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标签:des   http   os   io   使用   ar   for   文件   数据   

  • ‘;‘ not allowed before ‘ELSE‘       →       ElSE前不允许有“;”
  • ‘<clause>‘ clause not allowed in OLE automation section       →       在OLE自动区段不允许“<clause>”子句
  • ‘<name>‘ is not a type identifier       →       <name>不是类型标识符
  • ‘<name>‘ not previously declared as a PROPERTY       →       <name>前面没有说明PROPERTY
  • ‘GOTO <label>‘ leads into or out of TRY statement GOTO → <label>进入或超出TRY语句的范围
  • <clause1> clause expected, but <clause2> found       → 要求子句<clause1>,但出现<clause2>
  • 16-Bit fixup encountered in object file ‘<text>‘ → 在对象文件<text>遇到16位修复
  • 486/487 instructions not enabled → 不能用486/487指令
  • Abstract methods must be virtual or dynamic→抽象方法必须为虚拟的或动态的
  • Array type required→需要数组类型
  • Assignment to FOR-Loop variable ‘<Name>‘→给FOR循环变量<Name>赋值
  • Bad argument type in variable type array constructor→在变量类型数组结构中不正确的参数类型
  • Bad file format ‘<name>‘→错误的文件格式<name>
  • Bad file format: <Filename>→错误的文件格式<Filename>
  • Bad global symbol definition: ‘<Name>‘ in object file ‘<Filename>‘       → 对象文件‘<Filename>‘中错误的全局符号定义‘<Name>‘
  • Bad unit format: <Filename> → 错误的单元格式<Filename>
  • BREAK or CONTINUE outside of loop → BREAK或CONTINUE超出循环
  • Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols → 不能增加或减少可重置的符号
  • Cannot assign to a read-only property → 不能指定只读属性
  • Cannot BREAK, CONTINUE or EXIT out of a FINALLY clause → 超出FINALLY子句的范围,不能使用BREAK,CONTINUE或EXIT语句
  • Cannot initialize local variables → 不能初始化局部变量
  • Cannot initialize multiple variables → 不能初始化多个变量
  • Cannot initialize thread local variables → 不能初始化线程局部变量
  • Cannot override a static method → 不能覆盖静态方法
  • Cannot read a write-only property → 不能读取只写属性
  • Case label outside of range of case e­xpression → CASE标号超出了CASE表达式的范围
  • Circular unit reference to <Unitname> → 对单元<Unitname>循环引用
  • Class already has a default property → 类已具有默认的属性
  • Class does not have a default property → 类没有默认的属性
  • Class or object types only allowed in type section → 在类型区段只允许有类或对象类型
  • Class type required → 需要类类型
  • Close error on <Filename> → 文件<Filename>关闭错误
  • Compile terminated by user → 用户中止编译
  • Constant expected → 要求常量
  • Constant e­xpression expected → 要求常量表达式
  • Constant e­xpression violates subrange bounds → 常量表达式超出子界范围
  • Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter → 常量对象不能作为变量参数传递
  • Constant or type identifier expected → 要求常量或类型标识符
  • Constants cannot be used as open array arguments → 常量不能用作打开数组参数
  • Constructing instance of ‘<name>‘ containing abstract methods → 构造的<name>实体包含抽象的方法
  • Could not compile used unit ‘<Unitname>‘ → 不能用单元<Unitname>编译
  • Could not create output file <Filename> → 不能建立输出文件<Filename>
  • Could not load RLINK32.DLL → 不能加载RLINK32.DLL
  • Data type too large: exceeds 2 GB → 数据类型太大:超过2GB
  • Declaration of <Name> differs from previous declaration → <Name>的说明与先前的说明不同
  • Default property must be an array property → 默认的属性必须为数组属性
  • Default values must be of ordinal, pointer or small set type → 默认的值必须为序数、指针或小集类型
  • Destination cannot be assigned to → 目标不能指定
  • Destination is inaccessible → 目标不能存取
  • Dispid ‘<number>‘ already used by ‘<name>‘ → DISPID标识号已被<name>使用
