home directory; then log out and log in again.
Here is that TZ value again, this time on standard output so that you
can use the /usr/bin/tzselect command in shell scripts:
选择时区然后 添加到配置文件最后:
#vim /etc/profile
TZ=‘Europe/London‘;export TZ
#cat /etc/sysconfig/clock
2017年 07月 28日 星期四 08:07:30 BST
#sudo hwclock -w