标签:extern mon 使用 read pre features shape blend uil
<!-- osgEarth Sample Demonstrates use of the "agglite" feature rasterization driver. --> <map name="Geometry Rasterizer Demo" type="round" version="2"> <external> <lod_blending/> </external> <image name="world" driver="gdal"> <url>../data/world.tif</url> <cache_policy usage="no_cache"/> </image> <image name="world_boundaries" driver="agglite" opacity="0.5"> <!-- Configure the OGR feature driver to read the shapefile. --> <features name="world" driver="ogr"> <url>../data/world.shp</url> <build_spatial_index>true</build_spatial_index> </features> <styles> <style type="text/css"> default { fill: #ff7700; stroke: #ffff00; stroke-width: 1px; } </style> </styles> <cache_policy usage="no_cache"/> </image> </map>
标签:extern mon 使用 read pre features shape blend uil