标签:sp1 一个 down ted res term 这一 pack image
Mark一个Jetson TX2刷机后不能启动的问题。
问题的现象是Jetson TX2 通过JetPack 3.1更新固件成功,但是reboot后没有显示,也没有eth0的网络连接,主机控制台卡在“Determing the IP address of target...”,如图1所示,手动复位还是这样,以至于主机的JetPack 3.1不能完成后续的步骤。
问题的原因是Jetson TX2连接显示器的HDMI-VGA适配器不被启动时的linux识别,导致卡在检测显示适配器这一步,如下所示,更换HDMI-DVI或者带HDIM接口的显示器后就可以成功启动看到图形界面。
[ 0.503413] Unsupported HDMI VIC 15, ignoring [ 0.503414] Unsupported HDMI VIC 140, ignoring [ 0.503415] Unsupported HDMI VIC 10, ignoring [ 0.503417] Unsupported HDMI VIC 208, ignoring [ 0.503418] Unsupported HDMI VIC 138, ignoring [ 0.503419] Unsupported HDMI VIC 32, ignoring [ 0.503426] V_REF_TO_SYNC >= 1; H_REF_TO_SYNC < 0 [ 0.503429] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: Display timing doesn‘t meet restrictions. [ 0.503431] PD DISP2 index4 DOWN [ 0.503595] PD DISP1 index3 DOWN [ 0.503739] PD DISP0 index2 DOWN [ 0.505718] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: probed
图1 Determing the IP address of target...
NVIDIA Jetson TX2 通过JetPack 3.1刷机后不能启动连网问题解决
标签:sp1 一个 down ted res term 这一 pack image