标签:note 二维数组 leading 排序 tps -o UI xmlns rac
InputThe input contains multiple test cases.
For each test case, the first line contains one positive integers nn, the number of strings. (1≤n≤100000)(1≤n≤100000)
Each of the next nn lines contains a string sisi consisting of only lower case letters.(1≤|si|≤100000,∑|si|≤106)(1≤|si|≤100000,∑|si|≤106)
OutputFor each test case, output " Case #xx: yy" in one line (without quotes), where xxindicates the case number starting from 11 and yy denotes the answer of corresponding case.Sample Input
1 a 2 aa bb 3 a ba abc
Sample Output
Case #1: 25 Case #2: 1323 Case #3: 18221
标签:note 二维数组 leading 排序 tps -o UI xmlns rac