  • Dispid clause only allowed in OLE automation section → DISPID子句只能在OLE自动区段中使用
  • Division by zero → 除数为零
  • Duplicate case label → CASE标号重复
  • Duplicate tag value → 重复的标志值
  • Dynamic method or message handler not allowed here → 这里不允许有动态方法或信息处理程序
  • Dynamic methods and message handlers not allowed in OLE automation section → 在OLE自动区段不允许有动态方法或消息处理程序
  • Element 0 inaccessible - use ‘Length‘ or ‘SetLength‘       → 元素0不能存取-使用LENGTH或SETLENGTH
  • Error in numeric constant       → 数值常量错误
  • EXPORTS allowed only at global scope EXPORTS →只允许在全局范围使用
  • Expression has no value       →表达式没有值
  • Expression too complicated       →表达式太复杂
  • Field definition not allowed in OLE automation section       →在OLE自动区段中不允许域定义
  • Field definition not allowed after methods or properties       →在方法或属性后不允许域定义
  • Field or method identifier expected       →要求域或方法标识符
  • File not found: <Filename>       →文件<Filename>没有找到
  • File type not allowed here       →这儿不允许文件类型
  • For loop control variable must be simple local variable → FOR循环控制变量必须为简单局部变量
  • For loop control variable must have ordinal type → FOR循环控制变量必须为序数类型
  • FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times - deleted → FOR或WHILE循环执行零次-删除
  • FOR-Loop variable ‘<name>‘ cannot be passed as var parameter → FOR循环变量<name>不能作为参数传递
  • FOR-Loop variable ‘<Name>‘ may be undefined after loop → 在循环后的FOR循环变量<NAME>是不确定的
  • Function needs result type       → 函数需要结果类型
  • Identifier redeclared: ‘<name>‘ 标识符<name> → 重复说明
  • Illegal character in input file: ‘<char>‘ ($<hex>)       →在输入文件中的非法字符‘<char>‘
  • Illegal message method index → 非法的消息方法指针
  • Illegal reference to symbol ‘<Name>‘ in object file ‘<Filename>‘       →在对象文件<filename>中对符号<name>的非法引用
  • Illegal type in OLE automation section: ‘<typename>‘       →在OLE自动区段中的非法类型<typename>
  • Illegal type in Read/Readln statement       →在Read/Readln语句中的非法类型
  • Illegal type in Write/Writeln statement       →在Write/Writeln语句中的非法类型
  • Inaccessible value       → 不可存取的值
  • Incompatible types: ‘<name>‘ and ‘<name>‘       → 不兼容的类型<name>和<name>
  • Incompatible types: <text> → 不兼容的类型<text>
  • Inline assembler stack overflow       → 内联汇编溢出
  • Inline assembler syntax error       → 内联汇编语法错误
  • Instance variable ‘<name>‘ inaccessible here → 实体变量<name>在这里不能存取
  • Integer constant or variable name expected → 要求整形常量或变量名
  • Integer constant too large → 整型常量太大
  • Internal error: <ErrorCode> → 内部错误<errorcode>
  • Invalid combination of opcode and operands → 操作码与操作对象的无效组合
  • Invalid compiler directive: ‘<Directive>‘ → 无效的编译指令<DIRECTIVE>
  • Invalid function result type → 无效的函数值类型
  • Invalid message parameter list →无效的消息参数列表
  • Invalid register combination →无效的寄存器组合
  • Invalid typecast → 无效的TYPECASE
  • Label ‘<Name>‘ is not declared in current procedure →在当前的过程中没有说明标号<NAME>
  • Label already defined: ‘<Labelname>‘       → 标号<LABELNAME>已经定义
  • Label declaration not allowed in interface part → 在界面部分不允许标号说明
  • Label declared and referenced, but not set: ‘<label>‘       → 标号被<label>说明及引用,但不能设置
  • Label expected       → 要求标号
  • Left side cannot be assigned to → 左边不能赋值
  • Line too long (more than 255 characters) → 行太长(超出255个字符)
  • Local class or object types not allowed → 不允许局部的类或对象类型
