My T-shirt suits me |
Our friend Victor participates as an instructor in an environmental volunteer program. His boss asked Victor to distribute N T-shirts
to Mvolunteers, one T-shirt each volunteer, where N is multiple of six, and NM.
There are the same number of T-shirts of each one of the six available sizes: XXL, XL, L, M , S, and XS. Victor has a little problem because only two sizes of the T-shirts suit each volunteer.
You must write a program to decide if Victor can distribute T-shirts in such a way that all volunteers get a T-shirt that suit them. If N M,
there can be some remaining T-shirts.
The first line of the input contains the number of test cases. For each test case, there is a line with two numbers N and M. N is
multiple of 6, 1N
and indicates the number of T-shirts. Number M, 1
indicates the number of volunteers, with N
Subsequently, M lines are listed where each line contains, separated by one space, the two sizes that suit each volunteer (XXL, XL, L, M , S, or XS).
For each test case you are to print a line containing YES if there is, at least, one distribution where T-shirts suit all volunteers, or NO, in other case.
3 18 6 L XL XL L XXL XL S XS M S M L 6 4 S XL L S L XL L XL 6 1 L M
/* * * Author : fcbruce * * Date : 2014-09-04 20:47:21 * */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> #include <cctype> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <list> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <set> #define sqr(x) ((x)*(x)) #define LL long long #define itn int #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626 #define eps 1e-10 #ifdef _WIN32 #define lld "%I64d" #else #define lld "%lld" #endif #define maxm 233 #define maxn 64 using namespace std; int fir[maxn]; int u[maxm],v[maxm],cap[maxm],flow[maxm],nex[maxm]; int e_max; int iter[maxn],q[maxn],lv[maxn]; void add_edge(int _u,int _v,int _w) { int e; e=e_max++; u[e]=_u;v[e]=_v;cap[e]=_w; nex[e]=fir[u[e]];fir[u[e]]=e; e=e_max++; u[e]=_v;v[e]=_u;cap[e]=0; nex[e]=fir[u[e]];fir[u[e]]=e; } void dinic_bfs(int s) { int f,r; memset(lv,-1,sizeof lv); q[f=r=0]=s; lv[s]=0; while(f<=r) { int x=q[f++]; for (int e=fir[x];~e;e=nex[e]) { if (cap[e]>flow[e] && lv[v[e]]<0) { lv[v[e]]=lv[u[e]]+1; q[++r]=v[e]; } } } } int dinic_dfs(int _u,int t,int _f) { if (_u==t) return _f; for (int &e=iter[_u];~e;e=nex[e]) { if (cap[e]>flow[e] && lv[_u]<lv[v[e]]) { int _d=dinic_dfs(v[e],t,min(_f,cap[e]-flow[e])); if (_d>0) { flow[e]+=_d; flow[e^1]-=_d; return _d; } } } return 0; } int max_flow(int s,int t) { memset(flow,0,sizeof flow); int total_flow=0; for (;;) { dinic_bfs(s); if (lv[t]<0) return total_flow; memcpy(iter,fir,sizeof iter); int _f; while ((_f=dinic_dfs(s,t,INF))>0) total_flow+=_f; } return total_flow; } char _size[7][5]={ "","XS","S","M","L","XL","XXL"}; int main() { #ifdef FCBRUCE freopen("/home/fcbruce/code/t","r",stdin); #endif // FCBRUCE int T_T; int n,m; scanf( "%d",&T_T); while (T_T--) { e_max=0; memset(fir,-1,sizeof fir); scanf( "%d%d",&n,&m); int s=0,t=m+7; char s1[5],s2[5]; for (int i=0;i<m;i++) { add_edge(s,i+7,1); scanf( "%s%s",s1,s2); for (int j=1;j<7;j++) if (strcmp(s1,_size[j])==0) add_edge(i+7,j,1); for (int j=1;j<7;j++) if (strcmp(s2,_size[j])==0) add_edge(i+7,j,1); } for (int i=1;i<7;i++) add_edge(i,t,n/6); if (max_flow(s,t)==m) puts( "YES"); else puts( "NO"); } return 0; }
UVA 11045 My T-shirt suits me (二分图)