标签:copy 变换 sum UI http 数值 turn plt print
1 import numpy as np 2 from skimage.data import horse, camera 3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 4 import scipy.ndimage as ndimg 5 from numba import jit 6 import cv2 7 from scipy.ndimage import label, generate_binary_structure 8 9 strc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.bool) 10 11 12 # check whether this pixcel can be removed 13 def check(n): 14 a = [(n >> i) & 1 for i in range(8)] 15 a.insert(4, 0) # make the 3x3 unit 16 # if up, down, left, right all are 1, you cannot make a hole 17 # if a[1] & a[3] & a[5] & a[7]:return False 18 a = np.array(a).reshape((3, 3)) 19 # segments 20 n = label(a, strc)[1] 21 # if sum is 0, it is a isolate point, you cannot remove it. 22 # if number of segments > 2, you cannot split them. 23 return n < 2 24 return a.sum() > 1 and n < 2 25 if a.sum() == 1 or n > 2: return 2 26 if a.sum() > 1 and n < 2: return 1 27 return 0 28 29 30 lut = np.array([check(n) for n in range(256)]) 31 lut = np.dot(lut.reshape((-1, 8)), [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]).astype(np.uint8) 32 ‘‘‘这个表示已经生成好的,直接用也可以,用上面程序生成也可以 33 lut = np.array([200, 206, 220, 204, 0, 207, 0, 204, 0, 207, 221, 51, 1, 207, 221, 51, 34 0, 0, 221, 204, 0, 0, 0, 204, 1, 207, 221, 51, 1, 207, 221, 51], dtype=np.int8) 35 ‘‘‘ 36 37 38 @jit 39 def skel2dp(data, idx, lup): 40 h, w = data.shape 41 data = data.ravel() #降维 42 for id in idx: #idx是距离变换之后排序的位置信息 43 44 if data[id] == 0: continue #背景直接返回 45 #周围八个数据 46 i2 = id - w 47 i8 = id + w 48 i1 = i2 - 1 49 i3 = i2 + 1 50 i4 = id - 1 51 i6 = id + 1 52 i7 = i8 - 1 53 i9 = i8 + 1 54 #下面这段话就是查表,和图像细化的查的表格一样 55 c = (data[i1] > 0) << 0 | (data[i2] > 0) << 1 56 | (data[i3] > 0) << 2 | (data[i4] > 0) << 3 57 | (data[i6] > 0) << 4 | (data[i7] > 0) << 5 58 | (data[i8] > 0) << 6 | (data[i9] > 0) << 7 59 if (lup[c // 8] >> c % 8) & 1: data[id] = 0 60 return 0 61 62 63 def mid_axis(img): 64 dis = ndimg.distance_transform_edt(img) 65 idx = np.argsort(dis.flat).astype(np.int32) #flat是降维操作(二维到一维度),argsort是排序之后的位置(不是数值) 66 skel2dp(dis, idx, lut) 67 return dis 68 69 70 from time import time 71 img = ~horse()*255 72 #img = cv2.imread(‘123.jpg‘) 73 #img = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 74 #ret2, img = cv2.threshold(img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) 75 dis = ndimg.distance_transform_edt(img) 76 plt.imshow(dis) 77 idx = np.argsort(dis.flat).astype(np.int32) 78 a = skel2dp(dis, idx, lut) 79 #mid_axis(img.copy()) 80 t1 = time() 81 a = mid_axis(img) 82 t2 = time() 83 print(t2 - t1) 84 plt.imshow(a) 85 plt.show()
标签:copy 变换 sum UI http 数值 turn plt print