  • Local procedure/function ‘<Name>‘ assigned to procedure variable →局部过程/函数<NAME>赋给过程变量
  • LOOP/JCXZ distance out of range LOOP/JCXZ → 距离超出范围
  • Low bound exceeds high bound       → 下界超过上界
  • Memory reference expected → 要求内存引用
  • Method ‘<name>‘ hides virtual method of base type ‘<name>‘       → 方法<NAME>隐藏了基类型为<NAME>的虚拟方法
  • Method ‘<name>‘ not found in base class       → 在基类中没有找到方法<NAME>
  • Method identifier expected       → 要求方法标识符
  • Missing ENDIF directive → 缺少ENDIF指令
  • Missing operator or semicolon → 缺少操作符或分号
  • Missing or invalid conditional symbol in ‘$<symbol>‘ directive → 在$<symbol>指令中缺少或无效的条件符号
  • Missing parameter type → 缺少参数类型
  • Necessary library helper function was eliminated by linker → 必要的库帮助函数被连接程序删除
  • No definition for abstract method ‘<name>‘ allowed → 抽象方法<NAME>没有定义
  • Not enough actual parameters → 没有足够的实际参数
  • Number of elements differs from declaration → 元素数与说明不同
  • Numeric overflow →       数值溢出
  • Object or class type required       → 需要对象或类类型
  • Object type required       → 需要对象类型
  • Only register calling convention allowed in OLE automation section → 在OLE自动区段中只允许寄存器调用约定
  • Operand size mismatch → 运算对象大小匹配
  • Operator not applicable to this operand type → 运算符不使用于这一运算对象类型
  • order of fields in record constant differs from declaration → 在记录常量中的域次序与说明不同
  • ordinal type required → 需要序数类型
  • Out of memory→ 内存溢出
  • Overflow in conversion or arithmetic operation → 转换或算术操作溢出
  • Overriding automated virtual method ‘<name>‘ cannot specify a dispid → 覆盖的自动虚拟方法<NAME>不能指定DISPID
  • PACKED not allowed here →这里不允许PACKED
  • Pointer type required → 需要指针类型
  • Procedure cannot have a result type → 过程不能有结果类型
  • Procedure DISPOSE needs destructor → 过程DISPOSE需要destructor
  • Procedure FAIL only allowed in constructor →过程FAIL只允许在constructor方法中
  • Procedure NEW needs constructor       → 过程NEW需要constructor方法
  • Procedure or function name expected       → 要求过程或函数名
  • Program or unit ‘<name>‘ recursively uses itself       → 程序或单元递归
  • Property ‘<name>‘ does not exist in base class       → 在基类中<NAME>属性不存在
  • Published property ‘<name>‘ cannot be of type <type>       → Published属性<NAME>不能具有类型<type>
  • Published Real48 property ‘<name>‘ must be Single, Double or Extended Published       REAL → 属性<NAME>必须为Single, Double或Extended
  • Re-raising an exception only allowed in exception handler → 在意外处理中只允许重新引起意外处理
  • Read error on <Filename>       → 文件<FILENAME>读出错
  • Record, object or class type required       → 需要记录,对象或类类型
  • Redeclaration of ‘<name>‘ hides a member in the base class → <NAME>的重新说明隐藏了基类中一个元素
  • Redeclaration of property not allowed in OLE automation section       → 在OLE自动区段中不允许属性重复说明
  • Return value of function ‘<Functionname>‘ might be undefined → 函数<Functionname>的返回值可能没有定义
  • Seek error on <Filename> → 在<FILENAME>中搜索错误
  • Segment/Offset pairs not supported in Borland 32-bit Pascal       → 在Borland 32位的PASCAL中不支持Segment/Offset对
  • Sets may have at most 256 elements       → 集至少有256个元素
  • Size of published set ‘<name>‘ is >32 bits published → 集<NAME>的大小大于32字节
  • Slice standard function only allowed as open array argument Slice → 标准函数只允许作为打开数组参数
  • Statement expected, but e­xpression of type ‘<type>‘ found       → 要求语句,但出现类型<TYPE>的表达式
