标签:hid and efi tde err class rtl 自己 typedef
//双向链表 #define bool int #define true 1 #define false 0; typedef struct douLinkList { struct douLinkList * next; //下一个 struct douLinkList * prev; //前一个 int Item; }DouLL; /* 实现插入功能 */ bool InsertLL(); /* 实现删除功能 */ bool deleteLL(); bool InsertLL(DouLL * h, int X, int i) { DouLL * p; int j; j = 1; while(j < i - 1 && h) { h = h -> next; ++ j; } p = malloc(sizeof(DouLL)); p -> Item = X; p -> prev = h; p -> next = h -> next; h -> next -> prev = p; h -> next = p; return true; } bool deleteLL(DouLL * h, int X) { DouLL * temp; if(!h) { fprintf(stderr, "链表已空!\n"); return false; } while(X != h -> Item && h) { h = h -> next; } temp = h; h -> prev -> next = h -> next; h -> next -> prev = h -> prev; free(temp); return true; }
创建部分可能会比较重要:/* main.c */
#define SIZE 10
int i; DouLL * head, * n, * p; head = malloc(sizeof(DouLL)); p = head; /* p指针的作用很重要 */ p -> Item = 1; p -> prev = p -> next = NULL; for(i = 1; i < SIZE; i++) { n = malloc(sizeof(DouLL)); n -> Item = i + 1; n -> prev = p; /* 防止找不到头结点 */ p -> next = n; p = p -> next; } n -> next = NULL; /* 若要循环应改为: n -> next = head; */ head -> prev = NULL; /* head -> prev = n; */
//双向链表 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #define bool int #define true 1 #define false 0; typedef struct douLinkList { struct douLinkList * next; //下一个 struct douLinkList * prev; //前一个 int Item; }DouLL; /* 实现插入功能 */ bool InsertLL(); /* 实现删除功能 */ bool deleteLL(); bool InsertLL(DouLL * h, int X, int i) { DouLL * p; int j; j = 1; while(j < i - 1 && h) { h = h -> next; ++ j; } p = malloc(sizeof(DouLL)); p -> Item = X; p -> prev = h; p -> next = h -> next; h -> next -> prev = p; h -> next = p; return true; } bool deleteLL(DouLL * h, int X) { DouLL * temp; if(!h) { fprintf(stderr, "链表已空!\n"); return false; } while(X != h -> Item && h) { h = h -> next; } temp = h; h -> prev -> next = h -> next; h -> next -> prev = h -> prev; free(temp); return true; } int main() { char c; int i, SIZE, X; DouLL * head, * n, * p; puts("初始链表长度:"); scanf("%d", &SIZE); head = malloc(sizeof(DouLL)); p = head; p -> Item = rand() % 100 + 50; p -> prev = p -> next = NULL; for(i = 1; i < SIZE; i++) { n = malloc(sizeof(DouLL)); n -> Item = rand() % 1000 + 50; n -> prev = p; p -> next = n; p = p -> next; } n -> next = NULL; head -> prev = NULL; puts("1) 显示 2) 删除"); puts("3) 插入 4) 退出"); while(1) { c = getch(); if(c == ‘1‘) { puts("Order:"); p = head; while(p) { printf("%d ", p -> Item); p = p -> next; } printf("NULL\n"); puts("ReveOrder:"); p = n; while(p) { printf("%d ", p -> Item); p = p -> prev; } printf("NULL\n"); } if(c == ‘2‘) { printf("\n删除:"); scanf("%d", &X); p = head; deleteLL(p, X); } if(c == ‘3‘) { printf("\n插入(数据 位置):"); scanf("%d %d", &X, &i); p = head; InsertLL(p, X, i); } if(c == ‘4‘) break; } return 0; }
标签:hid and efi tde err class rtl 自己 typedef