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Becoming inspired - The 11 questions to ask yourself when you feel uninspired
@ Advanced Studio Classroom
Vol: 2017 MARCH 24
Maybe you‘re struggling to find out what it is you care most about.
Maybe you feel as if your passion, excitement, and zest for life are slipping away.
zest: enthusiasm, eagerness, energy and interest
These questions can help you pinpoint exactly what it is that inspires you.
1.If money were no object, what would I do all day?
Work that you would do for free strongly implies what activities you enjoy most and what probably comes pretty easily to you.
2.If I could be anyone for a week, who would it be?
Who we admire is a huge indicator of who we secretly wound like to become.
3.What conversation topic can I get lost in for hours?
Your most dominant chat topics are a vital sign of what excites you.
4.If I walk in a bookstore, which section am I drawn to?
This also applies to an Amazon search or even your preference for websites and blogs. What types of information do you most love to consume?
5.Who do I love to spend time with and why?
Often we are drawn to people who like us! Who are your preferred friends -- the ones who most energize you?
6.If you asked my partner/mother/best friend what I‘m best at doing, what would they say?
Let people who you love and trust tell you who you are. It‘s an eye-opening and fun experiment -- and a confidence boost.
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Becoming inspired - ASC - 2017 MARCH 24
标签:range conf glin err kill pen ping top other