  • Statements not allowed in interface part       → 在界面中不允许的语句
  • String constant too long       → 字符串常量太长
  • String constant truncated to fit STRING[<number>]       → 字符串常量截取到适合STRING[<number>]
  • Strings may have at most 255 elements → 字符串至少255个元素
  • Structure field identifier expected → 要求结构域标识符
  • Syntax error in real number       →实数语法错误
  • System unit out of date or corrupted: missing ‘<name>‘       → 系统单元超出日期或损坏:缺少<NAME>
  • Text after final ‘END.       → 编译器忽略END.后的文本
  • This form of method call only allowed for class methods       → 该方法的窗体只允许类方法
  • This form of method call only allowed in methods of derived types       → 该方法的窗体只允许在导出类型的方法中
  • This type cannot be initialized       →这一类型不能初始化
  • Thread local variables cannot be ABSOLUTE →线程局部变量不能是ABSOLUTE
  • Thread local variables cannot be local to a function or procedure → 线程局部变量对函数不能是局部的
  • Too many actual parameters → 太多的实际参数
  • Too many conditional symbols → 太多的条件符号
  • Type ‘<name>‘ has no type info → 类型<NAME>没有类型信息
  • Type ‘<Name>‘ is not yet completely defined → 类型<NAME>至今没有定义
  • Type ‘<name>‘ must be a class to have a PUBLISHED section → 类型<NAME>必须是在PUBLISHED区段中的类
  • Type ‘<name>‘ must be a class to have OLE automation → 类型<NAME>必须是具有OLE自动的类
  • Type ‘<name>‘ needs finalization - not allowed in file type → 类型<NAME>需要初始化-不允许在文件类型中
  • Type ‘<name>‘ needs finalization - not allowed in variant record → 类型<NAME>需要初始化-不允许在变体记录
  • Type expected       → 要求TYPE
  • Type not allowed in OLE Automation call       → 在OLE自动调用中不允许的类型
  • Type of e­xpression must be BOOLEAN       → 表达式的类型必须为BOOLEAN型
  • Type of e­xpression must be INTEGER → 表达式的类型必须为INTEGER型
  • TYPEINFO standard function expects a type identifier       → TYPEINFO 标准函数要求类型标识符
  • TYPEOF can only be applied to object types with a VMT       → TYPEOF只能用于具有VMT的对象类型
  • Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical       →形参与实参必须一致
  • Undeclared identifier: ‘<name>‘       → 未说明的标识符<NAME>
  • Unexpected end of file in comment started on line <Number>       → 以行<Number>开始的注释中出现不应有的文件结束
  • Unit <Unit1> was compiled with a different version of <Unit2>       → 单元<UNIT1>与不同版本的<UNIT2>编译
  • Unit name mismatch: ‘<Unitname>‘       → 单元名不匹配<UNITNAME>
  • Unknown directive: ‘<Directive>‘       → 未知的指令<DIRECTIVE>
  • Unnamed arguments must precede named arguments in OLE Automation call       → 在OLE自动调用中未命名的参数必须在命名的参数前
  • Unsatisfied forward or external declaration: ‘<Procedurename>‘       →不满足的向前或外部说明<Procedurename>
  • Unterminated string       → 未结束的字符串
  • Value assigned to ‘<Name>‘ never used       → 赋给<NAME>的值从未使用过
  • Variable ‘<name>‘ inaccessible here due to optimization       → 由于优化,变量名<NAME>在这里不能存取
  • Variable ‘<name>‘ is declared but never used in ‘<name>‘       → 变量名<NAME>已说明,但不曾使用
  • Variable ‘<Name>‘ might not have been initialized → 变量名<NAME>可能没有初始化
  • Variable required       → 需要变量
  • Virtual constructors are not allowed       → 不允许虚拟的constructors方法
  • Write error on <Filename>       → 文件<Filename>写错误
  • Wrong or corrupted version of RLINK32.DLL       → RLINK32.DLL版本错误或不能用



标签:des   http   os   io   使用   ar   for   文件   数据   


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