标签:ase lov val ini eve 没有 one logs mon
‘‘‘本来想做一个恋爱养成类的游戏,但因为时间限制,简化了一些行为,比如money参数和talk函数,就没有用到。 可以对各个函数再添加一个money参数值的选项,另,文本实在写不出来,talk就鸽了。‘‘‘ import random #做一个选项冲突的设定。哪怕满足好感度等条件,也有三分之一的概率选择拒绝。 class Role(object): def __init__(self, name, sex, money, love_value): self.name = name self.sex = sex self.money = money self.love_value = love_value def talk(self, name, word): self.word = word print(‘[%s] says: [%s]‘ % (self.name, self.word)) class Player(Role): def work(self, money): #本来想添加工作函数,以便对money有更多的扩展。。。。 self.money = money print(‘[%s] is going to work to earn money.‘ % self.name) money += 1000 def visit(self, Role1): self.Role1 = Role1 print(‘I`m meeting [%s], and his/her love_value is [%s]‘% (Role1.name, Role1.love_value)) def date(self, Role1): self.Role1 = Role1 if Role1.love_value >= 30: if random.randint(1, 3) != 2: print(‘okay, i would be like to go out for a date with you.‘) Role1.love_value += 10 else: print(‘sorry, but i have another plan.‘) else: print(‘sorry, i don`t want to date with you.‘) def shopping(self, Role1): self.Role1 = Role1 if random.randint(1, 3) != 2: print(‘yeah, i really want to buy something.‘) self.money -= 1000 Role1.love_value += 10 else: print(‘sorry, i am busy now, may be we can go shopping next time.‘) def hotel(self, Role1): self.Role1 = Role1 if Role1.love_value >= 80: if random.randint(1, 3) != 2: print(‘Yeah baby, may be we can try some new style this night.‘) self.money -= 2000 Role1.love_value += 10 else: print(‘i am tired today, let`s do it tomorrow.‘) else: print(‘no, i don`t think it`s the right time to do this, eh...‘) Role1.love_value -= 10 Jack = Player(‘Jack‘, ‘M‘, 10000, 0) Rose = Role(‘Rose‘, ‘F‘, 10000, 50) Linda = Role(‘Linda‘, ‘F‘, 10000, 20) Mark = Role(‘Mark‘, ‘M‘, 10000, 0) print(‘*‘*100) Jack.talk(Rose, ‘hello darling‘) print(‘Game Start!‘) print(‘The player of this game is Jack, and his purpose is to chase one Role_Player. The player have 3 times to try everyday.‘) print(‘*‘*100) day = 0 for day in range(5): print(‘day‘,[day]) i=0 for i in range(3): choice1 = input(‘whom do you want to visit? Rose? Linda? Mark?‘) if choice1 == ‘Rose‘: Jack.visit(Rose) choice2 = input(‘what do you want to do ? date? shopping? hotel?‘) if choice2 == ‘date‘: Jack.date(Rose) elif choice2 == ‘shopping‘: Jack.shopping(Rose) elif choice2 == ‘hotel‘: Jack.hotel(Rose) print(Rose.love_value) if Rose.love_value >= 100: print(‘Game over, and you have chased Rose.‘) break else: continue elif choice1 == ‘Linda‘: Jack.visit(Linda) choice2 = input(‘what do you want to do ?date? shopping? hotel?‘) if choice2 == ‘date‘: Jack.date(Linda) elif choice2 == ‘shopping‘: Jack.shopping(Linda) elif choice2 == ‘hotel‘: Jack.hotel(Linda) print(Linda.love_value) if Linda.love_value >= 100: print(‘Game over, you have chased Linda.‘) break else: continue elif choice1 == ‘Mark‘: Jack.visit(Mark) choice2 = input(‘what do you want to do ?date? shopping? hotel?‘) if choice2 == ‘date‘: Jack.date(Mark) elif choice2 == ‘shopping‘: Jack.shopping(Mark) elif choice2 == ‘hotel‘: Jack.hotel(Mark) print(Mark.love_value) if Mark.love_value >= 100: print(‘Game over, you have chased Mark.‘) break else: continue else: print(‘plz enter your choice again‘) i+=1 day+=1 if max(Rose.love_value, Linda.love_value, Mark.love_value)==100: break if day >=5 : print(‘sorry, you will be single all along.‘)
标签:ase lov val ini eve 没有 one logs mon