标签:minion option error module return ons link umask pack
windows C:/salt/bin/Lib/site-packages/salt/modules/archive.py
linux: /user/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/modules/archive.py
def unzip(zip_file, dest, excludes=None, options=None, template=None, runas=None, trim_output=False, password=None, extract_perms=True): if not excludes: excludes = [] if runas: euid = os.geteuid() egid = os.getegid() uinfo = __salt__[‘user.info‘](runas) if not uinfo: raise SaltInvocationError( "User ‘{0}‘ does not exist".format(runas) ) zip_file, dest = _render_filenames(zip_file, dest, None, template) if runas and (euid != uinfo[‘uid‘] or egid != uinfo[‘gid‘]): # Change the egid first, as changing it after the euid will fail # if the runas user is non-privileged. os.setegid(uinfo[‘gid‘]) os.seteuid(uinfo[‘uid‘]) try: exc = None # Define cleaned_files here so that an exception will not prevent this # variable from being defined and cause a NameError in the return # statement at the end of the function. cleaned_files = [] with contextlib.closing(zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, "r")) as zfile: # 旧方法修改文件的修改时间 if True: files = zfile.namelist() cleaned_files.extend([x for x in files if x not in excludes]) for file in zfile.infolist(): d = file.date_time#修改时间元信息 gettime = "%s/%s/%s %s:%s" % (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4]) zfile.extract(file, dest, password)#解压 filep = os.path.join(dest, file.filename) print "recover:%s modify time" % filep timearry = time.mktime(time.strptime(gettime, ‘%Y/%m/%d %H:%M‘)) os.utime(filep, (timearry, timearry))#替换时间 else: files = zfile.namelist() if isinstance(excludes, string_types): excludes = [x.strip() for x in excludes.split(‘,‘)] elif isinstance(excludes, (float, integer_types)): excludes = [str(excludes)] cleaned_files.extend([x for x in files if x not in excludes]) for target in cleaned_files: if target not in excludes: if salt.utils.is_windows() is False: info = zfile.getinfo(target) # Check if zipped file is a symbolic link if stat.S_ISLNK(info.external_attr >> 16): source = zfile.read(target) os.symlink(source, os.path.join(dest, target)) continue zfile.extract(target, dest, password) modify_date = zfile.getinfo(target).date_time gettime = "%s/%s/%s %s:%s" % (modify_date[0], modify_date[1], modify_date[2], modify_date[3], modify_date[4]) file_path = os.path.join(dest, target) timearry = time.mktime(time.strptime(gettime, ‘%Y/%m/%d %H:%M‘)) os.utime(file_path, (timearry, timearry)) if extract_perms: perm = zfile.getinfo(target).external_attr >> 16 if perm == 0: umask_ = os.umask(0) os.umask(umask_) if target.endswith(‘/‘): perm = 0o777 & ~umask_ else: perm = 0o666 & ~umask_ os.chmod(os.path.join(dest, target), perm) except Exception as exc: pass finally: # Restore the euid/egid if runas: os.seteuid(euid) os.setegid(egid) if exc is not None: # Wait to raise the exception until euid/egid are restored to avoid # permission errors in writing to minion log. raise CommandExecutionError( ‘Exception encountered unpacking zipfile: {0}‘.format(exc) ) return _trim_files(cleaned_files, trim_output)
标签:minion option error module return ons link umask pack