标签:linux article 技术分享 ase round rtc balance important can
Hadoop version: Hadoop
Well, We can do this by building Secondary Namenode, Checkpoint node or Backup node.
Assuming you have a Secondary Namenode.
1. Check secondary namenode checkpoint status:
dfs.namenode.secondary.http-address in %HADOOP_CONF_DIR%/hdfs-site.xml
fs.namenode.checkpoint.dir in %HADOOP_CONF_DIR%/hdfs-site.xml
dfs.namenode.checkpoint.edits.dir in %HADOOP_CONF_DIR%/hdfs-site.xml
dfs.namenode.checkpoint.period in %HADOOP_CONF_DIR%/hdfs-site.xml
2. Backup your real time checkpoint by hand:
On Secondary namenode, Stop Hadoop secondary namenode service.
Run cmd.exe by user hadoop ( or some users have full permission )
Backup real time checkpoint:
3. Stop Namenode services or reboot Namenode ( if hadoop service set to booting manual ,the services would all stop after reboot )
As for test, I backup my dfs.namenode.name.dir (i.e C:\hdpdata\hdfs\nn) first for my next test ( restore from my namenode dir backup ) .
Delete all files in C:\hdpdata\hdfs\nn ,
Open dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir (see %HADOOP_CONF_DIR%/hdfs-site.xml ) in secondary namenode (i.e. c:\hdpdata\hdfs\snn )
Copy all secondary checkpoint files( except the lock file) from this folder to your namenode‘s checkpoint dir (dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir the same as secondary namenode)
Make sure namenode‘s checkpoint dir is empty already !
4. Restore from checkpoint dir
Run cmd.exe by user hadoop ( or some users have full permission )
Use this command to start hadoop service and import checkpoint from checkpoint dir
Use ctrl+C to stop service which is completed. and Delete your namenode‘s checkpoint dir (dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir the same as secondary namenode)
Start service by this command:
Balance you HDFS:
5. Confirm your Hadoop service is restored successfully.
Open URL http://namenode:50070/ to check if there are some missing block. If yes. Please kindly check where they are and what they are.
Because restore from secondary namenode isn‘t a real time restore solution. It may lost the last time what you do in the jobtracker. It doesn‘t matter. Just delete them.
Tips: If you want to restore a real time backup, please use multiplicate namenode dir mode. see next post... ...
Experience on Namenode backup and restore --- checkpoint
标签:linux article 技术分享 ase round rtc balance important can