标签:mod 准备 this 关系 pretty aggregate html ddc .text
1. 准备好边数据集。即”1 3”, “4, 1” 这种点关系。
使用GraphLoader 的接口load成Graph
2. 初始化每一个Vertice的属性为空Map
3. 使用aggregateMessages把VerticeID和totalRounds传播出度点上,出度点把收集到的信息合成一个大Map
4. 更新后的Vertice与原图进行”Join”,更新图中的变化过的点属性
5. 反复步骤3和4,最后输出更新了N轮之后的有关系的Vertice
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
val friendsGraph = GraphLoader.edgeListFile(sc, "data/friends.txt")
val totalRounds: Int = 3 // total N round
var targetVerticeID: Long = 6 // target vertice
// round one
var roundGraph = friendsGraph.mapVertices((id, vd) => Map())
var roundVertices = roundGraph.aggregateMessages[Map[Long, Integer]](
ctx => {
if (targetVerticeID == ctx.srcId) {
// only the edge has target vertice should send msg
ctx.sendToDst(Map(ctx.srcId -> totalRounds))
_ ++ _
for (i <- 2 to totalRounds) {
val thisRoundGraph = roundGraph.outerJoinVertices(roundVertices){ (vid, data, opt) => opt.getOrElse(Map[Long, Integer]()) }
roundVertices = thisRoundGraph.aggregateMessages[Map[Long, Integer]](
ctx => {
val iterator = ctx.srcAttr.iterator
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val (k, v) = iterator.next
if (v > 1) {
val newV = v - 1
ctx.sendToDst(Map(k -> newV))
ctx.srcAttr.updated(k, newV)
} else {
// do output and remove this entry
(newAttr, oldAttr) => {
if (oldAttr.contains(newAttr.head._1)) { // optimization to reduce msg
oldAttr.updated(newAttr.head._1, 1) // stop sending this ever
} else {
oldAttr ++ newAttr
val result = roundVertices.map(_._1).collect
2 1
4 1
1 2
6 3
7 3
7 6
6 7
3 7
4 3
1 6
6 1
Array(6, 1, 3, 7)
全文完 :)
标签:mod 准备 this 关系 pretty aggregate html ddc .text