标签:oid utf-8 data ural nodelist sel ldo pre blog
Xml makes it easy to read and write data in any application. That‘s enables data exchange between XML quickly became the only common language.
This chapter mainly on using Xml with C#,for reading and creating XML.
1.XML basic format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LanguagePluraRules> <Language Name="Arabic" Code="ar-SA"> <Type Name="cardinal"> <Range> <Category>zero</Category> <Examples>0</Examples> </Range> <Range> <Category>one</Category> <Examples>1</Examples> </Range> <Range> <Category>two</Category> <Examples>2</Examples> </Range> <Range> <Category>few</Category> <Examples>3</Examples> </Range> <Range> <Category>many</Category> <Examples>11</Examples> </Range> <Range> <Category>other</Category> <Examples>100</Examples> </Range> </Type> </Language> </LanguagePluraRules>
2.Create XML
(1). Create Xml string header
(2). Create the single node and set attribute
(3). create same code and set innerText value
(4). Append child
(5). Code
public static XmlDocument CreateXML() { var list = new List<Model> { new Model { Category = "zero", Examples = "0" }, new Model { Category = "one", Examples = "1" }, new Model { Category = "two", Examples = "2" }, new Model { Category = "few", Examples = "3" }, new Model { Category = "many", Examples = "11" }, new Model { Category = "other", Examples = "100" }, }; //Create XML String Header XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDeclaration xmldecl = xmlDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null); xmlDoc.AppendChild(xmldecl); //xmlDoc.AppendChild(xeRoot); XmlElement LanguagePluraRules = xmlDoc.CreateElement("LanguagePluraRules"); XmlElement Language = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Language"); XmlElement Type = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Type"); Language.SetAttribute("Name", "Arabic"); Language.SetAttribute("Code", "ar-SA"); Type.SetAttribute("Name", "cardinal"); //set node value foreach (var vm in list) { XmlElement Range = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Range"); XmlElement Category = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Category"); XmlElement Examples = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Examples"); Category.InnerText=vm.Category; Examples.InnerText = vm.Examples; Range.AppendChild(Category); Range.AppendChild(Examples); Type.AppendChild(Range); } LanguagePluraRules.AppendChild(Language); Language.AppendChild(Type); xmlDoc.AppendChild(LanguagePluraRules); xmlDoc.Save(@"..\..\Test.xml"); return xmlDoc; }
(6). Rendering
(7). Focus
if you want create more same node in the xml . Whenever you create node you need to use CreateElement("Node_Name") method .
//set node value
foreach (var vm in list)
XmlElement Range = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Range");
XmlElement Category = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Category");
XmlElement Examples = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Examples");
Examples.InnerText = vm.Examples;
3.Read XML
(1). using system Xml
using System.Xml;
(2). load the Xml select single node . According single node to get all children of the root node. And then read the children node value use the foreach method.
public static void ReadXml()
//set xmldocument
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
//load xml
//select Single Node
XmlNode xn = doc.SelectSingleNode("LanguagePluraRules");
//get all children of the root node
XmlNodeList xnlanguage = xn.ChildNodes;
//read the children node
foreach (XmlNode xnL in xnlanguage)
XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xnL;
string LanguageName = xe.GetAttribute("Name").ToString();
string LanguageCode = xe.GetAttribute("Code").ToString();
XmlNodeList xnType = xe.ChildNodes;
foreach (XmlNode xnT in xnType)
XmlElement xnt = (XmlElement)xnT;
XmlNodeList xnRange = xnt.ChildNodes;
foreach (XmlNode xnr in xnRange)
XmlElement xnC = (XmlElement)xnr;
XmlNodeList xnCategory = xnC.ChildNodes;
string Categoryes = xnCategory.Item(0).InnerText;
int Examples = Convert.ToInt16(xnCategory.Item(1).InnerText);
标签:oid utf-8 data ural nodelist sel ldo pre blog